Plastic Planet
Plastic Planet
| 15 September 2009 (USA)
Plastic Planet Trailers

Werner Boote presents an up-close and personal view of the controversial and fascinating material that has found its way into every facet of our daily lives: plastic. He takes us on a journey around the globe, showing that plastics have become a threat for both environment and human health.


In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.

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This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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b W

Two types of people. One type is naturally destructive in some way or all ways and the other type builds or repairs in some way or all ways. This film is an example of what happens when the world is imbalanced in some way. Common sense, common good and balance. I am glad that someone reported the review that plainly stated that there are too many people and that they should be eliminated in some way. Where does that come from as a solution? That is a failure and a cycle of sickness that we must overcome. We are far too great to be limiting ourselves to life on one planet really. Does it make sense that with an endless cosmos filled with galaxies and universes that we should be so fearful of solving a very obvious problem? Will we be controlled to death by greedy, controlling psychopaths so eager to herd us to only one conclusion each and every time? Creative apocalypse. Justifiable genocide. There is a pattern. We have to wake up to that belief. There is a power greater than anger or violence. The information in this film is inspirational to people that have the sense to be inspired. As evil as someone may wish to believe they are, without good food, clean air, clean water, rewards, love, companionship and accomplishment they will cease to exist and proves that evil is inherently flawed. The fact is we are being controlled to death when we should be educated and instructed to make responsible decisions. Instead we are taught to fear the unknown that may lose control and explode at any time. This leads us to believe that we are weak and that we should huddle in a dysfunctional, passive aggressive way, beaten into submission and taught that we deserve to be disrespected. A reasonable amount of respect for everything is what this film is hinting and all films that are similar. We need solutions for the protagonists and solutions for the antagonists just to be fair. This film is not perfect and wasn't meant to be but it gets the point across.

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Watching this inspires horror in normal people. The beaches in Japan the junk dredged from sea water. You feel like we are burying the planet in garbage. (Something that anyone with eyes in their heads already knows.)Where the documentary fails is when it starts asserting things like the sperm count in humans is down 40% from a generation ago. This sort of unbelievable comment adds a lunatic fringe element to this horrible problem. It is quite enough that we are ruining habitats there is absolutely no need to add this sort of unbelievable nonsense.The experts cited are unknowns from minor institutions--reproductive biologists from Spokane State etc... This further weakens these unneeded arguments. If they had used Harvard or MIT or NIH experts it would have made a difference. Finally the film drags on too long it needs editing.I hate the use of plastic and this documentary should have stuck to the polluting and harming of animals it would have been much more effective. Also making multi national evil boogie men is too cliché 60s stuff and marks it politically which alienates a lot of people.I did like its breathless style where it transitions instantly from Shanghai to Colorado that was impressive.It is pity it comes off overall as boring and weak because we are burying the planet in harmful waste not just plastics...heavy waste..electronic debris... old furniture concrete GARBAGE PERIOD on and on and on...A product of there being just too many people.And there is no solution except maybe a catastrophic ice age or some such thing. I actually hope for that to save the planet and all the other life that lives here.

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Plastic Planet is Werner Boote's documentary about the dangers of plastic . In this Documentary , Werner Boote , the grand son of an ex boss of plastic industry, seeks some answer about the dangers of plastic on human health .He goes in factory areas ,but the majority of companies refuse his camera . To illustrate the plastic invasion , he choose three families everywhere in the world , and these families show all plastic objects . It's an interesting documentary , just a bit too long ant repetitive ant it made to scare persons looking this movie . It's a universal public documentary , just need to understand all things . In conclusion , I think all people have to see this film , but with other persons to have a discussion later .

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Plastic Planet is a documentary about the pollution of plastic. It's a movie by Werner Boote shot in 2008. In the movie we can see the different problems of plastic with some interviews in different countries. There are families who we shot different things in plastic in our their house.In my opinion, this movie is too long because when he interviews people it's boring. But I think that this film opens our eyes on the truth about plastic. This movie scares because after having see it, we see plastic everywhere : in our house, in hour car …The strong points of this movie are that Plastic Planet said the truth about plastic, because a lot of people don't know. And for the third times, this movie opens our eyes! This film is interesting and everybody can see it. It's must-see !The bad points of Plastic Planet are that the interviews are boring because people say the same things, and the movie is too long.End credits: Title : plastic Planet Genre : Documentary Productor : Werner Boote u:universal for everybody Rating : *** Year : 2008

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