Legend of the Red Reaper
Legend of the Red Reaper
NR | 01 August 2013 (USA)
Legend of the Red Reaper Trailers

For a thousand years, the Reapers guarded mankind from the demons that wait in the dark. Now, at the beginning of a new age, the Reapers are betrayed and slaughtered. Only one Reaper remains - Red, and she's out to exact revenge.


Too much of everything

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Tied for the best movie I have ever seen

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It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.

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The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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I created this account for the sole purpose of making a comment to this piece of garbage. Whether you pay with money for this film is irrelevant, what it will cost you in disgust for this insult to cinema is not worth it.The movie gets 1 star for having an interesting idea for a story line. The story line is garbage, don't get me wrong, but it was an interesting premise that they messed up. I like fantasy films, I like sword and sandal films, and I like epics. This had all the exact categories of movie I like, and has lead me to believe I don't actually like those categories of film in themselves, I just like well made films.The fight scenes are pathetic. The music is the most horrible part about this thing, they repeat the same horrible effect again and again at random scenes, and then random ultra annoying music plays that has no bearing on the scene.The acting was loathsome. In every aspect, and everyone.Most of the movie is this: scenes of people running, scenes of people walking in chains, repeats of scenes that preceded the current one, again and again and again, and flashes of a guy with white hair, and him making evil faces.I tried skipping through the scenes like that to get to the story line, and it was completely not worth it, and the film gets cut to about 20 mins of garbage.There is almost no way a film can screw up like this film. Any sort of emotion in the film is so horribly forced, and the script so horribly cheesy and atrociously executed, that you have to cringe, which is difficult while you're double cringing from the acting and the music.My initial impression was that the main character put out to get the job, along with the script writer, but from the comments here, she is the one who directed and wrote it, so whoever gave her the money to make this was either insane or got what he paid for.I would go through the film and recall each detail of it to destroy it here, but I would rather never to watch a movie again then have to watch this. To critics that have to watch it again, be strong.I had to edit this after reading the obvious reviews from the cast here **Spoiler alert** from here on: "This "strength" is extended to many of the characters in REAPER, male and female alike. Female reapers are equal to their men, warriors all. Aella does not compromise who she is for Eris. She has body issues because of her demon blood, but as for her skills, her passion, and even her rage she gives no apologies to the man she loves. He loves her with all her fluidity, not despite it."That's right. It's not a movie, and they don't even bother to pretend now. It's just politics.

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Dan Em

This movie is so bad you cannot even enjoy it for its badness. It is obviously a vanity project for the lead actor/director/writer Tara Cardinal. Unfortunately, Ms Cardinal is not very good at any of her jobs in this. Her acting, and the rest of the cast, was stiff and uninspired. The directing was amateurish. And the story was unoriginal.The only positive thing I can say is, I admire Ms Cardinal for having a dream and pursuing it. Unfortunately this was a dream not worth sharing.Mostly I found the movie distracting. I kept being distracted by the acting, which as I already stated was bad. Then there's the fight scenes, which looked like they were from a high school drama club production. The fights moved so slowly at points they looked like someone filmed the choreography rehearsal. And then there was the oddest distraction of all. The characters' names, Ganesh, Adonis, Freya? How did she think using names from a mishmash of mythologies would help the plot line?Ah, this movie is just a mess. I've actually been known to enjoy bad movies. Some of them can have a certain charm to them. But this movie has no redeemable qualities. As I watched Red Reaper I kept having one thought. How did Tara Cardinal ever get funding for this?

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For those expecting a film hyped as a "Sword & Sorcery Epic" to be full of lightning battles, swordplay, and dragons, this is fantasy of a different sort. This is "down in the heart" fantasy. This is epic, in that it adheres to classic mythological themes and the conflicts of Man (or should we say Woman) vs. Fate, vs. Herself, and Woman vs. Woman.One of the central plots is two women struggling over the heart of one man, what could be more romantic? Lots of blood and violence with a sword, of course! With a sweeping backdrop of mountains, forests, and even a little hut by a fjord, this is a world populated by humans, demons, and their unfortunate byproducts – the Reapers. I say unfortunate because most were the result of rape.In the city of Enid, humans live in relative peace with the Reapers protecting them. Another city is ruled by the vindictive S'grun, who covets Enid and wants to rid the land of the reapers. The tensions between the human leaders are coming to a head because Eris, prince of Enid, is going to be crowned the first king of the land.This poses a particular problem for Aella, who gets her nickname "Red" from her brilliant locks of flame, because she is in love with Eris. But, she is constantly reminded that a human king cannot have a reaper queen! All tell her the same thing; there is a new age beginning – the age of Man. As the reapers are seeing their time of protection coming to an end, Aella sees something different on the horizon.Aella was born to a powerful woman known as the Teller Witch. Her mother has the gift of precognition, and although young Aella was unaware of it, the Teller Witch has been preparing her for a day when she will face her biggest challenge. Assuming all her life that her mother had given her over to demons in trade for an elixir made of demon blood to stay young, Aella has dealt with feelings of rejection, unworthiness, and rage. But, she is about to find out that her past is not all that it seemed.The demon leader, Ganesh, may have been trying to create a demon warrior out of his red-haired daughter with cruelty and force, but in fact he was creating a weapon for the humans. Aella, rescued and living among the people of Enid, was given another 'gift' by her mother. She inherited visions: of devastation; of invasion; of the demons' return. All are interwoven with her memories of fear and pain at the hands of her father.This back story is laid out distinctly in the first few minutes with both visceral images and narration, helping the audience to understand Aella's feelings of alienation and her, at times, uncontrollable rage.I like that RED REAPER shows a woman losing control, completely given over to her anger, but yet it does not dismiss her. When a woman is angry, it all too often gets flipped back on her as "it must be her hormones" rather than validating her anger as deep-seated and justifiable. Aella's anger is justified. But, this does not mean that she is portrayed as a psycho bitty, either. She is a warrior and a woman, through and through. To quote another reviewer, "Unlike other films that feature women in lead fighting roles, Aella was not sexualized, nor was she attempting to emulate a man."* ( by Aphrodite Kocięda. www.btchflcks.com) This "strength" is extended to many of the characters in REAPER, male and female alike. Female reapers are equal to their men, warriors all. Aella does not compromise who she is for Eris. She has body issues because of her demon blood, but as for her skills, her passion, and even her rage she gives no apologies to the man she loves. He loves her with all her fluidity, not despite it.This relationship is mirrored in the passion shown between two reapers, Freya and Andrae. It shows the audience the companionship Aella is missing out on, given that everyone in her world seems to be telling her to stay away from Eris. Except Eris, of course.The other lady in Eris's life is Indira; chosen to be his queen by his parents and hers. He is a gentleman, though, and not resistant to the idea. But, his passion is for Aella. Eris is not presented as a vacillating male full of hormones, either. His intentions ring true and he stands out, in that the women decide who is best for him. It is an interesting dynamic that gives strength-of-character to each person involved, and adds a devious edge to Indira not common to the "ingénue" role.Even the "bad guys" have their moments of significance. Connall, the tender gentleman son of the hard-nosed warlord, S'grun, could have been played off as comic relief, but instead is compassionate and smarter than his warmongering father. His resistance to his father's ambitions creates a bridge between the two opposing lands and a unity that helps Eris's people in their time of need.Well, not to give too much away, suffice it to say that, although not high-tech and prone to some issues common in a film with a limited budget, Legend of the Red Reaper has a LOT to say! Laid out cleverly, it was clear in its focus and had enough great 'side-plot' moments to make it fun! There were humorous moments without making it corny, and there were moments that brought tears to my eyes. But, the emotional undercurrents will resonate with many viewers and stick in their hearts.Tara Cardinal and her many casts and crews worked long and hard to see this vision come alive, and as a lover of fantasy and myth, I must say that their devotion shows!

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Last night, I was invited and purchased tickets to the world premiere screening of Legend of the Red Reaper. I must say that, in addition to the cast/crew being totally amazing and talented, that the story written and directed by Tara Cardinal, completely entertained & excited me!!There are so many wonderful bits to this movie that did it for me. But the thing that most stood out was the story/plot. I love the main character, The Red Reaper, played by Tara Cardinal! She brought to life the story of a reaper that is half human, half demon. A woman struggling to discover who she is, what her purpose in life is. A woman in love, in transition, searching for a place in the world she lives in.As the story unfolds, you learn about how this reaper's life began, what has brought her to the current state of the world she lives in and what has brought her world to the distress of the here and now. The Red Reaper, along with the characters of her two different worlds, takes you on a journey of self discovery, action, romance and drama. You go on the ride with all of them to an amazing adventure!I don't want to give too much away....but totally recommend, that if you have the opportunity to see this movie, run to see it! You will be caught up in the world of Reapers and Demons and never be bored for a moment! Something in this movie for all genres of movie watchers! Congratulations and thank you to Tara Cardinal and her amazing cast/crew for a wonderful night of entertainment!! All the best to them, they deserve it! Sincerely, Celeste M.

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