Medium Raw
Medium Raw
| 06 August 2010 (USA)
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Capturing the sadistic serial killer "The Wolf" was just the beginning for rookie cop Johnny Morgan. As he escorts the monster to his new home in the dark underground halls of Parker's Asylum, bedlam ensues and Johnny along with a handful of civilians become players in a night of survival against the world's most terrifying inmates.

Mabel Munoz

Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?

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Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Frances Chung

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Walter Sloane

Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.

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This was a bad movie. Lots of decent actors in small cameo roles but all of them are completely wasted. The leads and most supporting actors are not good on a performance level but that could be the result of just having such a bad script to work with. Not much to recommend here other than seeing some good actors in very small, wasted roles.

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This is a stinker of a horror movie. I don't know why but for some reason the horror movie genre tends to draw wannabe film makers and movie stars to it to do sub standard horror films. This horror movie is not scary at all and is even funny most of the time which is a bad thing because it is not trying at all to be funny. The plot is so awful you can't help but laugh. The beginning starts out all right and it seems like it will become a good scary movie but once the awesome wolf costumed killer is captured it gets stupid really fast. Basically a little red riding hood killer with a metal wolf costume who kills little girls gets put into an asylum, the power goes out and yadda yadda yadda you already know where this is going. There are good supporting actors in this but the lead (Detective Johnny) is maybe the worst actor I have ever seen, as other reviews here say he has absolutely no facial expressions let alone acting ability. We laughed out loud several times as he said his lines with zero emotions. The other lead is not much better as the doctor/his wife he is separated from. Also there are a lot of really stupid plot twists. For example one of the patients becomes a homicidal bull man whenever he sees the color red. Insanely bad movie.

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Directed by Andrew Cymek "Medium Raw" has a very in depth synopsis with multiple stories playing out centering around a serial killer and his connection to the other cast of characters in this action/horror flick. A rookie cop catches a notorious serial killer known as "The Wolf" who killed his sister when he was a child and left him scarred. While seeing the killer to his new digs at Parker's Asylum officer Johnny Morgan and a small group of others find them selves in a twisted battle for survival when pandemonium ensues bringing them face to face with some of the worlds sickest killers. The film stars William Davis, John Rhys Daves, Brigette Kingsley, Mercedes McNab, Jay Reso, Kristina Miller and Andrew Cymek."Medium Raw: Night Of The Wolf" has some really cool elements and some very bad ones. The things that I enjoyed about this film most were eclectic group of serial killers locked within the asylum and the fact that it happens on the eve of the Christmas holiday. There was a big flirtation with the Little Red Riding Hood fairytale between "The Wolf" and a small child that really should not have been in the facility to begin with. For me the most exciting thing about this film was the "smack down" concept as the killers are released from their cells forcing the people trapped inside to fight or flee in order to survive. The best character in "Medium Raw" was Mabel Hannibal. A crazy woman who was captured and locked away for killing and cooking people. If Hell has a chef then Mabel Hannibal is that chef. The few things that fell flat for me in this blended plot structured action/horror flick are simple and only minor irritations at best. First Andrew Cymek's direction and vision for this story was awesome but his portrayal of Johnny Morgan came of a little more comical than I think it was intended. The second thing that seemed to take way from the story was the under utilization of the twisted and dark doctor of Parker's Asylum. William Davis as a sinister figure is commanding. He is evil incarnate on screen and I would have rather seen more of his character as well as the iron wolf suit than all the flashbacks to Johnny Morgan's past. "Medium Raw: Night Of The Wolf" has a lot of good qualities to entertain. The gore and blood is there and great quality effects. The acting for the most part was believable and the haunting air of the Christmas holiday gave an added darkness to the film that I loved. The soundtrack played out perfect with the scenes and helped to bring the emotion outward. The asylum could have had a stronger story with more face time for the other killers but oh well. The fact is "Medium Raw" gives us a holiday gathering that only Hell could conjure.

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Matt Kracht

The plot: When a system error releases all the prisoners in a high security psychiatric hospital, visitors and staff are hunted down by the most dangerous patients, including a newly arrived serial killer.By any standard, this is a terrible movie. However, I reject the inevitable calls of "worst movie ever made". The acting and writing suck, but it's just not boring enough to qualify.There are many scenes in this movie that defy common sense, but if you're watching low budget, independent, direct-to-video horror movies, I imagine that you're not all that concerned with such matters. If, however, you're expecting this ridiculous movie to make any kind of sense or exist in the real world, then I see why you'd be very disappointed. From the beginning, it seemed like this was a pretty big ripoff of Arkham Asylum, a fixture of Batman comic books. It even has a cheap Bane knockoff, a menacing head psychiatrist, and a tormented crime-fighter. I mean, really, how much more derivative can you get?Still, despite the lack of originality, bad writing, bad acting, and iffy directing, I was able to sit through the entire movie. I think that should count for something. I've decided to be somewhat generous and award this movie a 4/10. It's bad, but it's nowhere near bad enough for some of the hyperbolic criticism that it has attracted.

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