Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
PG-13 | 02 July 2003 (USA)
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde Trailers

Now a rising young lawyer, Elle Woods is about to make partner at her firm, but when she finds out her dog's relatives are being used as cosmetic test subjects, she heads to Washington D.C. to fight for animal rights.

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It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.

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That's how I felt after seeing Legally Blonde 2. Throughout this movie I felt like the director thought the viewing audience was stupid and had to dumb stuff down for us. The film follows the recently engaged Elle Woods whom just got fired from her great job to go against an organization that uses pets as test subjects. Normally this may have gone unnoticed but Bruiser's mom is one of the dogs there and wants this to be brought to the attention of the Capitol. This film is just dumb. D-U-M-B dumb. To prove how dumb this film is ill say one sentence that pertains to the focus of the movie. Elle has a person look up Bruiser's ancestors and the whole reason this got noticed was because his mom was a test subject.... The worst part is the guy went ahead and did a background check. If she found Bruiser on the street, how would you be able to find his mom if his last name wasn't Woods when he wasn't hers yet??? This movie therefore shouldn't exist because of how stupid it proves itself to be based on that background check. The supporting cast is not that great in fact the only people who weren't totally obnoxious or not great in the movie at all were Reese Witherspoon and Bob Newhart. I really liked Witherspoon in the original Legally Blonde but she does the exact same performance as the first like play to play the exact same and it really is poor writing. Naive blonde goes to get noticed somewhere so she can get something she wants and of course gets it. There's also conflicting information at times such as the beginning scrapbook scene when they are describing each memory and they get to Elle and Emmett's first encounter and it shows them kissing? And they also got shots that would've been impossible to get given that these people weren't even there to take the picture. The gay dog joke throughout the film I thought was really stupid and kinda offensive in a way given that the guy was freaking out that his dog was gay. Also there's no tension or suspense as to what will happen or between two characters because there's pretty much no chemistry to be found. There's also a ton of clichéd characters such as the uptight lawyer, the nerdy awkward assistant, the quite intern, and of course the naive blonde which was actually not annoying in the original. The intern lady always had this constipated look on her face in every scene that was super hard to look at because I felt dumber every time I looked at her. The only good part I can find in this movie is that there's some things that remind me of the original but not a lot unfortunately. Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, and Blonde was a totally unnecessary sequel that ruined the good things from the first and made a really poorly written and sometimes poorly acted movie.

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If not as worthless as some claim, this sequel to the charming 'Legally Blonde' is quite a few steps below the original. The plot has Elle going to Washington to propose a bill banning animal testing after her law firm refuses to handle a local case. Tackling an important issue with quite a few stabs at the lack of altruism in money-grubbing politics, the film certainly has its heart in the right place. Reese Witherspoon is also still solid with her never-ending energy and inability to be phased. The script does not give her anywhere near as many self-realisation moments at the first film though and Elle seems even ditzier here -- which goes against her growth by the end of Part One. The dynamic of the first film was that Witherspoon was always intelligent but had just dedicated her life to things associated with airheads; this time though, she just seems silly talking to her dog like a teenager and researching its birth mother. The revelation that her dog is gay also only distracts from the animal abuse theme. The supporting cast are not even especially good this time round. Luke Wilson's role is so underwritten that it is baffling why he was actually rehired and Jennifer Coolidge (who had much of the heart and soul of the first film) only fares slightly better. For all its flaws though, the film is still oddly watchable. The costumes are still imaginative, there are scattered, if inconsistent, funny moments and Witherspoon sells her character once again - but certainly one would expect more with 'Kissing Jessica Stein' director Charles Herman- Wurmfeld at the helm.

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Anne A.

As a fan of Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde's predecessor, I avoided watching this sequel until today, and for good reason it seems. The rumours (and reviews) are true. This is an awful sequel to what was an otherwise clever and cute movie that recognised it's flaws but made light of them. This movie fails to do that, and instead ends up becoming what the first film tried to avoid: a shallow story following the unbelievable events of a caricature of a character. People who have not watched Legally Blonde 1 will not be aware of this contrast and so might view this movie differently, which seems to explain why the majority of good reviews here come from these exact same people. LB2 follows Elle Woods (Reese Withersproon), a Harvard Law graduate who is fired from her position in a prestigious Law Firm for trying to champion animal rights, after discovering that her dog Bruiser's mother is being used as a test subject in a cosmetics company. In order to have her dog's mum attend her wedding to Emmett (Luke Wilson), she heads to Washington D.C and joins the team of Congresswoman Victoria Rudd (Sally Field) to learn the ins and outs of Washington politics and to pass her 'Bruisers Bill' through congress that would see an end to the legal status of animal testing. This movie just utterly fails to capture the audience's hearts with it's preachy message, lacklustre humour and unrelatable characters who we once used to love. Gone is the Elle Woods who learned to overcome prejudice and grew into a strong-willed, self-assured, smart woman. Instead, Elle is a vapid, loudmouthed airhead who still lets people's impressions of her get her down. I thought that she would be a seasoned pro when it came to this now, but apparently she only learned how to overcome bad remarks within the University framework and nowhere beyond that. The character of Elle is a shadow of her former glory and loses that 'heart' that she had in the first film. Now all she cares about is getting a dog to attend her wedding? And this is important, how? When she first trawls into the investigators office with a proposition to find her, I was honestly left scratching my head wondering, "why?". But no. The whole film centres on her apparently gay dog Bruiser and his mum. While the idea of enrolling at university to reclaim a lost love seems unbelievable in itself, the way they executed her motives in the first film made it seem so. This time round it's just too far. Some characters from the first movie make an appearance; Emmett, who didn't even need to be in this film as he is just useless here, and her beautician friend who took a downgrade from ditsy to nearly mentally defunct for whatever reason. All of them lose their appeal and whatever relatability they had.I could have suffered through this movie if it even tried to be clever and funny but instead all we get is shallow cheap jokes and dog humour. Oh, and cheer leading in front of congress. I'm serious. I felt insulted by watching this and almost guilty that I was a fan of LB1. Was this really the character I loved and thought was endearing from the first installment? Oh my, what a fool I was. The script is severely lacking in originality and cleverness, the overall message is unnecessarily preachy and vapid, and the characters are lame. A lot of wasted opportunities with a good cast including Sally Fields and Bob Newhart.I wish I had never watched this sequel because it has now rubbed the shine off the original for me. This is just a sad, sad attempt to milk the cash cow and in doing so the creators of this film have milked everything that made the first film good and turned it sour and unpalatable. I'd give this a zero out of 10 if I could.

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It's not very often that I write reviews on here (even though I love reading them!) but this one made me think that I have to warn others. This is one of the worst sequels ever! I'm a big fan of sequels myself. You can say that I "collect" them. If I watch a movie and it gets a sequel I GOT to have it. I love being in that first movie's universe. And I want to know what happens to the characters. Not with this one.My girlfriend and I were looking forward to a Legally Blonde marathon today. We had both watched number 1 one time each but hadn't seen number 2. Boy, were we disappointed! Not only did they make the main character stupid again for this movie. But it's all about politics! Boring politics. Isn't this supposed to be a FUN comedy? Not a boring movie about laws, bills, hoppers and what have you! I'm gonna say it: we didn't understand half of what was going on. It was too confusing and difficult. So we turned it off halfway through. And with number one being that good?! I even cried a little during that one. And this bull... very bad!

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