Midnight Chronicles
Midnight Chronicles
| 01 January 2008 (USA)
Midnight Chronicles Trailers

In the world of MIDNIGHT, it is a time of overwhelming darkness. After three ages of scheming and war, the dark god Izrador has finally defeated the heroes and armies of the free races. Now, he rules the world of Aryth with an iron fist. Enslaved under the Shadow, the race of men leads an oppressed existence, and the elves and dwarves have retreated to distant forests and mountains.


A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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Micah Lloyd

Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.

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Sammy-Jo Cervantes

There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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MIDNIGHT CHRONICLES is a Cosplay fan's version of THE LORD OF THE RINGS, complete with elves, orcs, and dark lords, and not an ounce of sense to go with it. This is an amateur night production with very little to recommend it, mired as it is in a sea of poor writing, even worse acting, and a general lack of cohesion that makes it a real chore to sit through.Occasionally - and only occasionally - the film offers up some not-bad visuals that would have been at home in the Jackson trilogy, but for most of the time it's embarrassingly inept. The orcs in particular are silly-looking, full-grown guys wearing what looks like Halloween masks. The narrative is slow moving, lack in incident and spectacle, and there's nary any action to get excited about either. Yeah, it's a waste of time on the part of the viewer and effort on the part of the film-makers.

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Sean Jump

What if Sauron had won in Lord of the Rings? That seems to be the central—if unofficial—premise behind Midnight Chronicles, a low-budget fantasy film which is apparently based on a role-playing game of the same name. I don't know anything about the game, but fans of fantasy films and literature will have no problem identifying a familiar genre setting with all the expected features—elves, orcs, evil sorcerers and brave rebels, horrible monsters, etc.The difference is that this time around, our main protagonist is one of the bad guys. Mag Kiln (Charles Hubbell) is an evil priest of Izrador, a fallen god cast out of heaven for his crimes. (Just keep thinking Sauron and you'll get it.) Mag is sent to a backwater village to finish building Izrador's temple. But the village turns out to be a hub of rebel activity and, possibly worse, even haunted by supernatural beings Mag knows nothing about.Anyone thinking of renting this flick needs to know certain things going in. First off, it's extremely low-budget. The action scenes are not very well staged and there aren't many of them anyway. Most of the plot is carried forward by dialogue, so if you're expecting a lot of bloody sword fights you'll be disappointed. And the climax—if you can call it that—is a serious letdown. Presumably this is the first in a series of films, which isn't mentioned anywhere on the DVD cover, and so the ending leaves the viewer with more questions than answers.But for all that, I enjoyed watching Midnight Chronicles. For one thing, it's clearly a real labor of love for Christian T. Petersen, who not only wrote the script but directs the picture as well. The story takes itself seriously, where many films of its kind succumb to campy self-parody, and the cast uniformly keeps a straight face. The film is also surprisingly well-written. The dialogue is exactly like reading a fantasy novel, and helps set just the right tone. Costumes and set design are also surprisingly good considering the obvious lack of funds, and the wicked orcs are especially well-rendered.The actors are mostly unknown, but for the most part they do well. Charles Hubbell is very good as the "evil" Mag, who may be on the verge of a crisis of faith (one would hope so!). Dawn Brodey is a lovely assistant to Mag named Chazura, and Sam Landman adds some color to the narrative as Mag's sarcastic sidekick, Kruce.Despite its weaknesses, I look forward to future installments in the Midnight Chronicles, assuming this film does well enough to generate a sequel. It's not for everyone, and can come across as a poor man's version of The Lord of the Rings, but fantasy fans looking for something different should check it out.

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This is a bad movie. The dialogue is stilted and unbelievable. The acting uniformly drab and uninspired. This film has all the warmth of a sub-arctic glacier. Never have pixies, elves, dwarfs and trolls been less appealing. The producers came up with the novel idea of substituting seemingly endless monologues for any kind of real action. The writers must have done most of their work in their parent's basements. Save your time and your money and watch some Beverly Hill Billies reruns. Watching Surf Ningas will be a life reaffirming experience in comparison to the excruciating exercise of watching this film to its dreary ending If you have never played a role playing game this movie will convince you not to.

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I agree that most of the set designs were pretty good for a low budget fantasy movie. Some of the actors were good but there were some notably terrible ones as well. The writing was horrific. Worst of all was the number of times they referred to "the Legate" or "legates" OMFG it should have stuck out like a sore thumb during the editing process at the very least and should have been caught after the first draft of the screenplay. My friends and I were cackling and wincing every time they said the word. If it were a drinking contest we would have died of alcohol poisoning.Aside from that, almost NOTHING HAPPENS for the first 70 minutes of the film. The opening slate has a poorly written quotation that is subsequently negated by an overly long and rambling voice over that fails to explain much or move the story forward.I've played plenty of RPG's and love fantasy fiction but could not love this dog. Avoid it.

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