| 16 April 2010 (USA)
Prasthanam Trailers

Chinna, a young man, hates Mitra, his stepbrother, who is loyal and obedient to Loki, their father, who gives him preference in politics. Chinna finds different ways to exact revenge from Mitra.


Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Dreadfully Boring

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Taha Avalos

The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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Is it right to be held for 2 and half hours to see a many destroy himself not with guilt but with fear. And a fearful man be portrayed as a man with ideals.Who has the faith to go the distance is the one who can stumble upon any heads and destroy anything for his own selfishness. This is the way I thought after I had seen it. The movie is about family feud that is bestowed upon them by a deed of one of the key members who becomes a heir and a strong man. His fault was to misread people and thus bring upon his own destruction. Did I tell the whole plot, or partially I do not know but I recommend this movie to be seen for dialogues. The dialogues are exemplary and delivered superbly by Sai Kumar (Lok Nath) and Sharwanand played within his own self though at times his limitations were shown. Other did their bit just to complement the characters. Editing is bad and lot many scenes even if cut would not have made actual difference oh, please remove the romantic songs throw them off. Cinematography is commendable, not only in showing the feudal politics but also in showing us emotions and bringing characters alive. The music does its bit in background and background songs are good too. Yet, there are many points the film missed in identifying. It actually included a lot many scenes just to justify characters is that necessary is what I ask the director, may be for Telugu Audience yes, but I am one of the rotten lot or can I make a character in a few scenes and not too many, I think 2 scenes of consistency or 2 scenes of variation will bring out a character but here it revels in showing nearly 20 scenes to show us how corrupt and how selfish he is. But I would give in for most, yet a half hearted attempt that baked in a lot of unwanted songs just to make it 'COMMERCIAL' this is compromised cinema and I dislike such attempts. An average 2/5 for the effort by director and for acting by Sai Kumar and good cinematography. All else is as routine as a gangster movie.Do watch 'Road to Perdition' and 'Godfather' please.

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Despite all it's faults- the shitty and unnecessary songs, a very bad romantic angle which is incongruous with the story and some poor jokes - despite all of that, Prasthanam is without doubt, one of the greatest Telugu movies ever made. And even if we compare it on a global level, with other political thrillers in English, Hindi and other languages, this movie deserves a place in top 50.So what makes Prasthanam, so great a movie? 1) Story - The actual story begins in the second half, and the viewer who has been taken on a bicycle ride until then, is taken on a roller-coaster ride of twists and turns. But, unlike ordinary thrillers, behind these twists and turns, the three central themes of the movie - jealousy, corruption of character by greed for power, father's love - play out beautifully and come to their blossom fittingly in the climax - like a perfect Christopher Nolan movie.2) Dialogues - No words to describe those dialogs. They are so powerful. So profound. So deep. Especially the ones in the climax. Hearing each one of them delivered by the deep voice of Sai Kumar gives you goose bumps. These are the dialogs to die for. You can watch the movie however many times just for these.3) Acting - The three main characters are played to their utmost perfection by the actors Sai Kumar, Sarwanand and Sundeep Kishan. Especially the portrayal of the complex character by Sai Kumar is beyond the boundaries of imaginary perfection. I wonder, why he didn't get a national award for best actor.4) Character of Father - Never in Telugu movie history, was a character as complex, had so many shades and yet at the same time, so realistic as that of this central character. It has father's love, greed for power, guilt and loyalty - shades that are so against each other - but which are so beautifully blended and built in this character by the director, that this factor alone would make the movie a timeless classic.So, why didn't Prasthanam win any national award or why was it not the Indian entry for Oscars. I have no idea!!! I can only think that it's because of the faults I mentioned in the first paragraphs. But one expects that the judges who are supposed to be esteemed critics of movies and know their ins-and-outs, would happily overlook these small hurdles on the road to cinematic wonder provided by Prasthanam.

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Bhargav Pinni

For a movie to have a feel good feeling with the audience, I believe the script and screenplay play a big role. There have been many films in the recent past, though not having a tight story line have fared well and people have liked them. But I would say that PRASTHANAM is not such a kind of movie. An intense movie with a very tight screenplay and exceptionally good script. By far, Prasthanam would be setting a new trend. I have always admired directors who work hard for their screenplay rather than depending on the starcast. Deva Katta has come out with an extraordinary film extracting the actors potential to their maximum.The strength of the movie lies in its simple nature and its striking resemblance with our normal life. The hero and the characters are not supernatural beating down 10-12 goons with a push of his hand or doing extraordinary feats. I have to admit I have seen many people in my real life portraying the differt shades showed in the film. Dialogues by Devi Katta were were intense and emotionally provoking. It is for such films people await for. I definitely feel this film should be watched by everyone..:)

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bharat pantula

they say, the beauty of a movie lies in the way it's written. that's why you mostly never get awed by the beauty of an Indian film. it is one of those rare movies that are very well written barring a few minor glitches. technically good, this movie explains why some Indian films don't need just can't camouflage a drama in the name of a musical.Prasthanam, written and directed by: Deva Katta.Mitra, the good - Sharwanand Loki, the bad - Sai Kumar Chinna, the ugly - Sundeep Kishan.this movie in every sense is not a masterpiece, but what makes it the most important in Telugu cinema is that the way the writer decides to take three morally different characters and throw them in to the desert of politics, where only one's true intentions can help him.

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