Muffin Top: A Love Story
Muffin Top: A Love Story
R | 18 October 2014 (USA)
Muffin Top: A Love Story Trailers

Suzanne’s body is changing faster than her moods after IVF shots to get pregnant. When she finds out, on her birthday, that her husband has knocked up his younger, thinner co-worker and wants a divorce, she turns to desperate and hilarious measures to lose weight and get a life.


Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess

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Better Late Then Never

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While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Yash Wade

Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.

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Alex Mueller

Turn on your television and find a movie to watch. Your guide will be filled with movies with a written "love story" plot line. From Cinderella to the Hallmark channel, they are all fairy tales and love stories. Just recently, another production was added to the bunch, only its message is more relative to our modern population here in America. "Muffin Top: A Love Story" written and directed by Cathryn Michon, is not the typical love story that you would think. Once you turn it on, do not expect to see a "love at first sight" moment between a man and a woman. Michon and her husband, W. Bruce Cameron wrote this film with the intention of sending a message to the public, specifically feminists. This love story is not about finding your "true love" but "loving yourself, not five pounds from now." So many women try to live up to all of these images from the media. Unless you have Photoshop, you will never live up to those images from the media. Even if you do have Photoshop or a monthly payment with a photo editing website, you are paying to make yourself look like someone you're not. Everyone has their insecurities but those who think they are alone in that sort of mindset, this movie will clarify that you are wrong and you're not the only one. It is time to bring true beauty back. Suzanne (Cathryn Michon) teaches a women's studies class in Los Angeles, which is ironic as it is where all the "inspiring beauty" images are. She is also undergoing IVF shots in the hopes of having a baby. When her husband leaves her on her 40th birthday, presenting her with divorce papers and a baby on board (with another woman), she takes extreme, hilarious measures to get rid of her own muffin top while finding love again. First, she must find out who she is and accept her beauty – there is no definition of beauty besides a person themselves. Taking that into account, she also finds those who love her for who she is and not how she looks. This film has a meaningful message with a wonderful cast and I definitely recommend it to anyone out there who is up for a few laughs. I do not want to give too much away about the movie, so check out iTunes, Amazon and other Video-On-Demand platforms to purchase your digital copy today. Join us in supporting this message about female empowerment, because this film does a phenomenal job of portraying it with a comedic background.

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This movie is sweet, sexy, smart and sassy, It is also really funny, pretty to watch, and full of iconic L.A. sites. (I am definitely going with my friend to Mel's for chocolate cake.) I enjoyed the statistics of the protagonist's Women's Studies lectures and how they were portrayed visually. It is wonderful how the movie addresses the equation of How High On This Year's Take on What's A Beautiful and Youthful Face + Body = How Worthy Of Love You Are. It is great that it reveals how these issues take place in private and in public, including Womens Studies departments. The movie deals with these issues in a unique way: it's pretty and humorous, and true to life. It is a strong statement to show the protagonist having loving non-sexual friendships with a married couple and that she is invited to live with these friends for as long as she needs. This really happens in life, and I don't think I have seen a depiction of deep female friendship and female/married couple friendship in a movie before without there being someone being the butt of a joke: i.e., "Oh, thank God you're here. I couldn't take another day with my husband/wife" or "I know she is your best friend, but when is she going to get a place of her own?"I loved how the protagonist got back into dating, and how the love stories within the movie were flushed out and realistic. Another plus: the protagonist was unapologetic for exploring her business options. That self-supportive act didn't cost her a relationship. The misplaced jealousy and insecurity of the character pursuing her almost causes him to lose her, and we find that he realizes this when he apologizes for his behavior, This movie is groundbreaking, and it does so with a lot of style. And speaking of style, there is a lot of fashion eye-candy in this movie, which is another plus. (Gotta get me a pair of those Floral Pumps!)

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It's been a while since I literally laughed out loud, but watching 'Muffin Top' with a theater full of women who have dealt with thinking they don't measure up in the eyes of others as well as themselves was a fun and uplifting experience. The writer, Cathryn Michon, has written a screenplay that is beyond clever and dead on in what women think when they gain a few pounds. The movie, from beginning to end, will make you thankful, if you aren't already, to be in the skin you are in and to most importantly be a woman and have all the ups and downs, including those on the scales, that we do in our lives. Melissa Peterman, who is a great comedic actress, stole many of the scenes with her what seemed to be off the top of her head remarks, a result of great writing. The interaction between Peterman and Michon was much like what I have had with my own BFFs, making the scenes even more close to real life and more touching with each laugh.

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Melinda J Hoffbauer

This movie was officially released yesterday and I've already seen it twice: once at the Dayton premiere, and once via Video on Demand through iTunes. I'm not sure what I loved most about this film. The cast was fantastic. It was so funny that everyone in the theatre was howling with laughter. There were so many tender moments, both with the romance as well as the main character's strong bonds with her girlfriends. And the message that so many women need to hear, to love themselves now, not five pounds from now, comes through loudly and clearly without being didactic. I can't believe this was an independent film. It blows all my perceptions about indies out of the water. I can't recommend this movie highly enough.

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