Pillars of the Sky
Pillars of the Sky
NR | 12 October 1956 (USA)
Pillars of the Sky Trailers

First Sergeant Emmett Bell faces off with Apache chieftain Kamiakin in this nuanced portrayal of racial tensions between Native Americans and white settlers in 1860s Oregon Country.


Well Deserved Praise

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Just so...so bad

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A lot of fun.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Directed by veteran George Marshall, this generally excellent western was partially based on the novel "Frontier Fury", by the noted writer of Western novels: Will Henry, in turn, largely based on a historic battle, given various names, between a confederacy of various tribes of Eastern Oregon and Washington and a US army unit, commanded by Colonel Steptoe(Stedlow in the film). This was seen as a defeat by the greatly outnumbered army unit, although hardly the semi-massacre suggested in the film. The official stats suggest only abut 10% of the soldiers were killed or wounded, which about equals the rough estimate for the Indians. The prominent characters played by Ward Bond(Holden) and Jeff Chandler(Sgt. Bell)are fictional, as relates to the main battle. However, Bond's missionary pastor/doctor clearly is mostly based on Marcus Whitman, who was long before invited by the Indians to establish a mission near present Walla Walla. He was murdered, as part of a general massacre and abduction of Europeans, after the Indians noticed that his European patients were much more likely to survive a measles outbreak than his Indian patients. This incident, which occurred a decade before the 1858 battle featured in the film, is represented by the Indian attack on the mission complex, in which Bond(Holden) is shot dead by the chief of the hostile Indians: Kamiakin. Thus, the film blends these two chronologically disconnected historical themes into a single story. Why was this story characterized as happening in 1868 instead of the actual '58? to justify the advanced firearms used? Although the outspoken chief Kamiakin dies in the film, in fact, like Chief Crazy Horse, this long important belligerent never died in battle. He was well played by Michael Ansara, who makes several impressive speeches in councils.I only wish that the film had spent some time dramatizing the remarkable escape of the army group, being surrounded by a much larger number of Indians, much like Custer. It only alludes to such in a discussion of plans, then suddenly we are back at the mission. The film very well dramatizes their difficult flight to relocate on a chunk of ancient earth crust elevated 1000 feet above the rolling Palouse Hills, while being pursued by Indians. However, after 10 hours of fighting, their ammunition and water was about exhausted. If the Indians had known this, they could have pretty well finished them off with a concerted night attack. instead, as discussed in the film, an army scout located a weak spot in the Indian's siege, revealed by a campfire count. Thus, a nocturnal escape attempt through this area was decided upon, with rain as an additional obscuring factor. Amazingly, it worked, and they marched an incredible 90 miles in 24 hours to safety, while the Indians concentrated on gathering the equipment they left behind, once their escape was discovered. As in the film, the main Indian allies of the Europeans were the Nez Perce, who greeted the retreating army. The army and Nez Perce would, in time, become adversaries, as dramatized in "I Will Fight No More".The outdoor scenes were filmed mostly in the NE corner of Oregon, rather close to where the historical action took place. Incidentally, 'Pillars of the Sky' refers to the mountain ranges in this region, we presumably getting an occasional look at the Wallowa range. At this time(1858), the Indians were being besieged by gold prospectors and homesteaders, as suggested in the film. Chandler(Bell) begins with very adversarial relationships with the elderly Stedlow(Willis Bouchey) and his subordinate officer captain Gaxton. These relationships morphed into mostly mutual respects during and after the big battle. Gaxton and Bell were at odds over Caxton's estranged wife Calla(Dorothy Malone), who shows up as a survivor of an Indian attack on a wagon. This fickle woman claims she never loved Gaxton and has long loved the hard-drinking Bell. Then, during and after the big battle, she changes her mind, admitting that it was mostly her fault that she and Gaston didn't get along well in the past.Several reviewers complain that the big action scene comes too late to maintain interest in the film to that point. However, in reality, battles were very often preceded by attempts to settle issues by negotiations, which is what the first 45 min of the film is mostly about, along with working out the differences between various army officers. When I think of other Westerns of this era, many had only one big battle, and it occurred late in the film. Thus, I don't see this film as being out of line in that respect. Besides, this was quite a lengthy battle scene, the real battle lasting 10 hours, until darkness. Thus, the reported casualties were actually remarkably few, with this consideration. It was pointed out at this web site that the Indians actually rode bareback or on blankets, in contrast to most westerns, where a saddle was often hidden under a blanket.I don't have any major complaints about the many players, except perhaps Dorothy. Instead of playing an actual Indian chief, as he did in several other films, Chandler plays an army officer quite sympathetic to the plight of the Indians, rather like John Wayne's character in "Fort Apache", for example. I thought he was quite adequate for his role, as was Bouchey as Stedlow. Ward Bond has one of his best roles. I also liked him in "Wagon Masters". There were actually too many characters for me to keep them all straight. Presently available at YouTube, as well as an expensive DVD. Amazingly, I rated this higher than "The Searchers" I'll stick with that.

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You're always in for a treat when you watch a Universal made B western or B movie even,there's a lot to be said for films like THE BATTLE AT APACHE PASS,TOMAHAWK,WAR ARROW,WINCHESTER 73 and THE CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON,but Pillars of the sky(also known as The Tomahawk and the cross)is different from all the rest.Let me begin by saying it is one fantastic western,it has a brilliant storyline,wonderfully filmed scenes and brilliant action sequences,but what makes it unique is it's Christian undertones,which is a good thing as this works very well,George Marshall did an great job at directing some of the scenes,but i will talk about these later.But first,the plot. In Oregon in 1868,all the native American tribes living in that area have been moved onto reservations and are learning to live in peace with the white man,a preacher played by Ward Bond(whom some of you may remember as Burt the cop from It's a wonderful life)has converted many of the indians to Christianity and baptises them giving them biblical names,all is going well but Chief Kamiakin and some Indian braves want to return to ways of war and seize their chance when the army decides to build a road through the reservation for white settlers,breaking the treaty.Kamiakin persuades the other indians to renounce their Christian faith and fight alongside him against the white man and when they do,so beings killing and misery,Sergeant Emmet Bell(JEFF CHANDLER)is sent out to stop the bloodshed and prevent a war.So i'll come back to what i was saying earlier,some of the scenes are magnificently done,like the scene when Sgt Bell confronts the Indian chiefs and angrily berates them for renouncing their faith and killing needlessly and the final scene when he reads from the bible before praying is so powerful and moving and very well directed.Now you can see why this is different from all the other B westerns.But a B western wouldn't be a B western without a couple of excellent action scenes,and Pillars of the sky really does deliver in the action department,there are a few small shootouts but it's the epic battle scene in the middle of the film which is the highlight.It's stands out from a lot of the other battle scenes that i have seen,it's fantastic,the indians charge the soldiers but are in turn blasted into oblivion by a couple of Cannons,then all of the soldiers and their wagons race up a hill whilst being chased and shot at but the wagons tumble over and crash in the process and at the same time the soldiers engage the indians in swordfights and shootouts.Its one epic battle scene which must have taken great dedication and care to film.All in all one gem of a western,highly recommended,thanks to Pegasus it has been released onto DVD but it's extremely rare so if you ever see it buy it,but when you talk of all the great westerns,you will talk of Pillars of the sky.10/10.

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alexandre michel liberman (tmwest)

George Marshall sure knew how to make westerns like Destry rides Again, Texas, Destry, and Sam Rolfe could write a great screenplay like he did in The Naked Spur. Pillars in the Sky could have been an excellent western and there are same great combat scenes also an interesting love triangle with Dorothy Malone married to Capt Tom Gaxton (Keith Andes) but wanting to leave him for Sgt Emmet Bell (Jeff Chandler). What does not work in the film is how quickly the Native American characters change sides rushing to an happy ending. Also in its treatment of religion, considering that in order to make peace the Natives were forced to speak English, attend church, and leave tribal traditions behind. No doubt that many would embrace Christianism willingly, but to leave their traditions behind (like rejecting their original names as shown in the film) deserved more elaboration.

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Neil Doyle

Slow-paced story gets off to a ponderous start with too much talk and too little action, with only some gorgeous scenery for eye comfort. The fault seems to be George Marshall's sluggish direction of a uniformly bland cast.All of the actors go through their paces in rather standard roles, including JEFF CHANDLER, KEITH ANDES, WARD BOND and LEE MARVIN and for a western that promises some action when the plot thickens, it's a good half-hour before the conflict between cavalry and Indians provides any thrills.DOROTHY MALONE has the only substantial female role, as a woman no longer in love with her husband. In make-up and hairstyle, she looks and acts more as though she's a woman of modern times rather than frontier days. The romantic triangle (Malone, Chandler, Andes) is a weak one.The big set piece is the Indian attack that occurs an hour into the film and wipes out most of the command. It's well staged and vigorously mounted for western action. But it comes too late to alter the slow pacing of most of the story which is either Marshall's or the scriptwriter's fault.A minor quibble: All of the night scenes have a soundstage look to them, in sharp contrast to all the daytime locations.Summing up: Lackluster western needed the John Ford touch from George Marshall, with Lee Marvin and his Irish accent less than credible in the sort of supporting role Victor McLaglen usually played. Nothing more than average.

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