Mobile Suit Gundam F91
Mobile Suit Gundam F91
PG-13 | 01 October 2004 (USA)
Mobile Suit Gundam F91 Trailers

U.C. 0123. After a generation of peace, the Earth Federation has begun to build new space colonies to house humanity's growing population. But a new force, the aristocratic Crossbone Vanguard, plans to seize the colonies of the newly constructed Frontier Side for itself. As their home becomes a battlefield, a handful of young civilians struggle to escape the conflict. To save his friends and family, the reluctant warrior Seabook Arno becomes the pilot of a new Gundam which bears the code name F91.

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I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much

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Teddie Blake

The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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John Doe

I found this film to be very boring and dull. It had a poorly written story with bad voice acting for both the Japanese and English dub. And being over two hours long just adds to the problem. Please don't waste time on this Gundam movie like i did as I wish i hadn't seen it.I give Mobile Suit Gundam F91 a 3/10

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"Gundam F91" was Tomino's attempt at starting a new Gundam series after the UC Char-Amuro rivalry ended. Originally this was supposed to be a 50+ episode TV series but staff disputes cut it down to 13 episodes and Tomino ended up making a movie instead with what little he had left. The end result is a mess.The story is very rushed and we don't get enough time to connect with the characters or understand their motives. Characters are introduced out of nowhere and are never developed. Not to mention the very bad time skips for instance where in one scene the main protagonist is fighting in his Gundam and the very next scene no more than 30 seconds later he's in a town on the ground his civilian clothes with no explanation what happened or why he's there.The animation is good and has great fight scenes with the robots. The music is okay but the CrossBone Vanguard's theme sounds way too much like the "Imperial March" theme from "The Empire Strikes Back". How they got away without plagiarism sues I have no idea.If you're a Gundam fan watch it as a curiosity but watch it with low expectations because in the end the story is pointless. It should have been the 50+ episode series it should have been.

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Through my course of anime obsession, I've grown to love anything and everything Gundam. Though, there have been a series or two I've strayed away from (SEED and TurnA). Gundam F91 was once in the category. Being a whole series condensed into just one movie did not fancy my interests, not to mention it looked cheesy compared to the rest of the UC era. Finally after picking up the first few volumes of Crossbone Gundam manga, I knew I'd have to see the movie. It turns out, it was pretty good for what it is.Story(***): Out of 5 because it is fairly intriguing, but nothing new. One does tire of the same old plot of a civilian getting into a Gundam, showing Newtype abilities, and being thrown into the chaos that's happening around them. Nonetheless, it does get the extra push because it is slightly different, and the original scenario does set a great backbone for the rest of the movie. Also, the character's individual stories were fast moving (due to time limits), but you do begin to feel for them.Animation(*****): If Neon Genesis came out in 1996, and this predates it by 5 years, it looks spectacular. The mobile suits look great and the characters hold true to the gundam style. What I truly enjoyed are all the minor details: The F91's fins opening as it launches, minute strafe thrusts as mobiles suits dock, snow and rain, debris of everything you can imagine pouring out of a space colony breach... it's all there.Sound(*****): I do not believe, in a single Gundam series--past and present--have I heard such details of battle. Again, it's small things like bullets ricocheting off of armor, individual rocks moving, small scrapes from mobile suits landing on metal carrier decks, etc. Also, the music is second only to Char's Counter Attack. You gotta love "Eternal Wind", and the "Imperial March"-esquire background score.My biggest gripe is how short it is. This is perfect material for a 6 OVA series. Had it been a little longer, we'd see more of the villain's background, and some nicer fights with Seabook facing off against Crossbone aces.There's a lot of drama, a lot of good flashiness, some amazing sound, and a good deal of light hearted humor from the would-be-heroes. So, I suggest definitely giving this movie a try. As always with Gundam anime, you're going to want to start from the beginning and not here.

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Once upon a time, someone said "Hey, it's time to make another 50something episode UC Gundam epic!" And everyone agreed. Then Japan's economy went bad. "Oh, no! We have to make it a 13 episode OVA!" And everyone still thought it could work. Then Japan's economy crashed. "Oh, no! We've filmed the first 2 episodes, but ran out of money! We have to make it a two hour movie!" And it shows... Even worse, this movie was ironically in theatres at the same time as Last Blitz of Zeon, the Stardust Memory movie, and failed on every level to produce a decent expansion of the gundam universe. One word "Cosmobabylonia!" no... no...

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