Princess Aurora
Princess Aurora
| 27 October 2005 (USA)
Princess Aurora Trailers

A woman gets killed in a department store. No one imagines this could lead to serial murders, but two days after the first murder, another homicide occurs. A woman is suffocated to death and the only evidence left at the crime scene is a sticker of the cartoon character “Princess Aurora”.


not as good as all the hype

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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I've watch a lot of korean stuff and this one is so cliché and boring, ruthless murder and the stupid cop. Story looks really really dumb, we know if this thing happen in our real world all police will catch the murderer instantly because the crime she did is not smart at all. Took a very long time to catch a stupid killer. Then, I guess all korean people are really heartless to ignore an innocent child who walking around the city and highway. This movie is so overrated, just credit for all actor because they are acting very well but the story is really dumb. I've watch too many korean movie to like this, better watch "Memories Of Murder" again and again.

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But not the best that has been produced in that land. If your looking for the revenge master, look no further than "Park Chan-Wook" (or you can put the Park at the end, like it's done in Korea) and you'll get the best! Having said that, the story presented here is not bad. Not bad at all and the acting is quite good also. But the pacing, the rhythm and the overall flair of this movie, never quite feels right. The script could've used a few rewrites and I'm pretty sure, there could've been a few better fleshed out characters. But this still is very emotional and you might not like what you see, especially concerning the ending (and yes the last sentence is intended to be understood in more than one way!)!

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Okay, so as a fan of the Korean cinema look I brought Princess Aurora... and I have to say that I was VERY impressed. It is a difficult film to watch at times, and it does take a while for the film to get going.I'm not going to put in any spoilers but if you do not want to know anything at all about the film please just accept that it is worth it and stop reading.Im trying not to sound to geeky but imagine if David Mamet (glengarry glen ross, Ronin) wrote for chan Wook Park (old boy, lady vengeance) and you would know what I mean.OK, so half an hour into the film I thought it was just another murder film, but it really is so much more.It is not perfect by any means. the police seem clumsy at times and the film gel as well as it could, but this is all for a reason, and that reason is shown in the 20 minute finale which is better than anything Hollywood can do. It is the type of ending that has you literally hiding behind a cushion one minute, then jumping up and cheering the next.If you liked lady vengeance or dark water, this is a film for you, if you like good cinema that makes you think then again this is a good movie for you.Park may be the fashionable director at the moment, and rightly so if you have seen his films, but Eun-jin Bang who directed this film is definitely one to look out for. Also, you should watch this before Hollywood remakes it, which no doubt it will at some point.I just liked the movie, and I hope more people give it a go.

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From the initial looks of the trailer and the poster Princess Aurora looked like a calculating, comic book-inspired revenge drama. While it's definitely about revenge, I think the screen writers have grown a bit lazy with this particular subject in recent times. ** The following comments contain some spoilers**Story here deals with an on and off lunatic, Jung Soon-jung, played by Jong-hwa Eom. She was a mother once, now left carrying mental scars. Meanwhile she keeps herself busy by killing off random (or aren't they?) mean people. Her deeds challenge the authority as after consecutive killings the only thing they uncover is the sticker of a cartoon character next to the victims. Maybe the investigation is stalled due to her ex-husband, a cop trying to become a pastor, working on this case. Before the film was able to get to the motives of the story I was irritated with a few things. The police work and psychology behind this case was made to look insignificant and felt undetailed and tension free for the most part. The death scenes were formidable, although a bit too easily conceived by the leading lady. The sex scene between the unmarried couple served no purpose, and instead should have focused on telling us something of their past. A particular scene in the spa where a staff member hears a noise, which people even next door couldn't, and after walking an endless corridor misses to see any traces of the killer, was quite dubious. The film eagerly tries to clinch for a deeper impact as Soon-jung captures the lawyer who trialed the serial killer to a mental institution instead of a prison. Jong-hwa displays her acting chops as she dangles him from a crane above the cops and press, while speaking in her daughter's voice. Sung-keun Moon, playing her ex-husband cop, achieves zero to nothing while noting how neglectful he was when the wife asked him to look for their child, to what he suggested that she should file a police report. The film gets down to the mechanics of the story, voyeuristically revealing the day the girl was abducted along with the people who Soon-jung thought were liable for her murder, with moderate conviction. The girl herself was left to brood the busy streets, but instead of going up to someone or getting noticed by anyone for hours, she decided to instead take a cab for which she didn't have enough fare, resulting in her getting kicked out and later picked up by the killer. But the further butchery of probability didn't stop there, as the vengeful mom got sent to the same cuckoo's nest where the killer was kept. Conveniently seated a table away from him to be exact. ** End of spoilers ** In conclusion, Princess Aurora was an unconvincing revenge film which might have gotten some slack 5-6 years ago, but now it gets crushed by the opposition. 2005, which early on seemed like a candidate for a year as remarkable as 2003 and 2004 in Korean Cinema, provided fewer truly remarkable features, but here's hoping for a better, stronger 2006.

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