Meatballs: Part II
Meatballs: Part II
PG | 27 July 1984 (USA)
Meatballs: Part II Trailers

The second in-name-only sequel to the first Meatballs summer camp movie sets us at Camp Sasquash where the owner Giddy tries to keep his camp open after it's threatened with foreclosure after Hershey, the militant owner of Camp Patton located just across the lake, wants to buy the entire lake area to expand Camp Patton. Giddy suggests settling the issue with the traditional end-of-the-summer boxing match over rights to the lake. Meanwhile, a tough, inner city punk, nicknamed Flash, is at Camp Sasquash for community service as a counselor-in-training where he sets his sights on the naive and intellectual Cheryl, while Flash's young charges befriend an alien, whom they name Meathead, also staying at the camp for the summer.


Very well executed

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Derry Herrera

Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.

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Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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While the original "Meatballs" was about kids dealing with everyday problems and talking to Bill Murray a lot, this in-name-only sequel takes a turn for the bizarre and brings in an alien. This might hurt the realism of the movie, but I just really don't care. The complete randomness of this silly plot line is actually one of the few things that keep this show on the road, because for the most part this is just as standard as they come. You get the same characters from every other summer camp movie, the same jokes, even the same look, things get pretty boring that way. Then they throw an alien with a funny voice in the mix and they manage to recapture my attention. This movie often runs low on ideas, but it's pretty fun to watch anyway.

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"I have an idea" someone said, "lets make a sequel to Meatballs and have it be completely moronic and groan inducing!". After the movie was made and released the person said "dude, I was making a joke". And so Meatballs 2 was made and while it is in fact about a summer camp and more of a sequel to the original than the third one is, I still think this one is the worst of the bunch. Granted a few jokes make me chuckle which is why I nicely gave this movie a three rather than a one or two. The plot? Why bother, it involves some dude who does not want to be a counselor, an alien, and a brawl for it all boxing match between two summer camps, one regular and a military type one. That is the gist of it, and if you are wondering, yes the alien is friendly and probably inserted thanks to the success of E.T. two years prior. Bill Murray is not in this movie and can you blame him, while they made this movie he was making Ghostbusters. Instead they got Richard Mulligan, who I like in some roles, not this one. They also begin easing this series of movies into more of a teen sex series, but only lightly in this one.

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Remember when we used to be satisfied to go the movies and watch bad actors from sitcoms strut around cheap sets and make dumb jokes? Well, if you were born anytime after 1980, you probably don't remember seeing any cheesy 80s flicks in their original context. Meatballs II doesn't claim to be anything other than one of these "campy" movies, so view it with a good attitude and watch to see what actors you recognize. I recently watched this movie for the first time in the 21st century (probably skipping all of the 90s) and, being a good ten years older and wiser, saw it as the bunch of foolishness it really is. However, it's an essential 80s flick full of outdated costumes and corny exercise music. I still have yet to hear anyone use the expression "pinky" in this context. The opening scene still has me rolling on the floor.

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Kim Richards is HOT! so I mean its worth getting out if your a guy just for her. The Alien is cute and you get a few laughs. The two heads of camp are very annoying and everything goes quite slow. Go rent it out if your bored theres worse movies out there.

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