| 26 April 2012 (USA)
McCullin Trailers

Biographical documentary of the war photographer Don McCullin, with sections on his upbringing, early work for the Observer and extensive war reporting for the Sunday Times until the purchase of the newspaper by Rupert Murdoch in the 1980s.


Absolutely Fantastic

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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I gave this film a 9 out of 10, because it was exactly what I expected it to be.

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The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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For some reason, in the United States, this is not available through any of the major streaming / purchasing networks (Netflix, Amazon, iTunes). You can't even buy a region 1 DVD of it.Thankfully, living in Japan, Netflix does offer it here. I feel privileged to have come across this extraordinary documentary, narrated by the photographer himself, Don McCullin. The footage shown in this is not for the faint of heart. Neither are the stories Don tells about his many visits to war-inflicted countries. But when you are done, you can't help but get the sense of how important independent, uncensored journalism is.Hint (and minor spoiler): When people whose main interest is money, and not journalism, by independent publications, you can expect the truth to suffer. And so it has.

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Filmsploitation The Film Podcast

The Review: To be honest I have a soft spot for documentaries in general (despite my reputation as a lover a tat & blockbusters). So whilst I'm often impressed, I'm rarely wowed. But with a powerful story and captivating subject matter, Mccullin managed to do just that. And more.The story: Celebrated photographer Don McCullin worked for The Sunday Times from 1966 to 1983, at a time when the newspaper was widely recognised as being at the cutting edge of international investigative photo-journalism. During that period he covered wars and humanitarian disasters on virtually every continent: from civil war in Cyprus, the war in Vietnam and the man-made famine in Biafra to the plight of the homeless in swinging sixties London.Simply put McCullin is one of the most interesting films I have seen this year and certainly one of my top 5 favourite documentaries of all time.Don McCullin is a fascinating subject from the start, open and honest about his time on the front line yet haunted by what he has seen and done (or not), a personal conflict the filmmakers capture perfectly.McCullin arrives care of the producers of Award winning Senna. Which gives a long way to explaining the style the film takes and the successes it shares. A near perfect mix of archive footage, contemporary interview, and (naturally) his photographic work to tell a story that spans not just decades but some of the bloodiest and most heinous moments of modern history, all captured in their horrific detail by McCullin and in turn the filmmakers. And be warned this film shows some of the most horrific and disturbing of these images, from dying children to the true horrors of conflict, making it at times a very unsettling watch.A run time that doesn't allow the film to hang around, backed up by some excellent editing make this technically interesting as well but none of this would count for anything (much like Senna before it) without the man at it's core.So a brilliant, captivating film of a brilliant and captivating man and one of my Top 5 (maybe 3 ) films of 2013 so far.A must see.Reviewed By: Phil HobdenJoin the debate on our Facebook Group ( or on our website (

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I watched this film on the BBC last week and was so moved by it I had to leave a comment here. This is an essential film for those people who want to understand the profound impact of wars in the world. I am certainly grateful that I don't have to live through what most people portrayed by McCullim have done, but I am equally certain that it cannot keep happening to anyone, ever, anywhere. McCullin at some point in the film says he was afraid he was becoming a "war junkie", which is a pretty sober recognition; how to keep reporting the misery around him and still maintain the humanity throughout? There are some harrowing images in this film, especially the footage of mercenaries in Africa and McCullin's recollections of how they operated. It is strange to see all this now, because governments have made sure that any journalists are now "embedded" within an army and not really allowed to be their own agents - and the consequence is that we no longer see what wars do to civilians and soldiers. Don McCullin's portraits are incredibly moving because they communicate the humanity and dignity in people, no matter what the circumstances are. I found very telling that he now lives in the countryside and only photographs landscapes. Thank you to the filmmakers for this amazing piece of work.

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I must confess I only stumbled across this riveting and powerful but relatively unknown documentary because my local independent cinema was showing it. McCullin did actually receive a BAFTA nomination for best feature length documentary and this was fully justified. I cannot recommend this film enough; it is truly fascinating and extremely well put together that the 90 minutes of its running time just fly by. Not only is this superbly edited, but the music also enhances the mood and atmosphere.Don McCullin himself is uncomfortable with the title of 'war photographer' and throughout his interview he gives fascinating accounts of his life and what effect witnessing the horrifying experiences that he did affected him. This documentary also serves as an insightful documentary into some of the conflicts of the second half of the twentieth century. McCullin's firsthand accounts of what he witnessed gives harrowing but fascinating insights into scenes some of us can only imagine. As with all wars, the main victims are those innocent civilians stuck in the middle and McCullin's descriptions of such people really put life into perspective and the luxuries that we all take for granted. This is at times uncomfortable and sobering viewing, but only due to the raw honesty of McCullin's stories and photos. McCullin himself also emerges as not only a fascinating man, but a man of integrity and honesty. We could only imaging what witnessing some of the horrific events that he did would do to us psychologically and it is genuinely fascinating as he reveals what it did to him. This film also serves as a reminder to an irretrievable bygone era of journalism and does make us pose some questions about the integrity and honesty of 21st century journalism, especially photojournalism. As Don McCullin himself says: "Photography is the truth if it's being handled by a truthful person." This is an extremely honest and genuinely powerful documentary that not only provides insight into a fascinating man, but also the horrifying truth about the effects war can have on nations and innocent civilians. This is unforgettable and devastating, and though not an easy watch at times, one I would thoroughly recommend.

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