Puppet Master 5
Puppet Master 5
R | 21 September 1994 (USA)
Puppet Master 5 Trailers

Sutekh, the dark pharaoh from another dimension, sends his own puppet, Totem, to continue his quest to kill Rick and steal the magic which animates the puppets.


How sad is this?

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Ella-May O'Brien

Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.

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Bumpy Chip

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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Having escaped from the hotel, the new puppet master and the remaining dolls find their encounters with the demon cult aren't over as they launch another attempt at protecting their ancient secrets forcing them all into one last battle to finally defeat the beings.This here wasn't all that bad of an effort in the series. As this one manages to follow-up on the story-line from the previous effort, in effect leading through the events of the last film to start this one off with as it deals with the ramifications of their actions dealing with the police, this one feels the most logically connected and cohesive entries here by finally giving some answers as to what's going on. There's a lot to like here about how that in itself corresponds to the different elements of the past movies with the connection found between the serum's mechanical frequencies and the gateway into the other dimension which finally solves the riddle of how they worked and why they were initially targeting the computer group from before. That also leaves the film with some enjoyable action scenes as the confrontations that arrive here come into play quite nicely against the story-line here with the majority of the film afterward dealing with the robbers' attempt to snatch them up inside the hotel and resorting to plenty of great encounters protecting themselves, leading to the demon puppet arriving along the way which generates not only their encounters with the puppets but also with the demon-puppet creature getting involved with the series of encounters in the hallways as it tracks down the group in some fun, chilling stalking scenes. Still, the majority of this time is used with the puppets in control leading to some suspenseful stalking scenes of them looking for the puppets throughout the darkened hallways of the house, the fun of the kitchen encounter with the robbers or the great sequence in the lab trying to resurrect the main doll to help them fight off the creatures, providing the big finale battle with the puppets and the demon puppet being that ends up resolving the entire story-line quite nicely. These here give this one enough to like to hold out over the few minor flaws here. The main problem here is the fact that there's quite a large amount of time here spent without bringing the demon- puppets as there's very little screen-time here that it almost makes the film forget they're even involved much in the film. There's a point where it could've easily brought them into play here as they're attacking the puppets for the main story-line and the entrance into the dimension happened quite early, so there's little excuse as for what there's little need for it to be as uninvolved as it is in that manner. That also highlights the fact that the main puppet doesn't have a whole lot of screen-time anyway as the entire film comes off like the last one where they spend the whole film trying to reanimate it when it was already alive, so it all builds up to that fight. It's a little repetitive, which is what holds this back somewhat from the previous effort.Rated R: Graphic Violence and Graphic Language.

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The fifth installment is a direct sequel to the forth movie which follows Rick Myers the current Puppet Master expressed by Andre Toulon. This movie introduces a corporation's intent to steal the puppets led by the new director of operations for the Omega Project. I found this new storyline to sit well with the main villain being Sutekh, the puppet's arch rival. I digged the writing and characters in this entry, some funny moments too but the deaths could have been better. The continuality was nice to see too bring back the two main leads from the last movie however there wasn't much new development between the two of them. The growing of characters seemed to happen with the puppets were Blade could start speaking a bit saying "Yeah!" when he was excited to go back to Bodega Bay Inn with his fellow puppets. Puppet Master 5 is a good addition to the franchise and I'd recommended it to view directly following the forth if you're going to watch it. Solid movie, long live Blade!

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I don't have much to say about Puppet Master V. It more or less treads all the waters of its predecessor. The movie takes place just after PM4. The next day in fact (they were shot back to back). Rick is being questioned by the cops (who else, the sushi bar attendents?) about the previous nights ensuing mayhem. While trying to sort out all of this crap, Rick finds out from Lauren that more puppet-related chaos is on the way.It appears Suteckh, the villian from the previous chapter, has decided he has no choice but to take things into his own hands after lastnight's failure. He transfers his power and mind into a single totem and sends it to the human realm. This doesn't settle all that well with our protagonists. A totem-puppet tustle erupts.Since this was shot right with PM4 it is more or less the same movie. Same actors, same puppets (except for Torch, who for some reason was conspicuous by his absence in the last), same villain, same everything. Which brings up a question. If Suteckh could just put himself into a totem or more, why didn't he do that in the first place? What did he want to get paid for TWO movies?I really can't find myself to recomend this to anyone except hardcore Puppet Master fans. Even a large group of them dislike. Not that it's any worse than the previous (which is unpopular as well). But it doesn't bring anything new to the table. Only for PM fans who want to see all of the pictures as part of a huge Puppethon.

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the chocolate chupacabra

First of all don't believe ALL of the harsh words that were said about this film. In my opinion it is definitely worth a try. Part six was MUCH worse. This one was creative and different as each movie in the series. I know what I am talking about; I've been a huge fan since I was a kid, I've seen all of the movies, and I even own a Blade replica. Maybe the reason why I liked this movie so much is because when I first saw it I was very young (yet at the same time an obsessed fan) and found the plot perfect for me: all of our favorite little puppets, including a very cool new one who only appears in parts four and five, are this time completely good and fighting pure evil and equally small enemies. It was neat seeing the puppets really work together, it was neat seeing them interact and communicate with humans in a friendly way for a change, and it was also neat that there was sequel that I could actually watch with my family. (keeping in mind that I was young and that the other films were much more "hard core", not that I didn't love the carnage candy myself) The point is we know that while these puppets are good they have done a million ultra-violent,perverse,maniacal, and destructive things, which makes a perfect stand off between our little anti-heros and the absolutely evil demons. And a lot of fans seem to forget that the puppets did not turn good, but in fact were always good. If you've seen part 3 you would know that they were nice people in life, and if you are a steady viewer in the puppets adventures you should notice the fact that the puppets up untill know have killed for only two reasons: survival or because their master(s) forced them to. So give the flick a try, I know that some of you will not like it but it is one of my favorites in the ever-expanding Puppet Master universe.

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