Mail Order Wife
Mail Order Wife
| 01 February 2005 (USA)
Mail Order Wife Trailers

A documentarian funds a NYC doorman's Asian mail order bride in exchange for the right to film the experience.


Good , But It Is Overrated By Some

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Mischa Redfern

I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.

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Kien Navarro

Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.

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Staci Frederick

Blistering performances.

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I've read some comments here that seem to suggest the authors thought this movie was a documentary. But it isn't. It's a brazen, ballsy comedy DISGUISED as a documentary.I found this movie to be outrageously, wickedly funny and in the vein of the TV series "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." Also, it has an unexpected amount of intelligence in its statements about American life versus life in the rest of the world, relationships, sex, and love(or lack thereof).Beware all those who are easily offended: This movie is NOT for you. For those of you who like your comedy darker than a cup of black coffee, enjoy!

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Anton Tchernev

This film is everything but not COMEDY! I wander who is the sick mind who put it in this category. This is a bad taste mockery with the sad life of real poor Asian girls in America. I don't recommend it to no one who pretends to be sane. More, this film has to be banned in every civilized country. Shame on the authors, they're alike the "heroes" of their film. Characteristics of this movie: sadistic, poor budget, poor quality, bad taste, mockery, schizophrenic, obscene, decayed, repulsive, violent, nasty, disgusting. The Jackass (the Movie) of MTV and Jhonny Knoxville is masterpiece compared to this. My advice to all: don't waste your time and money for this rubbish!

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I just happened to catch this movie at 4a.m. and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This movie had me totally fooled until the credits. I thought this was a real documentary. What made it even more real is that Jose Canseco is in the film and plays himself. I was in absolute amazement until the credits rolled. And that's when I realized this was fiction. The acting by this cast was phenomenal, especially Eugenia Yuan and Adrian Martinez. They made it too real. Also the cinematography (if you want to call it that) was great as it was filmed like a real documentary. For sensitive viewers, the story may be too real and can cause an uncomfortable feeling. Some of the material is very serious (which makes it seem even more non-fictitious). But the story line has you in suspense from beginning to end.

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Sometimes my wife and I put on a movie late at night to fall asleep to. We put this on one night really late and pretty soon we were both sitting up glued to the set. The movie is extremely engaging and keeps getting better as it goes on.I can't comment too much on the movie without spoiling it because it does have its twists and turns with a grand finale at the end. All I can say is that if you appreciate documentaries and shows like Frontline, you will like this one.You simply have to see this movie if you can find it. I'm going to buy a copy for all my friends for Christmas.

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