Life and Lyrics
Life and Lyrics
| 24 August 2006 (USA)
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As a posse of South London DJs battle their rivals to the North, Danny (Walters) falls for a singer from the other crew.


Expected more

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It's a mild crowd pleaser for people who are exhausted by blockbusters.

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Brendon Jones

It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.

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Sabah Hensley

This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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Ashley D Walters is as always solid as an actor, starting his career as one of the members of the infamous grime-group So Solid Crew he quickly became a force to be reckoned with in UK film and TV-scene and even some stints in American movies like for instance 'Get Rich Or Die Trying' with 50 Cent.This movie is sort of reminiscent of 'Get Rich Or Die Trying' but it's more playful and the characters aren't any wannabe-gangsters or gangsters (at least not Asher D and his friends)... I'd probably compare it more to Ernest Dickerson's 'Juice'.Surprisingly despite this movie being about a rap-group in London, Asher D doesn't rap once in the movie, he plays the DJ and producer of the group.The other actors portraying the rest of the group are skillful on the mic tho, so it doesn't suffer from it and Christopher Steward who plays Fable is genuinely likable and shows good range in acting as well as rapping.The movie does have some flaws tho, the "Romeo and Juliet" aspect of the movie doesn't really get all to captivating for the viewer, I don't know where the problem lies exactly but I found myself not caring too much whether the 2 would stay together or not.But overall the story keeps you entertained and visually the movie makes London look really good, even in the "less good" areas it's visually pleasing.Comparing it to other movies of the same kind it's not up there with Kidulthood and Adulthood but it's miles beyond Rollin With The 9's and even slightly better than Bullet Boy IMO.

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This is an EMO urban hip-hop film. They did everything in this film they did in 8MILE but just multiplied it 7-fold. Where in 8-mile we felt sorry for the white kid trying to make it out of the hood by rapping now we have a whole crew of "I gotta do this and get that prise-money to pay for my mothers new kidney."First the story starts off going for the running from the cops, made great by the American urban films. Then it introduces all the characters in this crew and then their sad ass If I don't win this rap-battle've seen this story. But this time the bad guys have their own problems too. It never gets you too like anyone, I didn't hate them I just wish they'e do some elective surgery with Dr. MOSSBERG and put themselves out of their misery.hey next time can we get a chance to like them first B4 you start pulling on the heart-strings of their poor miserable hard-Scrabble existence. Hell i even felt sorry for the rival evil rap crew.In one point the HERO gets with a rich girl high above his station in life. his crew tells him to break up with her and walks around all mopey. they don't try and get jobs, or rob her and her friends or hold a rent party at her mansion. They just mope around.

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Think what you think, Life and Lyrics put Brixton on the map in the film world. Asher D ironically but educationally highlights this film after being behind bars for gun possession. Asher D inevitably headlines in a film that was overshadowed by Bullet Boy, Rolling with the 9s and the brilliant Kidulthood. Asher plays Danny Lewis an aspiring DJ struggling to get known, whilst working in a empty record shop regularly losing battles with his crew *Motion Crew* (cue cameo from UK hip-hop artist Baby Blue, and BBC favourite Reggie Yates) against rivals *Hard Cash Crew* lead by Hard Cash. Danny reveals his sympathetic past as an orphan growing up with his best friend Fabel; who in turn has a sub storyline about finding his mother. Danny falls for the rival love interest, angers Hard Cash their leader who in turn sets out to get Danny. Hard Cash *worst actor who makes this film look like a carry on movie* has financial problems from dealers, raids Fabels flat stealing everything he has, Fabel lights Hard Cashs car (a Saab which is apparently *swag*)which he needs to sell for money...this leads him to buy a gun.. and attack Danny. So then the finale Fabel meets his mum, Danny gets with the girl only to compete against her in the battle.. *SPOILER* obviously Motion Crew win, Hard Cash goes mental and runs outside to kill Danny only to shoot Fabel and kill him, cue the end.Overall, I would give this film 10 because of anything to encourage the British Film Industry.. and I genuinely liked it.. though I saw it for free with my college. I would recommend it to fans of Kidulthood.

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David Phelps

This terrible film funded off the success achieved by recent urban films such as "Kidulthood" and "Bullet Boy" is some of the most embarrassing footage I've ever seen. Fans of "8 Mile" will remember the classic storyline seeing as it's basically the same except with the inclusion of guns. This cheap and nasty copy of some recent greats reminds me of the blaxploitation films of the 1970s - 1980s all over again. What a shame for Ashley Walters who showed so much promise in Bullet Boy. If you are at all fond of the London music scene, do not watch this film. If you couldn't care less, please don't think this is what it is really like.

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