Long Hello and Short Goodbye
Long Hello and Short Goodbye
| 15 July 1999 (USA)
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That was an excellent one.

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Jenni Devyn

Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.

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Can anyone tell me what happens in the end...I didn't really get it... Do Ben and Melody die?Cos they can't really go to a hospital cos they would have to tell the doctors or someone what happened...I always get annoyed when I don't know what'll happen....!!!I found the film very good though...very good actors/actresses...But I didn't get that bondage thing going on between Melody's boss and that woman...?! Well anyway...I liked the love-story between Ben and Melody...it was very sweet...So please can someone answer my question above and tell me what they think happened to them both...I should really stop taking films so serious... Thanks for reading my comment...!

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Excuse my English but this is a great German film called "Long Hello and Short Goodbye" by Rainer Kaufmann who also directed "The Pharmacist." This film is made very beautiful and thrilling to see, with exciting performances from the gorgeous Nicolette Krebitz. There are twists and turns, laughs, and a great shoot-out at the end. What I like too is that it says something about the human condition but says so in this telling of a modern film noir. If you like "Bonnie and Clyde" and "Pulp Fiction" this is the way that I can think only to describe what Rainer Kaufmann has done here. I will give this film five stars for the twists and turns of the plot, three stars for humor and sexiness of the bed scenes, four stars for mood and tension and pacing, five stars for the look and beauty. All in all I say it gets a 4.5/5.0...and so Dietrich says to see it now!

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During my last trip to Germany I had the pleasure of finally seeing this film, after having been a fan of the American script for years. Okay, they wimped out and simplified the structure. And what the heck is that sado-masochistic relationship between the detective and the hit woman all about?! But it was still a kick to see this very odd German version of "Long Hello." Lots of flashy visuals, good sack scenes between the leads, plenty of twists, and that great conclusion. Some striking images you probably won't forget. Can't wait for the English-language film--what the heck is taking so long?! But this one is sure worth a look while we wait for the Hollywood version to film from the original script, they say, finally, this year?! Let's hope so! And I got to add, love the title.

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Interesting film that I think will stand the test of time, or at least be more appreciated as the years pass than it was on its initial release. Lots of flashy camera tricks to go along with the plot twists and killer conclusion. I just looked up the American version someone else mentioned and found out that Hilary Swank [Oscar-winner for "Boys Don't Cry"] is going to star. Wow! That should be something. But this film is well worth your time. Rainer Kaufmann is called the "German Brian DePalma." Now you can see why.

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