Paradise: Hope
Paradise: Hope
| 22 February 2013 (USA)
Paradise: Hope Trailers

Her mother in Kenya, 13-year-old Melanie spends her summer vacation at a strict diet camp set in the Austrian countryside. Between workouts and nutrition classes, pillow fights and first cigarettes, she falls in love with a doctor 40 years her senior.


People are voting emotionally.

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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For my taste, this is the worst of the trilogy. And that is already difficult. In the others there was a small story, but it is that in this there is not even that.I still do not know what the title of hope is coming from, what hope? The sequences are eternal. They never end. But they do not count anything. They are repetitive. Tell the same thing over and over again. On this occasion, only at the end begins to tell something different and is lost and no longer counts.Would we say the actors are okay? Well, counting that it is not known that it is counted and that many planes are without dialogue. The actors are.Not that it is boring, not that it has a slow tempo, is that to know that you have to see a story and thus you see how the account, but it is that there is no history nor there is nothing.Photography, like the rest, does not count either. But it is normal as it will be if there is no story. He has nothing to tell.The direction, telling that he is not directing anything, that he does not know that he is counting, that he only knows to roll in general plane and never moves the camera, nor does he change the plane never, although it is necessary. Someone put the camera in the bottom of each place and there it stayed.If with the others you seem to have wasted time with this, it is clear

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Ulirch Seidl's 'Paradise' trilogy focuses on female unhappiness: the first two movies were almost unwatchably painful, as they charted their protagonists' unfortunate plights and self-harming behaviour. The third film is not quite so gloomy, although its title 'Hope' is almost certainly meant ironically, but there is hope here, if only because it's younger characters still have the chance to turn around their lives. Equally, the film's purpose seems a little less clear than its predecessors: some overweight, but basically normal teenagers attend a weight-loss camp, where they face a measure of abuse from the adults who run it. The most poignant moment in the film comes when the lead character, the daughter of the protagonist in the first film, desperately calls her mother (who we know to be trapped in her own form of hell), a sign of a human bond that has hitherto not been revealed. Overall, it's still hard to know what to make of the trilogy, except as a series of observations on quite how hard it is to make meaningful connections with those around us.

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Reno Rangan

The third and final movie of the 'Paradise' trilogy which sets in the summer holiday. Just like the previous two movies this one happens to the parallel timeline but in different locations with different theme and people. The movie which unfolds the story of 'Hope' of a teen girl and her summer vacation at weight loss camp. She was left there by her aunt and before that by her mother in her aunt's house. So all the three movies were interconnected by the characters from one family. And this, the last movie of the trilogy briefs the teenagers issues especially the fat ones and their perspective.The 13 year old Melanie was sent to the weight loss camp in her summer holiday as per the agreement from her mother. As she joins the others from the camp her innocence seemed to be gone. Unexpectedly she undergoes her first love experience and expects to lose her virginity. On the other side of the story, the friends hangout and partying at late night puts further trouble to her relationship with whom she considered her boyfriend.This final episode of the trilogy portrayed from a girl's angle which definitely stands as the title promised. The director again did not hesitate to give his new and experimental approach to the problems faced by the people in the contemporary world. His bold attempt is what gave us the three spectacular movies which deals on the different contents and characters. Definitely such movies are not made to make money. But to show the people from different parts of the world about the direction of travelling new culture over the old. These movies are not for entertainment, if you are aware what you watching and what's the purpose of it then you won't be a disappoint much. Like I said three movies, three different locations, three different people and for three different audiences (unless you are a movie buff who watch all the three).

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Sindre Kaspersen

Austrian screenwriter, producer and director Ulrich Seidl's fifth feature film which he co-wrote with screenwriter Veronika Franz and co-produced, is the last part of his partly theological Paradise trilogy which was preceded by "Paradise: Love" (2012) and Paradise: Faith" (2012). It premiered In competition at the 63rd Berlin International Film Festival in 2013, was shot on location in Austria and is a Austria-Germany-France co-production which was produced by producers Philippe Bober and Christine Ruppert. It tells the story about a 13-year-old girl named Melanie who whilst her mother named Teresa is on vacation in Kenya is taken to a diet camp by her aunt named Anna Maria where she befriends a girl named Verena and takes a liking to a doctor.Precisely and statically directed by European filmmaker Ulrich Seidl, this quietly paced fictional tale which is narrated from multiple viewpoints though mostly from the main character's point of view, draws a heartrending portrayal of a girl's experiences whilst participating in a residential program. While notable for its naturalistic milieu depictions, distinct production design by production designers Andreas Donhauser and Renate Martin, cinematography by American cinematographer Edward Lachman and Austrian cinematographer Wolfgang Thaler and use of colors, this somewhat character-driven and dialog-driven story about friendship and hope depicts a mindful study of character where the rare humor occurs as a result of the at times rhythmic and subtle continuity.This humane, involving and somewhat surreal sequel which is set mostly at a weight loss resort in Austria and where an adolescent girl begins looking for the same thing that her mother is looking for in Kenya, is impelled and reinforced by its cogent narrative structure, substantial character development, colorful characters, sparse dialog and the reverent and commendable acting performances by actress Melanie Lenz in her debut feature film role, Austrian actor Joseph Lorenz and actress Verena Lehbauer. A minimalistic, characteristic, sociological and atypical coming-of-age drama where Ulrich Seidl's dystopic universe which may not be for all tastes and where he has gone to the extremities of humanity with a bittersweet, realistic and somewhat bleak though far from melancholic point of view comes to an end.

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