My Friend Irma Goes West
My Friend Irma Goes West
NR | 25 June 1950 (USA)
My Friend Irma Goes West Trailers

Singer Steve, friend Seymour and fiance Jane, along with her dizzy blonde room mate Irma, have a series of misadventures on a California-bound train and end up involved with a gang of murderous gangsters in Las Vegas.


Excellent but underrated film

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Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.

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Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Ironically, the first film -- "My Friend Irma" -- was made with Martin & Lewis being injected into a film that was already undergoing filming. But, it worked quite well. Here, Martin & Lewis were firmly in place for this film, and it does pretty well, but it's actually not quite as good as the original film.Here the guys and gals head for Hollywood, only to discover that the exciting news of Dean's character getting a Hollywood contract was actually a contract with a lunatic. But, on they go, winding up in Las Vegas where Dean will sing while Irma gets kidnapped. I actually thought the funniest moment of the film was when the kidnappers vie to kill Irma simply because she's so irritating! But there are some good Martin & Lewis moments...although not sure I really wanted to see a half-naked Jerry Lewis as an Indian! Dean has some good numbers: "Baby, Obey Me" ( really good number for Dean; very polished; and even Jerry's clowning works here). "Vagabond Road" (really one of those zany numbers where Dean sings and Jerry clowns; classic Martin & Lewis comedy). "I'll Always Love You" (lovely ballad that resulted in a # 11 hit record for Dean). "The Guitar Band" (another song with help from Jerry; kinda catchy western-themed song).John Lund again plays Al...and he's beginning to grow on me. Marie Wilson again plays Irma...and I still think she was a better radio star than movie star. Diana Lynn has a pleasant screen personality. Dean does well here...quite poised for someone so new to Hollywood. Jerry is what Jerry always was...up to you whether you approve or disapprove. Corinne Calvet...what was it that made her a star? Guess just the accent. I always enjoy seeing Lloyd Corrigan, here as the gambling thug..My favorite Martin & Lewis film? Not even close. But it's fun and worth a watch.

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Having just rewatched My Friend Irma on YouTube, I decided to finally watch the sequel on the same site. Once again, Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis are once again shoehorned into the movie plot of characters originally based on a radio sitcom featuring Jane Stacy (Diana Lynn), her scatterbrained roommate Irma Peterson (Marie Wilson) and Irma's con artist boyfriend Al (John Lund). Martin & Lewis are once again singer Steve & partner Seymour and once again they do their nightclub act that, while hilarious, doesn't really have anything to do with the plot which takes them out of New York City to at least Las Vegas since the Hollywood offer from a "producer" turns out to be...oh, watch the movie to find out. There's also a French film actress named Yvonne Yvonne (Corinne Calvet) with a monkey in tow added. The former to challenge Steve's fidelity to Jane and the latter to provide Seymour some more funny business. What I haven't said of the plot gets even more contrived than previously and most of the last 15 minutes or so isn't as funny as the first hour. But the cast once again try their best, Dean's crooning is as swoon-worthy as ever, and Jerry, for the most part, gets plenty of moments to shine. So on that note, My Friend Irma Goes West is recommended.

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The only thing this movie lacked was plot and humor, which both started out promising. The plot was slow. The songs were slow and not as catchy as in the first movie. And Dean Martin was not the cowboy type. The transition between "My Friend Irma" and "My Friend Irma Goes West" was not smooth. I thought they got married in the end of the first movie, and what happened to all the money Irma won? I was very disappointed with Jerry Lewis' performance, he was just goofy in this movie, not very funny. When Martin and Lewis were together it seemed more like an act, separated from the main plot. It was a cute movie but lacked the charm of the first movie. If your going to see one, see "My Friend Irma"!

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This is easily the funniest and most deep-down-hardy chuckle inducing film that the fabulous comedy duo of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis have ever starred in. And it makes its predecessor (My Friend Irma) pale in comparison. One of the only sequels I've ever known that's actually better than the original. Even though Dean and Jerry were only given fourth and fifth billing in the picture, because they were still so new in the industry, Jerry Lewis clearly ends up stealing the whole show! In between Dean Martin's dulcet tones as he sings some original songs in the film, Jerry is at his peak, complete with his legendary, goofy humor, delayed-reaction one-liners, and prat falls. He's probably the most valuable asset of the film. But this isn't to undermine the performances of the lead actors, who are also fabulous! Especially the dead-on, hilarious portrayal of Irma, the dizzy blonde, by Marie Wilson. Her character's innocent and gullible absent-mindedness which lands her in so much trouble will definitely provide some GOOD laughs...Definitely! This is the first review of this film on this site, and therefore the first one people will see when they look up this reference page, so I'm really trying to do it justice in my review. Let me just say that this movie is most probably the funniest picture of its era, and you can quote me on that. Way ahead of its time, it's hard to believe that this was produced half a century ago! Even my seven-year-old sister loves it, and it's HARD to win her over! Please give it a chance. I can promise that if you have even an inkling of a sense of humor inside you, you'll laugh so much that it'll be hard to find time for eating popcorn between chuckles! My rating for My Friend Irma Goes West, a solid, perfect 10. But 10 isn't really high enough for it. My own opinion of it surpasses 10 ineffably.

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