Montauk Chronicles
Montauk Chronicles
NR | 17 January 2015 (USA)
Montauk Chronicles Trailers

A study of the dark legends that surround the Camp Hero Air Force Base in Montauk, Long Island.


It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.

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Claire Dunne

One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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Brennan Camacho

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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I ordered Montauk Chronicles after hearing about it on line.The movie was extremely well constructed throughout and it looked entirely beautiful. Clearly great care went into the whole thing.I've never actually seen anything quite like it to be honest.I also appreciate the non biased approach of the makers. They didn't shove their point of view down my throat or try to convince me of anything. It was an involved and rich two hours.I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to experience a completely different kind of documentary. I loved how they mixed movie scenes in with the interviews.It's terrific. I will revisit my disc.

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Ellis Redding

I've been an avid researcher of this story since the very first book came out and I can assure anyone with the slightest interest that this movie is superior to anything that's been written about the situation... ever.It's as if the director brought the books to life in a way that made perfect sense. A little history of the Montauk Project begins with Preston Nichols first book. In comparison to the movie it doesn't even contain a fraction of the information or emotion. The movie was very well made and I can't think of a better movie of its type. The director chose not to focus on the tangential stories such as the Philly Experiments or Operation Paperclip but that just left more for the subjects to talk about MONTAUK. I'm interested in seeing where other directors take the Montauk thing but as of right now this is the only movie on the subject and it is tremendous. Great job guys.

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this film did not attempt to supply any meaningful info about what may or may not have happened at Montauk and was truly the worst film I have ever seen! it was simply an excuse for a demented (if talented) guy to portray his weird mindset and the 3 main 'knowledgeable sources' were to my mind certifiably insane and did not offer one shred of useful information, nor indeed one shred of started well enough, but then went nowhere logical at all - I only put myself through the agony of watching to the end see if Garentano offered any facts to suggest or deny any wrongdoing, but he offered no conclusions whatsoever.the only science fiction here was in the minds of those sad folk who featured in the film!

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If you are looking for a juicy conspiracy film featuring space aliens, evil government agencies, and nefarious human experiments... keep looking. This pathetic excuse for a documentary is an amateurish exercise in sheer idiocy. An assembly of the usual "eyewitnesses" spin fantastic and yet somehow utterly boring yarns about their experiences below ground in a sinister Air Force base where children are mind-controlled for unspecified reasons — all without a single shred of evidence to back up a single bizarre assertion. One of these talking heads, a bearded character named Swerdlow, is an obvious huckster who is apparently promoting some kind of pay-per-view scam he has concocted on a paranoiac members-only website. I have never seen a less credible presenter. Face it, folks, there are enough conspiracy/UFO/secret world government nut jobs out there for them to amount to a market! Anyway, top the whole thing off with a ludicrous high-tension soundtrack, a sound mix that sounds as if it was done by a ten-year-old, and a voice-over script that never uses a simple word when a bigger more pretentious-sounding word is available — and you've got the whole picture. Sooner or later all the usual suspects show up, the Illuminati, the Grays (who we are informed are actually just mind-controlled human fetuses!!!) — everything short of Dracula and the Wolf Man. And with all that going for it, the filmmaking is so plodding and repetitive that it's almost impossible to sit through more than a few minutes at a time. A truly shameful piece of... work.

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