| 20 December 1976 (USA)
Mama Trailers

Mrs. Rada the Goat tells her five children to behave while she goes to the fair, and under no circumstances open the door to anyone except her. But the Big Bad Wolf, Kostika (Titi) Suru, and his nephew, the Little Bad Wolf, along with friends Rassul the Lynx and Petrika the Donkey has made a plan to kidnap the children while their mother is away. And when the eldest child, Matei, decides to disobey his mother and visit the fair himself, things start to go badly for the goat-family.


A waste of 90 minutes of my life

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Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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Well, it's a Russian-Romanian movie or Romanian-Russian as you like, produced by Romanian television and Mosfilm. I neither not know who and how much has contributed in it, nor I'm going to ponder on this, because Romanian television and Mosfilm did together a mega-work. If you want to have the authorship for individual strokes on the masterpiece canvas,go ahead, but I prefer to enjoy the canvas and to praise Mosfilm and Romanian television, may they both long live. As Russian I see our all-time mega-actors in the leading roles of wolf, mama goat, bears, one of the wolf's sidekicks, and I enjoy their acting as well as I enjoy the entire movie as one great piece of story telling, artistry, music, ballet, costumes, setting, you name it. All actors in the movie are up to their roles and do a fantastic performance. The original story is obviously Romanian, because Russian story of "Mama goat and seven bucks" has a different ending without gold ransom episode, leaving this alone the story is almost the same - bad wolf ends his life in fire pit. The Romanian ending of wolf's following the sack of gold into the icy river creates richer allusions, I think. They say Romanian television made the character's costumes,so I'm interested was it on purpose they added some gay details in the wolf's costume ? When wolf Suru sings in Russian "Grey wolf is innocent like a child" this makes me think it is more than a well-rhymed line. BTW I normally don't recognize such thing as musical, and I think rock'n'roll is not an appropriate music. And first I was prejudiced against this movie for much rock music is there. But giving myself a time to watch it to the end I found that this rich and deep mega-work is somehow an exception. How they did it ? Аsk Romanian television and Russian Mosfilm.

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Ad Maar

Wonderful movie, but...Why is this considered a Russian movie?The producers are Romania Film, Mosfilm and Ralux Film, The story is based on the fairy tale „Capra cu trei iezi" by the Romanian author Ion Creangă, the music is composed by Temistocle Popa, the costumes designed by Florina Tomescu are based on the Romanian traditional clothes, Maramureş type, also the setting is based on traditional villages from Maramureş and the director is Romanian: Elisabeta Bostan. Cinematography, Film Editing, Production Design in all of these the Russians had a minor role if any at all. Yes, the leading roles are played by Russian actors and the movie was somehow distributed to the west by the Russians but I think those that created the movie deserve at least some credit.I think for most of the Romanians who saw this decades ago as well as for those that saw this today will be quite confusing that this is considered a Russian movie.

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Svein Olav Nyberg

This movie is one of my all-time greats with a gripping tale, actually rather good music and fine performances. And anyone who's seen it even once will sing at least part of "Momy's home" and get tears in their eyes. Technically it had a few flaws in the English version, so I jack my rating down to 9 for that. Those flaws should be easy to fix on a DVD release, though.But most of all, this is a movie I would love to show my children. A real movie (as opposed to what TV is showing too much of these days) yet with appeal to kids both in my time and in the present. If you like (and remember) this movie, you should also have a look at "Three nuts for Cinderella" (, a far superior version of the Cinderella tale.

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Jens August

I give this a ten. Yes it's partly because I saw it several times as a child, so you do get a bit nostalgic when something reminds you of your childhood. In my case this has also very much to do with the music and of course the universal themes of mother/children and good/bad.When I see this movie as an grown-up, I can understand why this make so much effect on both children and adults. It has everything you can fantasize about. Great acting and choreography, and all the small and great details in costumes and makeup. The actors facial expressions are spot on for the animals they are playing. As a child you connect to them at once. The story is just as clever, funny, warm and a bit scary as you would expect from an old fairy-tale. On top of this you have the excellent music. It has a few melodies that you can remember for 20 years after just one or two listens. It has classical music, a bit rock'n roll, musical like, lullaby, disco, East-European... It never gets boring.This movie just has the magic soul that can touch you and stay in your heart for ever. Not many movies can do that. Not to me at least.NB: Funny how much 'top 1000 voters' are weighted on IMDb :(When I write this, this movie has 7.7 (133 votes). The ratings 1,2,3 and 4 have only 4 votes. 2 of those 4 votes are top 1000 voters. Incredible 70% gives this movie a ten. 94% of 133 voters give this movie 8 or more. Still it's weighted 7.7 only because of two top 1000 voters...

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