Man From Nowhere
Man From Nowhere
| 27 August 1966 (USA)
Man From Nowhere Trailers

Arizona Colt heads for Blackstone City where Gordon is planning a robbery. When one of Gordon's henchmen murders a saloon girl, Arizona offers to hunt down the killer.


How sad is this?

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I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.

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I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.

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Keeley Coleman

The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;

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ARIZONA COLT is a fine-looking spaghetti western made during the big boom of the genre and at a time when the films had the budgets to make them look good. This does look very good and I was more than happy with Amazon Prime's print which is of a far better quality than most of the spaghetti westerns they show. This film features Giuliano Gemma as a delightfully amoral gunslinger who rescues a group of prisoners only to fall out with them over their subsequent plans.Gemma is a guy who's only in the game for the money and the women and I liked the edge to his character here. He was one of the genre's most familiar faces and there's little to dislike about him overall in this film. Fernando Sancho does another larger than life villain and is loud and boisterous which fits his character nicely. The story was written by the reliable Ernesto Gastaldi and directed by genre director Michele Lupo, who made interesting titles like GOLIATH AND THE SINS OF BABYLON, BUDDY GOES WEST, and THE WEEKEND MURDERS over his varied career.The main problem with ARIZONA COLT is the running time, which at two hours is just too long. There's too much foot-dragging here and thus some of the scenes start to feel more than a little repetitive and forced. After all, there are only so many gun fights and bar-room showdowns that you can fit into the running time. Cut half an hour off the running time and this would have been much more fun.

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Chris Haskell

Released on DVD here in the states as "The Man From Nowhere", this entry into the Western All'Italiana oeuvre features pretty boy Guiliano Gemma as the good, veteran character actor Fernando Sancho as the bad, and a disappointing script as the ugly.Arizona Colt can never quite figure out what it's trying to be. As a Hollywood western there would have been a few too many deaths and too strong a focus on destruction. As an Italian Western it takes itself too seriously and leans too heavily on wide tracking shots of the ol' west. There is some good humor, and the reveal how Arizona is going to take on a town full of baddies is very slick, but this movie is a series of good moments and an overall weak effort when considered as a whole.Rating: 16/40

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Gordon (Fernando Sancho) and his bandits attack a prison to free all the inmates, because they need more men to rob a bank. One of the ex-prisoners declines the job offer, though. Arizona Colt (Giuliano Gemma) chases a murderer (Nello Pazzafini) for a reward of 500 dollars - and a night with the daughter of the saloon keeper! "Arizona Colt" proves once again that the spaghetti western heroes were not bound by morality. The protagonist is only into money and women, but somehow he remains sympathetic. Classic moment of cynicism: Gordon tells how his father many years ago said: "Son, when I'm dead, my golden watch will belong to you", and 5 seconds later, the watch did belong to Gordon! Fernando Sancho is perfect as always to play the leader of the bandits. Gemma is a different type of actor than the stone-faced Clint Eastwood imitators of the genre, thus his movies are usually more enjoyable and original. The music is quite close to the rather epic style of the Ringo films, but written by Francesco de Masi this time.

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Torrez Gordon needs new blood for his gang of outlaws, so he breaks into a prison to brand the inmates with the 'S' of the Scorpion gang. You gotta love the way these Italian stunt men spin around when they are shot. Some of them even got their horses doing it! Only one man refuses to join Gordon's gang: a clean cut dandy who calls himself Arizona Colt, after the state and the pistol.This is not your usual Spaghetti Western. The man with no name never cared about his appearance. Arizona however, hides in his underwear, hanging upside down from a tree to take another outlaw's outfit, all to keep his precious suit clean! The score is also more American in nature than usual: very brassy and with the occasional comic banjo thrown in for good measure.Colt is off to Blackstone Hill where we are introduced to a lot of supporting characters that have little to add to the picture. Dolores, who work in a bar full of men, is killed by a drunk in the barn before the audience gets a change to care about her. When her father asks Arizona to go after the killer, he not only demands money in return but the other daughter, Jane too (so he isn't a total fruitcake after all). Jane does not object either, since this is the only guy in town who knows what a bathtub looks like. He's so clean his teeth shine in the dark.It gets even sillier when the Scorpion gang stumbles upon a gang of singing cowboys. The scene starts of quite amusing, with Gordon's right hand man Big Whiskey smelling out each person's valuables. But when the gang leader pulls out his golden pocket watch (don't they always?) and starts shooting all of these Gene Autry's in the back, Whiskey is not amused. He eventually teams up with Arizona, who has failed his mission in order to learn the usual lesion in humility. While he is recuperating in an abandoned church, Jane comes begging for his help again. It seems Gordon is now holding the entire town hostage. Luckily Whiskey is an explosives expert and the two of them decide to take on all the Scorpions. Ever the showoff, Arizona kills each one of them in a different way, making use of household objects like rocking chairs and of course his acrobatics. In the sequel, "Arizona si scatenò... e li fece fuori tutti" (1970), the much dirtier Anthony Steffen took over the lead from Giuliano Gemma.5 out of 10

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