Love Me
Love Me
| 06 April 2014 (USA)
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Love Me follows Western men and Ukrainian women as they embark on an unpredictable and riveting journey in search of love through the modern "mail-order bride" industry.


The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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Sameer Callahan

It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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Aneesa Wardle

The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.

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There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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* Includes a mild dose of spoilers *As a person who used online dating sites to (try to) meet Russian/Ukrainian women, I can relate to most of the experiences shared in the documentary. I really appreciate the efforts made by the creators of "Love Me" to draw a realistic picture of the "mail order bride" phenomenon. The documentary was able to capture faithfully the experiences of 6 protagonists (and their female counterparts), following them through 9 months (if I did not count wrong).The two sites featured in the film are the major ones in the industry.I am also in the view that the scam/honest women ratio obtained at the end is quite consistent with reality.Overall, this film is objective, entertaining and much interesting.

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One reviewer stated that the entire purpose of this film was to expose what a scam the entire "mail order bride" industry was. I completely disagree. I think the point of the movie was to explore and show the different experiences and motives of the men and women using these services, which it did quite well. Some of these men seemed to have unrealistic expectations, looking for a super model type wife even though they themselves were overweight and older, but a couple seemed very genuine and sincere in their search to connect with someone. It was disheartening to see one man who was outright scammed and misled by a woman, and two more who were likely scammed. Two of the couples do get married, and the bond between one of them is quite evident and they seemed very genuine and in love--it was cute to watch them. The nicest thing about this film is that it shows the honest perspectives of both sides and even some of the parents, and it's very nice that it follows the story for quite some time (at least a year, if not more--I didn't keep track) to show how some of the relationships didn't work out while others seemed to get better.

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The Ukraine...sounds like a great place to go on vacation, see the sights, or....find a bride!?? LOL This new doc. a friend recommended off Netflix profiles a group of middle-aged schlubs that no one in America wants, so they decide to do the next best thing..go to the Ukraine in search of a bride..and guess what?? Hardly anyone there wants them either! LOL As I was watching this movie, I think it became very obvious what these guys' problem were, especially that Australian dude. That hottie he married even said it at want point- "he doesn't listen to me- he doesn't care about anything I want, etc..." I think he and maybe some of the other blokes in this movie would really just prefer to find a woman who doesn't speak hardly any English so they don't have to communicate with them?? Now some of these guys did have luck. And these Ukrainian women over smokin' HAWT! If I had the dough, believe you me, I'd head over there myself! LOL But I think it all comes down to the ol' "grass is greener on the other side" cliché'. Like that scene at the end of the film when the one dude ends up finding in the states- someone he had dated before AFTER making that big long haul to the Ukraine..?? Oh, and BTW- as for this movie??- definite recommend; really enjoyed this...

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First off, I have to applaud the bravery of the western men and eastern European women who agreed to be filmed during their search for a partner. It can't have been easy, knowing how they risked appearing to an audience. That aside, I think the stars of this documentary would be the first to agree that something has gone wrong in their lives that they have resorted to such unorthodox measures. Understanding the desperation and deep loneliness of the men is key to understanding how they can be deceived by both themselves and the morally bankrupt businesses and individuals that exploit that loneliness for their own aims. The documentary-makers sympathetically but astutely expose these issues, through uncompromising filming and pertinent interview questions. The question the interviewers keep returning to - what is love - is a thought-provoking one that perhaps has no satisfactory answer. I'd suggest that the men asked in the documentary revealed the extent of their disconnection from reality and self-deception with their naive and romantic answers. While viewers may not be able to say what love is by the end of the documentary, I think they'll be more confident in saying what love isn't.

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