Operation Grandma
Operation Grandma
| 01 January 1999 (USA)
Operation Grandma Trailers

Mivtza Savta ("Operation Grandma") is a satirical Israeli comedy about three very different brothers trying to get around many obstacles to bury their grandmother on her kibbutz. The story takes place in Israel, in the fictional kibbutz "Asisim".


Masterful Movie

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Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.

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There is just so much movie here. For some it may be too much. But in the same secretly sarcastic way most telemarketers say the phrase, the title of this one is particularly apt.

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Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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Ori Erez

Operation Grandmother, Or "Mivtza Savta" as it is called in hebrew, is nothing but superb. With a budget of a single scene of any casual American movie Dror Shaul managed to create a true cult movie in the Israely culture. The text is hilarious, the actors are at their finest and the simple, repetitive music makes this short film (51 minutes including ending titles) an instant Israely classic. The Movie subjects three brother from a southern Kibbutz and their efforts to bring their grandma to a respectful burial- a task that turns out to be no less complicated than any military operation.A must see for those who live in Israel and for those who fond the culture.

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Jonathan Fain

This movie is a great comedy, with black tones. It was released as a TV movie for the Cable company in Israel. The fact that the new cable and satellite were required by law to produce original material here in Israel has created a wave of some interesting new movies, and Mivtza Savta is one of the best made.The story ties around all kinds of parts of the Israeli society which is made of the Army, Religious, Arab people.Rami Heuberger ("Krembo") is hilarious as the macho army officer. He delivers a sarcastic image of the Israeli army. The other actors are fine, and seem to be better than the average Israeli actors.A great production that is worth to be an International title, as it has a universal message.9/10

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First of all I would recommend everyone in the holly land to see this movie. It deserves the statue of cult more than most cult movies. With regards to those of you who aren't familiar with Israeli mentality, 'Mivtza Savta' wouldn't mean much to you.The story is about three brothers who's grandma dies in the most uncomfortable moment. Grandma must be buried under the time constrains. The older brother 'Krembo', an army commander who returns to the kibbutz, takes command of the operation.There are people who would disagree with me, but I think this is the best Israeli movie ever made (yes even better than Eskimo Limon).

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I think I saw this movie around 10 times only in my 3 years in the army.Although this movie was made for cable TV, it was a great success in Israel.Almost every school, every IDF base will have the film in their collection.I don't know how someone who doesn't live in Israel can get the humor of this movie, but it's worth the 50 minutes trying... & if you don't get the humor, just come live here for a couple of years.. that should do the job. :-)Ronen Rothfarb, ISRAEL.

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