Miami Supercops
Miami Supercops
PG | 11 December 1985 (USA)
Miami Supercops Trailers

In 1978, $20 million was stolen from a Detroit bank. One of the robbers was caught, one was found dead, and the third disappeared. The money was never found. Seven years later, the robber who was caught was released from jail. He immediately went to Miami, only to be found dead the next day. Now FBI agents Doug Bennet and Steve Forest have been called in to investigate the case while posing as Miami police officers. Somewhere in Miami the third robber is hiding with his $20 million, and he has a seven-year head start on the authorities.


Purely Joyful Movie!

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Good start, but then it gets ruined

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Hrutka Pal

Well this movie was made in the mid 80-ies, where this glorious duo began to get older & slower. In this movie (I think the "brawling two" is still working here, but it's not that great as in the earlier years, decades.Here they use guns many times, not something we got used to in the earlier movies. The story isn't really good, sometimes it's not really making sense. *Like the scene with the fingerprints. Why didn't Spencer and Hill take the fingerprints? The bad guy even said he will do it ?! That would've been the proof*And some scenes are pretty trashy. But there are still good jokes, I laughed many times, it's worth a watch, but they had many better movies.(But worse as well, so this is somewhere in between)

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Hey senor! The 80's were and will be one of the best decades,if not the BEST century in the history of this pathetic planet. The movies were good, the music was good, the environment was good,life was less fast paced and more relaxed and definitely they don't make greats like Buddy and Terry anymore!! Nowadays movies are filled with gory and mindless violence and inane predictable computer graphics. Why even a 2 yr old kid can make a movie these days. There does not appear to be any creativity in todays movies. I grew up in the 80's and I must say i thoroughly enjoyed a lot. There were many good themes to choose from unlike todays vapid fare!!

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Stephan Klose

I have to admit, writing about this movie is kind of sad. But there is one thing I have to say upfront. Don't watch it in German, because what they speak there has nothing to do with the original.. Which I, by the way could not figure out in what language it was made, but I guess it was Italian. At the beginning you see Bud Spencer flying in a helicopter, if you switch to English his voice and the lips are in complete sync.. as for Terence Hill you have to switch to Italian to get the perfect sync, but aside from that let's begin: Well they are both pretty were getting older.. Bud was 56 at the time and Terence was 46. If you don't watch it in German, Miami Supercops is the only movie of them where there is a real big Plot and only one big fight at the end. But even without the stupid German dubbing, where every sentence has to be funny there are a few very, very funny scenes.. And this movie has, as I said a plot, pretty complex for Bud/Terence Standards... (Oh, and If you look above, you'll see that on the amazon board it says that it's not available in Germany on DVD. That's an Error. It is under the name, under which it was released in Germany back in 85: Miami Cops, available on DVD for 10,95 Euro)... Since I don't have to tell you what the movie is about.. You can read that in the details of the movie just let me say: It's by for not their worst movie. The music is appropriate to the mid-80's (kinda like Miami Vice).. Well it's an o.k. Movie and well worth the 10,95 Euro at .. To best describe it.. A funny Action Thriller.. And the last with both Actors in it.. And now I don't think they will act together again.. So if you wanna get only one movie of them, get that one.. (It's both of them and only 1 real big stupid fight) Or if you like the fights you can get any of the others... ANY!!! But you see that they are both tired of making their movies.. But if you check for them you will see that they both made something after their "Buddy Movies". Well, I like it. Oh and you can watch it in German if you are real drunk.. Then you will laugh like hell.. That's about it.. Can't thing about more to say about this movie Stephan

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Terence Hill and Bud Spencer star as, respectively, a New York cop (!) and an ex-FBI agent (!) who team up again after several years and go to Miami to track down the killer of an infamous robber who had just gotten released from prison. They're supposed to be working undercover, but I don't see anything "undercover" about wearing police uniforms and patroling the streets in a police car. The film is undemanding but technically shoddy (their superior only has to casually press two or three computer keys and they have any information they need to get on with the case), with some of the lamest, laziest fight scenes ever filmed (punches don't connect, opponents strike as if they want to miss, etc.). Contrary to what other people say, I don't think that any movie with Bud and Terence can be completely bad - but this one admittedly comes pretty close. (*1/2)

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