Okatsu the Fugitive
Okatsu the Fugitive
| 01 October 1969 (USA)
Okatsu the Fugitive Trailers

Okatsu the Fugitive is the third film in the "Ohyaku/Okatsu" series. Okatsu; a "tomboy" who is good with a sword. Her father has found her a man to marry and actually she doesn't seem too upset about the situation. At the same time, a bunch of farmers are being slaughtered by a corrupt group running a tobacco smuggling ring. They're being investigated by a man who is documenting their crimes and when they find out about it, they torture him for information but get none. It's not long before he and Okatsu's mother wind up dead and she sets out for revenge.


Charming and brutal

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I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.

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As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Michael Ledo

Okatsu's father threatens to tell the authorities (whoever they are) that a man is importing untaxed tobacco and making too much profit...oh I kid you not. And BTW he is enslaving local farmers, not so much as a crime. This causes a rift where mom and dad are killed while mom was possibly raped (what was that supposed to be?) in front of her. Okatsu, who is good with a sword vows revenge after she delivers a note telling the government about the bad guy's operation.Certainly there was a lot of cultural aspects that didn't translate well, such as the plot of this script. The action was boring too.Guide: No sex. Maybe a rape. Male rear nudity...my surprise.

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Like the last Okatsu film ("Quick-Draw Okatsu"), this film has little to do with its predecessor other than the leading lady and her name, Okatsu. And, sadly, neither really have a lot to do with the original film, "Yôen Dokufuden Hannya No Ohyaku". I am sure this confused the heck out of viewers and I was left feeling a bit cheated by this. In the original film, Okatsu was the daughter of a prostitute who had killed herself. Later, Okatsu's boyfriend is murdered and she spends the rest of the film seeking revenge. In the second film, instead of being an orphan, she suddenly has a brother and father. They are murdered and she seeks revenge. In this installment, there is no brother and she's got an entirely different father. What gives?! However, despite these many changes in each film, the basic plot is nearly identical--so much that the films start to become boring by #3. As a result, this final installment is understandably the last--I can't see how any momentum could have been established due to the sloppy writing. Making the three films one long saga would have improved the overall effort immensely.In this film, there is, once again, an evil local lord. Okatsu's father is a friend and goes to him--begging him to change his wicked ways. The lord responds by murdering his friend and raping the daughter, Okatsu. However, the dead man has left a letter detailing all the offenses by the lord--accusing him of many crimes. So, the evil big-shot's lackeys spend much of the movie looking for the document--that happens to be hidden on Okatsu. Okatsu's supposed friend leads these men in search of the incriminating letter.Unfortunately, apart from the recycled feel to the film, it also suffers from a profound lack of action. It's much more talky and far less interesting and lacks the spark of the previous two films. Overall, it's watchable but not much more.By the way, did you notice that in EACH of the three films, a male character had to come and help Okatsu? I don't recall too many films with male leads in revenge films who had ANYONE come to help them. A bit of sexism despite the girl-power message, I think.

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Not a particularly exciting film. Okatsu's (Junko Miyazono) parents are killed by a tobacco smuggling gangster. After Florida increases the tobacco tax a dollar on top of the dollar increase in the federal tax, we may see more of these types here.The gang is after her because there is a Statement of Charges that her father hid. She engages in a couple of fights, but it a stranger that helps her when she is down and almost out.The gang comes after them both and, when they have them surrounded, just leave to fight another day. It seems no one really wants this Statement.The final battle had some excellent swordplay, but this certainly doesn't live up to the pinky violence genre.

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This third installment in the LEGENDS OF THE POISONOUS SEDUCTRESS series is a major disappointment after the excellence of its predecessor, QUICK DRAW OKATSU. It's pretty much a remake of the previous film, even starring Junko Miyazono as a master swordswoman named Okatsu, but not the same character she played before (?); at the end of QUICK-DRAW OKATSU our heroine was a wanted fugitive, so wouldn't you expect a film entitled OKATSU THE FUGITIVE to be a direct sequel, especially since the film that came before it was a hit and the Japanese are not by any means sequel shy?This new Okatsu is again the blade-proficient daughter of a swordsman, and when her father threatens to expose the vicious corruption of a local magistrate he's tortured in an attempt to get him to reveal the whereabouts of a written document of the magistrate's offenses. When he won't talk, his wife and daughter are hauled in by the bad guys and the wife is thrown to six hardened criminals for a bit of gang rape (which thankfully doesn't occur, but she does get alarmingly manhandled), and after that moment of extreme bad taste dad kills his wife and then himself. Unfortunately Okatsu then falls victim to the evil magistrate and is raped, then thrown into a basement dungeon. With the aid of her sleazy fiancée, she escapes — killing several swordsmen in the process — with the document hidden in her mother's elaborate (and very pointy) hairpin and sets out to avenge her parents, not realizing her fiancée is in league with the bad guys. After that the film becomes a lackluster and very much by the numbers samurai revenge flick that could have been written with little or no effort by anyone who's ever seen one of these things, and ends up a staggeringly generic item that will be forgotten about five minutes after the title that reads "The End." That's a real shame because the level of quality found in QUICK-DRAW OKATSU lead me to expect a hell of a lot more from all involved, and after this I can see why the series stalled out. T

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