Growing Girls
Growing Girls
| 15 November 1949 (USA)
Growing Girls Trailers

After several farmyard analogies featuring chicks and calves, the well-spoken narrator and director of the film, Winifred Holmes, considers the subject of girls and how they reach adulthood and readiness for the 'important job of motherhood.


A Disappointing Continuation

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Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.

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Francene Odetta

It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.

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Growing Girls (1949) *** (out of 4) This British educational film is certainly aimed at girls and tries to help them go through the various changes that their bodies are going to be going through. Obviously, this short isn't meant for me but I honestly must say that it's one of the best made that I've seen. Kino released countless educational shorts as have other studios and this here is certainly among the best produced. What we basically see are the changes that goes on with a girl's body throughout her teen years. With the help of some animation we're shown the various changes that go on inside the body as well as out and why taking care of yourself is so important. Again, this short obviously isn't meant for me and it's doubtful many people of today's generation would select this film to show there kids but you have to give the company credit for at least delivering something that I'm sure was very helpful back in the day. Topics include what should or shouldn't be eaten while on a period and what you can or can't do. I must say the one thing that struck me odd is how much warning there is about catching a cold. I'm not sure if this is strictly a British thing but I've never seen one of these type of pictures that preached so much about not getting wet and catching a cold.

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GROWING GIRLS is an informative British short subject designed to educate young people on the transformation to adolescence of females. It gets the point across and is neither salacious nor insulting.Aided by drawings, the female narrator tells us about the maturation of young women at approximate age 13. Of particular note is a well-written explanation of menstruation, exactly what the process is, why it occurs and how young women can adjust their lives to deal with it.Most sex ed movies miss the boat, erring on the side of talking down to the audience or at the other extreme turning into either intentional or inadvertent titillation. This one, credited to Southalls Ltd. and The Film Producers Guild hits the right marks. It was released by Concord Films Council.

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