Last Son
Last Son
| 20 June 2013 (USA)
Last Son Trailers

After a life threatening battle with Lex Luthor, Superman is brought back in time by a powerful yet mysterious force. Now in the past, he must decide whether to take up the mantle of the powerful hero known as Superman and change the world as we know it or live a quiet life as Clark Kent. Little does he know, his choices now could bring about serious consequences on the road to his future.


Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.

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Please don't spend money on this.

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Just perfect...

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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This film was bad even by fan fiction standards. The one review with a high rating has to be from it's makers. I applaud anyone that tries to make something unique, but in this case, it would have been better to not even try. It's like they just picked random people off the street to portray characters that are supposed to have very distinctive attributes. The guy playing Clark/Superman just looked like some schmoe with a bad haircut. Everyone looked so lethargic on screen and clearly couldn't act. Lex Luthor was just some fat bald guy, I mean, come on, we're supposed to buy that he's a billionaire? And did they really make Pete Ross Nightwing? Seriously? Don't waste your time with this, it's pathetic.

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If you are the family member or significant other of anyone involved in making this Please Slap them silly... The production value is a joke, the Acting is horrible, and the casting even worse, the "Special Effects" look like they were done by an 8yr old...That being said it was an $800 movie so what can we expect.I applaud the efforts to follow ones dream of being a movie maker and the concept is a good one; but, I think your time and money would have been better utilized by taking some sort of class instead of making this, and viewers should stay away... this is time you will never get back.

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Lojac Corry

the other review must be by the people that made the movie.. it makes this one out to shine high... well sadly that is not the case,very low budget very poor acting and casting.... avoid,even if you like fan made films this is a complete waste of time.. srsly this is not for people that want to watch something even half arsed and boring just for the thrill of something different in the genre.poor budgetpoor actionpoor setspoor castpoor movie

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As far as Superman goes, he's never been shown to have a darker side, or even a weak side for that matter. But this film portrays both of these facets of the Man of Steel in a way that combines thrilling action, gripping emotions, and cinematic beauty that comes together to produce such a fine film that is the Last Son of Krypton. As the movie began, I was curious to see how the story would unfold. From the time traveling with the Legion Ring to a brilliant reference to a great Batman character, Nightwing, the introduction to the characters/story line is a masterfully written piece of artwork. The subtle nods to other DC comic superheroes, namely Batman and Green Arrow, are another magnificent piece of creative placement and embellish the story for all of us superhero loving, comic book reading fans out there! If you're a fan of Superman, Batman, or any other superhero for that matter, then this is a must watch for you. A darker take to the classic, great American superhero, this short film brings a new spin to the character while maintaining the Superman standard and keeps par with the status quo. You would be mistaken to not take this short film for a spin and see what other facades of Superman are present out there in the multi verse. Take it from a lover of comics, this may not stick to the standard, but this film sure does bring a great view to the superhero of the ages, Superman!

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