Prime Cut
Prime Cut
R | 28 June 1972 (USA)
Prime Cut Trailers

A group of ruthless Chicago mob enforcers are sent to Kansas City to settle things with the owner of a slaughterhouse who has taken money that is not his to keep.


What makes it different from others?

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Instant Favorite.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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I was not going to write a review for this movie but this might be the best place for an opinion......... In particular, there is a scene where Marvin takes Spacek to a hotel/motel dining room and her gown is completely diaphanous -- i.e., transparent -- from top to bottom with some strategically placed ruffles front and back at and below the waist. Actually, with her character's apparent upbringing to become a sex-slave of a high bidder, she could be excused for not realizing how inappropriate the gown was for a public dining room. But Marvin can't use the same excuse. Also, Marvin's apparent unease that a man at a nearby table is staring and Marvin's stare-down of the man is pretty ridiculous. The waiters act as if everyone comes to dinner virtually naked.I enjoyed the movie, though. Everyone put in a good performance -- even the cannon fodder.....

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Michael Ritchie's lurid--maybe vile is the better choice--gangster against gangster flick, Prime Cut is beyond description because, 30+ years after seeing it, I still don't know what kind of movie it was trying to be.Let's see. We have a grizzled he-man, gentleman hit-man in Lee Marvin, a rapist-pillager with a woman's name in Gene Hackman, a Hackman brother who reminded me of the goons in the old Popeye cartoons, and a young woman who is so surreal in her beauty (Sissy Spacek) that there is no way she could have been brought up in an orphanage specifically to be sold as a sex slave. There's meat-packing, milk-tasting, white-slaving, and the Cadillac Fleetwood getting eaten by a thresher. Don't forget the Irish mobsters, all loyalty and mother's love, Hackman sneering at Chicago being a rotten old sow looking for fresh cream (I kid you not), and that dinner with Marvin's Nick Devlin and Poppy (Spacek).I might get an argument from some about the natural loveliness of a young Spacek. Those eyes could just burn holes through you. I don't know her life story, but I'm wondering if she, as a kid, would turn that look on, and she would get whatever she wanted. In Prime Cut, for some reason, Ritchie puts Spacek--who knows nothing about proper, adult manners in a restaurant, or propriety in clothing choices, for that matter--in a nice, at-the-top-of-a-hotel eatery across from Marvin. He shows her which utensils to use and when. He gives her fatherly smiles of calming encouragement. He gives an I'm-going-to-kill-you look to a middle-aged man who is staring at Spacek. Her gown is see-through. Now, don't get me wrong. For years this has been my favorite part of Prime Cut, the care and feeding of the iguana residing inside my old brain. But the more I think about it, using my upper primate- hairless ape brain, the more appalled I am at this scene.Spacek is a victim of sexual slavery. She has been purchased by Marvin to save her. He dresses her, feeds her, reassures her, then parades her into a restaurant wearing something that covers only her lap. Marvin doesn't rape Spacek, but it's that feeling that he's showing off a fresh piece of meat to the world, that he has power and authority. Kind of like a "benign dictator."If you can get your iguana to settle down, you may find that the restaurant scene ruins the movie.I've found myself hating Prime Cut because of its almost- pornographic attention to throwing in anything and everything amoral just to get a rise out of the audience.But Prime Cut is almost a traffic-accident in its ability to draw your attention. It's the rescue aspect of the story, mixed in with the good-bad guys sent to discipline the bad-bad guys tension, the weird names for Hackman and Gregory Walcott, the evil lure of seeing all those drugged, naked girls for sale in pens, Lee Marvin sent to do a job for Eddie Egan wearing white bucks, the way you'll never really feel comfortable eating wieners again, Spacek's innocent appreciation of Marvin's benevolence while you and the guy at the next table are staring at her nipples, the shooting of the fat guy in the combine, the masticulation of the Caddy, and that moment when I knew Prime Cut was beyond classification, when Marvin looks down in disgust at Hackman's plate at the girl sale.He states/asks/accuses, "You eat guts."I have weird dreams on a regular basis, nothing bad, just weird. I wake up rested but feeling a little disjointed, and sometimes the dreams are so vivid, it takes a moment for me to return to reality.Prime Cut is like one of my dreams, only I have to go searching for it (on average, once every two to three years) instead of it coming to me.And, as far as Sissy Spacek's nipples are concerned, why do you think I sleep on my side instead of on my back?

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Prime Cut (1972) *** (out of 4) Fun crime picture has a Chicago enforcer (Lee Marvin) heading to Kansas City where an evil cattle baron (Gene Hackman) owes the big boys some money but he doesn't plan on cutting them in on his business. PRIME CUT is a film that not too many people know, which is pretty surprising when you consider how popular these type of crime films are. Not to mention the film is probably the only one in history to feature three Oscar winners as well as a man who appeared in PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE. Overall director Michael Ritchie does a very good job at keeping the picture running very smoothly and while the picture certainly has some flaws, it's still a highly entertaining and at times sleazy picture. One of the highlights come early on when Marvin and his men show up at a "cattle" auction only to discover that Hackman has a major business of selling off women. The women, all in cages like cattle, serve up quite the image. The film also manages to have some great violence, although none of it really goes over-the-top or gets too graphic. There's a terrific sequence during a fair as well as another in a sunflower field. I'm not going to ruin either sequences but they contain some nice suspense. Of course, one of the greatest aspects is the terrific cast. While each cast member has been better in other movies, there's no doubt that it's still very fun to see them all together. Marvin and Hackman really appear to be having fun in their roles and we also get Angel Tompkins in a brief role as the woman who was with both of them. Sissy Spacek appears in a pretty thankless role but it's still fun seeing her. Gregory Walcott, a veteran of Edward D. Wood, Jr., appears as one of the major bad guys. As I said, there are certainly some flaws including the entire relationship between Marvin and Spacek but fans of 70's crime pictures will still want to check this out.

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Kieran Green

'Prime Cut' puts two celluloid giants together Lee Marvin and Gene Hackman, Marvin plays an enforcer from the windy city (Chicago) whose sent out to Kansas to put an end to meat magnate and also flesh peddler of young woman 'Mary Ann'! (Hackman) who is a force to be reckoned with to an extent where he turns his rivals in to sausage meat! a pre-'Carrie' Sissy Spacek stars as the innocent 'Poppy' who is a pawn in Hackmans lurid game. 'Prime Cut' Directed by Michael Ritchie is nothing short of a gem, it's nothing short of amazing, it's unconventional and uncompromising in it's approach but it's one hell of a great shoot em' up! which has excellent wide screen photography.

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