NR | 07 March 2008 (USA)
Otis Trailers

After being captured and tortured by the psychopath Otis, teen cheerleader Riley Lawson escapes and informs her parents, who quickly sidestep sluggish FBI agents and take matters into their own hands. But the Lawsons' revenge plan hits a snag when Otis's unusual brother enters the picture.


Fresh and Exciting

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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Watching a movie is a lot like meeting people. Most of the time, you know a little bit about them and your just interested to meet. A girl walks by and catches your eye. You sit next to someone on the bus and they're reading a book you like. Sometimes it's a person everybody's been talking about and you just got to meet! Sometimes they're part of a DVD double feature with Dr. Giggles.Most of the time, you talk a little bit, share a few stories, depart, go on with your life, and think back later on in life and vaguely remember meeting. Or maybe it's a gradual thing, and takes a little while until you realize how much you like them. Sometimes it's going well at first, but then things take a wrong turn and you decide you have no intention of seeing this person again. Every once and a while, that magic spark happens and you want know this person for the rest of your life. And then there are the people who, after knowing them for mere moments, you've decided that you absolutely loath this person completely, and the next 1 hour and 40 minutes only reinforce this original gut reaction. Otis, unfortunately, falls into the final category, but it is a struggle to remember a person in my life who I hated so instantaneously and consistently.I'll start with the cinematography, which was the first thing to tip me off. I hated it immediately and I don't think there was a single shot in the entire movie that I thought was interesting, creative, or pleasing. I'm not saying it was terrible in the sense that they were incompetent, because you could take any still from the movie and you couldn't say that it was necessarily wrong, but it was just a little too right. It was like the Stepford Wives of cinematography, all sparkly and nice on the outside, but soulless.I could spend some time criticizing the acting, but that would be a little too easy. It was so uniformly bad across the board that the blame should probably be placed at the feet of a higher power, i.e. the director. You can hate a hat, but you ultimately have to question the person who decided to put that ugly thing on their head. So many, many bad decisions. The tone, the "comedy", the complete lack of anything even remotely resembling suspense or tension. Was it their intention to have zero characters that had anything identifiable as a human emotion? Isn't that a pretty much universally known theatrical staple? You can have all the zaniness you want, but you need to have that one person to the play the straight man, so the audience could, you know, invest some emotion into this thing.I could nitpick this movie forever, but just like it is with people, when you like someone, the things they do are cute, and when you don't like them, the things they do are annoying. After all, I did rent the DVD for the Dr. Giggles half of the double feature.. How could I enjoy Dr. Giggles so much yet hate Otis so thoroughly? Are they really that different? Well, maybe Dr. Giggles is a girl I'd like to marry and Otis is her bitchy sister, or more likely, one is a girl when you're drunk at the bar, and the other is the same girl the next morning without your beer goggles on.

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This movie was really great,I recommend this to anyone and everyone. The movie starts off really fast. At no point in the movie is it slow or boring. I enjoyed every minute of it. Turns out a 40 year old psycho path kidnaps and later kills teenage girls if they don't play along with his little game of being his girlfriend. Im guessing that his brother got the girl Kim in high school and Otis ends up being the loser brother-in-law who is still obsessed with Kim. It was quite interesting, the twist kept me wanting to see what was gonna happen next. So after Riley escapes and contacts her family. Her family decides to take matters into their own hands and kill Otis, but they end up killing his brother instead. After finding out they killed the wrong person the family feels guilty. the FBI agent is a mess; completely hilarious he finds the tape of the family murdering the brother, whom he thinks is Otis and decides not to rat the family out. Once the family is home, the brother calls and orders a pizza knowing that Otis is the pizza guy. The brother then collects a shotgun, when Otis arrives, Riley's brother shoots him and then the mother congratulates him on the kill. This movie was really good I enjoyed every minute of it. The family was great. So any and everybody try to see this movie.

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I was compelled to write an entry here only because of all the negative reviews I read BEFORE I watched this movie. I almost didn't bother with it because so many people put in their two cents worth and gave it a thumbs down. I'm so glad I watched it regardless. This movie is highly underrated and I believe the reason for this is that there are so many people who don't get that it is a Black Comedy. It is a social satire with a statement about the desensitization of the American white middle-class to the violence that is so pervasive in their (our) society. Either that or it is just plain funny as hell but also very sick and disturbing. It's a fine line between black comedy and bad taste but the director manages to pull it off. I would have rated it higher except that the ending was unfulfilling, but sets things up nicely for Otis II (which I will be hoping to see soon).

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I don't even know why I'm taking the time to comment on one of the worst films I have ever seen in my life. Honestly, right now, I can't remember anything that has been so awful in the past few years, decades even... Here's why:This movie has absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, that should make you watch it. The scenario is entirely predictable, the actors are shockingly boring, the suspense is inexistent, all the dialogues are empty, the violence is unmotivated, oh my god!! But what is wrong with this film??? If you haven't seen it yet, then just go rent any other one, it'll be a good one, I guarantee you. Please, seriously, for the Movie Industry's sake.

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