| 02 October 1966 (USA)
Pharaoh Trailers

Young Pharaoh Ramses XIII clashes with Egypt's clergy over influence on the affairs of the state and its coffers. inexperienced, but quite ambitious pharaoh is putting up a fight against a powerful clan of priests usurping rule over the country.


Wonderfully offbeat film!

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What a waste of my time!!!

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One of the worst movies I've ever seen

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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a subtle, bitter, cruel, cold story about the power. admirable adaptation of one of the important Polish novels of XIX century. and support of reflection about force of decisions and the value of good intentions. short, a great fascinating work. who impress not only for acting or costumes, fights and tension but for the realistic rebuild of an Egypt who becomes more than historical lesson. its grace, its terrible force of image and dialog, the new sense of a language who is perfect cloth for the story are virtues of a film who remains, almost half century, fascinating. and useful for understand history as a strange vehicle.

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It is a tale about power and politics and it is close to the Greek tragedy where there is no right choice. It is about Religion and about State - but there are no references to the history of Poland and the particular relation of Catholic Church and the Polish State. Please do not force it into a shape that it does not fit at all.And by the way the characterization of the priests as corrupt is a misunderstanding - this is only how the immature and rather shortsighted main character sees them.I have seen that film many times, since it is replayed quite often by the public TV here, I loved it's style since the first time - but I regarded it as a rather boring. It's only recently that I've found interest in it's main subject and that changed my attitude.

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Diego Rodrí­guez

This is the kind of movies which impression lasts more than you may expect. That is because FARAON throws fundamental questions about power, religion and a not so usual element in the movies, economy. And from a very realistic approach, surrounded by intrigues and superstition. That was, probably, the world in Ancient Egypt.The cinematography goes flawless, with powerful visuals, and slow pace. Performance conveys audience to states of anguish, uncertainty, fear, rage, and often sensuality, with a perfect theatrical top class acting, and economy of means.Only the music from Adam Walacinski lags a bit behind, and would benefit from some more ambition.A classic from 1966 which track no other movie has followed.

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I never liked this endlessly boring epic. Many times I tried to sit through this long work of Mr. Kawalerowicz, and was always deeply disappointed. This excellent film director shines in his recent master work Quo Vadis? but here in his early attempt he mostly drowned us in deadly slow and painfully dull description of the Ramses XIII's struggle against the church clergy. It seems that the film was attempted to be a grand picture, but even the battle scene and the episode of the old pharaoh's embalmed are so slow, so melancholic as if the whole film crew got sun burnt in the Egyptian sands. Other hilarious moments include the impossibly funny wigs that divert all the attention from the play, the poor performance of the main hero and the ruthlessly long dialogs between the clergy members. If you want a film that will make you feel sleepy, go for it!

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