My Best Friend
My Best Friend
| 20 August 2006 (USA)
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Catherine refuses to believe that her business partner, the unlikeable François, has a best friend, so she challenges him to set up an introduction. Scrambling to find someone willing to pose as his best pal, François enlists the services of a charming taxi driver to play the part.


The greatest movie ever made..!

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Sadly Over-hyped

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Good idea lost in the noise

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A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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This mildly diverting film is based on an odd couple of two friendless men; one a successful businessman, who doesn't even realise that none of his acquaintances are true friends until it's pointed out to him, and an amiable but eccentric taxi driver who can pass the time of day with any one but knows no-one close. In some ways its a refreshing movie; there are so many films about people without sexual partners, but in a way, to have no friends is even sadder, to have failed to form even a relationship that does not require exclusive reciprocity. It could, in fact, be argued that friendship is less transactional than sexual partnership; in any event, there's comedy and sympathy in the film's portrait of two men who are fundamentally alone. On the minus side, the lack of self-awareness of Daniel Autiel's character is painful but not especially believable; and the use of the game show, 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire', to provide tension to the plot is a little corny (it's been done elsewhere, of course) and seemingly confesses to a lack of intrinsic tension in the film's own story. Still, it's miles better than a generic romcom, and keeps itself light and brief: a successful film, though a modest one.

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This film is about a wealthy antique dealer who does not know what friendship is. Due to a bet, he has to find a best friend in 10 days."Mon Meilleur Ami" is a beautiful film. The portrayal of François Coste is realistically unlikable. His social inaptness is very funny, and his search for friendship is hilarious. The humour is subtle but it works well. Bruno, a normally bright and sociable guy, has moments that he becomes paralysed by anxiety. Dany Boon plays his part very well, especially towards the end when he is on stage. He is likable, giving off a positive and almost irresistible charm. I feel so sorry for him as I feel he could have achieved so much more with his knowledge.The friendship between them is portrayed in a realistic and humane manner, which viewers will have no problems relating to. For the ending, everything falls into place and I feel very touched by it. To see all the closure and forgiveness is very satisfying. I enjoyed watching "Mon Meilleur Ami" a lot.

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isaias adames

Even though some fellow reviewers have referred as the main theme of this movie the bet made between Francois and Catherine, his business partner of showing her his best friend in 10 days, I think it's quite more profound than that.It's a story that shows a journey of 2 men in the process of finding true friend ship. It also shows that anybody can have friends, that we all have that person or persons in the world that understand us. Francois was friendless and we can relate to that because the guy was quite unlikeable but even Bruno, in spite of being friendly and kind, was also without friends because he had been betrayed by his best friend and his wife. So these 2 human beings meet in a moment when they are both vulnerable and with a big need to be loved. Love is usually related to your partner, kids, family. But this movie shows how important friendship's love is. Nobody can live without friends, no matter how successful you are, nothing can substitute the feeling of having somebody to call at 3 am. And finally, it shows that friendship is spontaneous, it can't be bought or planned, it just happens. And that's how Bruno and Francois became friends, real friends.Thank you Patrice Leconte for having portrayed in this movie such a journey that remind us so much of our own journeys in finding friendship.

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Don't be taken in because the premise of this film is a good one. It is, but that, does not a good film, make.Comedies require a well-honed script and masterful direction. Sadly, this poorly executed film has neither. Leconte, a good director in other genres, does not deliver in his comedic farces (Les Bronzes series being another example).The comedic timing is terrible. Some jokes are telegraphed. Some are re-hashed from other movies. Others just sit there as if they were giving you time to laugh. The plot has messy subplots (the allergic daughter, the lesbian co-owner) and just does not develop or envelope the viewer. It isn't funny and it isn't believable for a second.Compare this to any comedy by Billy Wilder (Some Like it Hot, A Foreign Afair, etc.) or by Leconte's compatriot, Francis Veber, a true GENIUS at French comedy (Le Diner de Cons, Le Placard, Les Comperes, La Chevre, La Grande Blonde, etc.) and you'll see the difference in their tight scripts, great comedic acting and timing, with each joke leading to the next one.Watching Mon Meilleur Ami twice would be cruel and unusual punishment, not a good sign for a comedy.

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