Letters to Father Jacob
Letters to Father Jacob
| 03 April 2009 (USA)
Letters to Father Jacob Trailers

With few options, newly pardoned convict Leila agrees to work as an assistant to a blind pastor. Father Jacob spends his days answering the letters of the needy, which Leila finds pointless. But when the letters stop, the pastor is devastated and Leila finds herself cast in a new role.


People are voting emotionally.

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Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??

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Far from Perfect, Far from Terrible

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Billy Ollie

Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable

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Anssi Vartiainen

As far as Finnish drama goes, this is pretty typical, though it has a visual style that's far more cultivated and deliberate than is normal. The film is full of details and carefully thought out use of lighting and sound. Atmospherically this is a very nice film and I managed to fully immerse myself into the world of it.So what went wrong? In short, the story, which should have been a bit longer. The basic idea is nothing special. A prisoner has served her time and is thus released on the condition that she goes to serve an elderly priest that needs her help answering his mail. Okay, so this is spiritual guest about finding the lost soul of this poor woman, I thought. And unfortunately that's pretty much all it is. And don't get me wrong, that alone could have made for a great film, if handled correctly. But it seemed almost as if the film makers were in a hurry to finish the story before it had had the proper time to unfold. You get the proper three act structure, but nothing more. I didn't feel like I had enough time to get to know these characters. We got the introductory scenes where their basic characteristics were established and almost immediately after that the film just ends. We get the emotionally cathartic ending alright, but it means nothing if we haven't managed to identify with these characters and we cannot do that if we are not given the time to do so.So yeah, the movie could have used a few extra scenes. Not too many, mind you, but at least a few. Now the mood feels like a whiplash, going from one end of the spectrum to another with almost no scenes in between. There is one or two, but I could have used a third or fourth.Aside from that major gripe, the film is rock solid. Both of the main actors are really talented and Father Jaakob (Heikki Nousiainen) especially just oozes the elderly charisma of someone who has seen it all and come out on the other side as a better man. Furthermore, the scenery is good, the dialogues are interesting and the whole premise has promise. It's just that I'm far more used to movies that take their time to tell the story so for me this felt more than little jarring. Perhaps it's just perfect for someone who has had a bit more experience with Finnish films, which are generally shorter than most Hollywood productions.

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Very simple story, Leila (Hazard) gets pardoned from jail and gets a simple job and a roof over her head by working for the blind Father Jaakob (Nousiainen). The job is very simple. All she has to do is take care of him which isn't much and help him with his favorite past time which is read and write letters that come to him.Quickly you learn to love father Jaakob and understand he is just as human as everyone else is. Right off the bat we understand that there is some type of anger stored inside of Leila's head while we also wonder how she made it to jail in the first place. She also seems to neglect every time Jaakob offers some words of wisdom.The only other supporting character that we see throughout the 75 minute film is the postman (Keinonen). He has seemed to of developed a close relationship with father Jaakob over the years and loves seeing Jaakob's face light up when he delivers the mail. Of course Leila doesn't seem to be to happy with the man on the bike.It's a simple film. It is much like the simpleness of The Bycycle Thief as of both movies will keep you intrigued throughout the whole film.Very enjoyable. My rating 8.5/10 or A-

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Now here is a movie that everybody should see. A sad story, though not sentimental. The optimistic ending leaves you in a comfortable feeling that even the worst situation can turn to better.The Finnish landscape is beautifully pictured. Postcard like sceneries. Two brilliant actors, the directing is what you may expect from Härö: simply brilliant, as true as life.The filmmakers have shared a very strong trust in humanity. The most warmhearted priest meets a woman whose fate has been to suffer a jail sentence that should never have been judged.Do yourself a favor, watch this film.

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If you want to see cinematographic art, see this movie. I won't tell the plot. This is something you can find on other sites. The movie is moving and deeply thoughtful while being light and entertaining. A reflection on today's world without being schoolmarmish. It is comparable to Whale Rider in the storytelling. And it is beautifully photographed as well. There are scenes where just the movement of the birch tree leaves by the wind are shown and they themselves tell a story. A must see. I hope it will be shown in many countries. I have seen it at the Vancouver International Film Festival. It didn't win, unfortunately. Well done Finland. I hope to see more from this director and crew.

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