Monday Morning
Monday Morning
| 02 March 2012 (USA)
Monday Morning Trailers

Thomas Bach is on top of his game. A popular right-wing radio talk-show host and a hero of the Tea Party Movement, he is hand picked to run for the U.S. Senate. But first he must fly to Los Angeles and clean up some dirty laundry that might damage his campaign. A victim of an attack, Thomas wakes up on the streets of Los Angeles without his memory. He is also unaware that he is a diabetic. He now wanders Skid Row, inevitably blending in with the homeless population, and without medication, his life is at risk.


Self-important, over-dramatic, uninspired.

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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Donald Kronos

What can I say? Starts out a bit like a soap opera depicting a view of reality one might associate with the lifestyle of powerful upper class and upper middle class people, but leaves the viewer feeling like they just got to watch a true story that happened in a universe remarkably like our own... or maybe even identical. Anyway, you're going to want to see the sequel. That's what I felt at the end of it, as did the other people I spoke with who saw the screening. So when you get to see this movie, remember this simple chant for when the credits start... SEQEUL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQUEL! SEQEUL! SEQUEL! SEQEUL! SEQUEL!... Got it? Good!!!

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I agree without the other reviewer who said that images and some philosophies in Monday Morning will offend some to the point that it will affect their opinion of the movie. I know from the reactions of my two roommates. Two of us loved the movie. The other said he did not. But after some discussion about it, he said that he was actually moved by the movie and was drawn in, but that some of the images or scenes were so raw and realistic that it turned him off to the point that he took it out on the overall movie.This makes me wonder about the lines between art, realistic depictions and what is acceptable in today's society. There are images in documentaries or channels like National Geographic, or paintings in museums that, out of context, could be considered "hard core". But within their contexts, they seem perfectly normal.Monday Morning needs to depict what it shows uncensored. Too many times, in movies about this subject matter, some depictions are dealt with moor subtly. But to what effect? Certain movements in our times just lingered on and on until some noise was made by some. Then people took notice. Radicalism? Well, if it is cinematic radicalism, I'm all for it.Monday Morning is a fictional story about a right wing radio personality, popular primarily in Minneapolis, who is asked by prominent politicians to run for the senate. He accepts, but first must make a trip to L.A. in order to take care of some personal business. Once in L.A. he is knocked out and loses his memory and wanders the streets as a homeless person (he is also diabetic). During this journey, he meets several homeless people and develops and affinity towards them. He then has to make a decision about what to do with his lifeWritten and directed by Nat Christian, Monday Morning is a very personal story about its characters that plays like an epic. The theme is epic, while the personal relations that the hero has with the homeless is very personal. The images, that caused such an adverse reaction with one of my roommates, are necessary, potent and effective. I realized, as did others, that this stuff is going on with these homeless people everyday. Yes, they beg, but they also experience very real and horrific episodes every day. Christian knows this and does not hide from it. He'll probably take the bad with the good as a result of it. No matter what, Christian's story and visuals are haunting. His actors are terrific.Victor Browne plays the lead role of Thomas Bach with heart and honesty. He has the task of observing a lot of the time, and he does an effective job of allowing us to feel for what he sees. He is supported by a talented cast - Molly Kidder, who lends a sophistication reminiscent of some actresses from the past; Jessica Spotts, who delivers a powerfully sad picture of a homeless mom on drugs; and Christian himself who turns in a humorous and poignant portrayal of a homeless vet. Robert Pike Daniel and Robert Axelrod and Ken Melchior also turn in excellent performances.Monday Morning is the kind of movie that makes you think about it or still see the images after the movie is over.

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I heard that passages in Monday Morning turned off some viewers. That some passages were seemingly were off-putting. By themselves, they may be.When I watched the movie, those same passages came and went, but I was so absorbed in the film that they seemed natural. Monday Morning has the hutzpah to portray the worst part of the homeless situation as it is. Writer-director-producer, Nat Christian, with obvious passion and heart, lays this scenario down right in front of us very effectively.The story revolves around Thomas Bach, played with intelligence and deliberate restraint by Victor Browne, who is a radio personality in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bach is summoned to run for the U.S. senate. However, while he visits Los Angeles, CA, his world is rocked and he loses his memory, causing him to wander around the city. He meets up with several characters who will ultimately change how he used to view people on the streets.Christian serves up a plate of great dialogue, relationships and some humor. Browne leads a cast of excellent and seasoned actors. I definitely recommend!

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I should first warn all viewers that, in regard to explicit images, there are no punches pulled with some of the scenes in Monday Morning. However given the powerful story, direction and acting, I think that people will either love this movie or be very turned off by it, because of the imaging.I should also mention that what made me see this movie is that I am a fan of a Nat Christian movie. Simply put, he walks to the beat of a different drummer (when he wants to), and when he takes chances, I like to see what he does.I saw a showing at a small theater in Beverly Hills. Not too many in the audience, but those that were there seemed to be as affected as I was.Writer, director Nat Christian takes us. from what up front starts out like a quick- cutting romantic comedy with hints of some underlying political themes, and throws us into the most realistic scenarios of the incurable homeless population in Los Angeles. Through our shock and awe, we are also touched and moved by the story and images in this movie. Also playing the role of a homeless vet Christian explodes with the kind of rhetoric that we see from these characters on the street and touches us deeply in a very sensitive scene with the lead character of Thomas Bach, played beautifully by Victor Browne.As the lead actor, Browne convincingly journeys through a myriad of emotions covering romance, comedy, tragedy and deep conflict as only a wonderful actor can.He is supported by an excellent cast including Molly Kidder in the lead role of Bach's romantic interest, Jessica Spotts, Ken Melchior, Robert Pike Daniel and Cevin Middleton.I can't give out a spoiler, so I can only say that there is an intriguing situation with a Bag Lady, who Bach encounters. Something there, and I will have to see it again to figure it out.

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