| 20 May 2005 (USA)
Naina Trailers

On a day of solar eclipse, five year old, Naina, loses her eyesight and her parents in a road accident in London. Twenty years later, she is bestowed with the gift of sight thanks to the marvels of modern science. Her period of darkness is over; or is it? A horrifying period of darkness begins. What is this curse that has been upon her? Will she ever be able to escape it? Will this extraordinary s


i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.

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A Disappointing Continuation

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A brilliant film that helped define a genre

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Lidia Draper

Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.

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This WAS a decent adaptation that brought Hindu concepts to bear on what was already a great movie. Yes; they do rip off much from THE EYE (not entirely verbatim as some have said - the eclipse and the train incident, for instance, are reinterpretations). Others do not give sufficient credit to the adaptation - this movie takes THE EYE and adds Hindu explanations of Dharma (duty) and Karma (+/- energy) to break the cycle of rebirth (materialism) and yield Nirvana (awareness). Hence, the import of the solar eclipse - representing the obscured cycle of rebirth; setting events in motion. The effects were sufficient and while I would have appreciated better subtitling or a decent dub, the acting was not too over the top. The female lead does over-act often, but I am accustomed to that growing up with and enjoying actors like William Shatner and Christopher Walken (When doesn't Al Pacino burst into a scream?!). I bought it and intend to keep it. To help others decide, this did for THE EYE what the Korean version of THE RING VIRUS did for the RING. It DOES add to the mythos!

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Hooman (hooman_golparvar)

Naina somehow reminded me "Crime and Punishment" novel written by Russian author "Fyodor Dostoevsky" but in compare of that unique novel it can be considered as the weak version which tried to change the story path. Considering it as an Indian art work,i admired the artistic features of the movie and also outstanding animation scenes. Naina movie has stunning animations and the music generally inside the movie is attached the the story which makes a good harmony. near end of the movie (30 minutes to the end) you have the feeling that characters of the movie are running from one since to another, also it give the feeling that this movie could be finished in so many better ways.

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This movie was awful, and a misleading copy of "The Eye." Additionally, it is awful in a way that American remakes of Asian horror films often aren't. At least the Hollywood remakes are typically slick, bigger on budget, and look pretty. Certain scenes may even be improvements upon the original (and certain films like "Pulse" actually beg for a remake, because they are hardly flawless even though they may have a good concept.) But this had absolutely no redeeming qualities; many scenes were laughable! A smaller-budget remake (copy?) with no original ideas or twists on the story? That means it must have been done simply to change the language to appeal to Hindi-speakers. That's fine, but there's absolutely no reason for anyone who does not speak Hindi to see this...if you are going to read subtitles, watch the much superior original.And I do plan on seeing the American remake of "The Eye," even though I know that it can't be an improvement upon one of my favorite horror films. At least, however, I don't expect it to be the insult that this film is.The bad makeup job and hair cover on the "bald" cancer kid gave me the chills, for all of the wrong reasons.

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I really hate to trash movies, but "Naina" deserves it. I couldn't even bring myself to finish it because of the poor quality.I usually find it hard to judge acting abilities or script quality in foreign films, but both we absolutely worthless in this movie. The actors sometimes spoke in Hindi and sometimes English, even within the same sentence, at times. The whole dialog track was dubbed, and some of the English voices were completely laughable. On the DVD cover, one of the blurbs commends the superior special effects... let me just say that there is an ill child in the beginning of the film who is bald, and I'm pretty sure they sell better "bald" caps at joke stores.Don't waste your time and/or money on "Naina," watch "The Eye" instead.

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