| 19 March 2010 (USA)
Lahore Trailers

Lahore reflects the need and the desire to bring about peace and harmony in the subcontinent. It tells us how sports could play a key role in building bridges and bringing the two countries like India and Pakistan together that has more than 50 years of the history of unrelenting hostility.



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It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.

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Rio Hayward

All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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Mike Garcia

Loosely based in one of my favorite American martial arts movies "Best of the best", this Indian martial arts film has a clear message of friendship between two nations, India and Pakistan but although of that, the film was not released in Pakistan because they considered that the movie shows the country in bad light..The musical moments are much more tolerable than in other Idian films that I've watched, here are just part of the story and nobody suddenly begins to dance and sing crazily for over ten minutes Emoticono tongue but the weakest point of the movie are the fights in the ring, nothing spectacular, slow and sometimes even clumsy, it is very obvious that none of the actors has a martial arts background...

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Avinash Patalay

Lets keep the record straight, Lahore is "Joh Jeeta Wohi Sikander" to the "T". If JJWS dealt with two brothers, so does Lahore. If JJWS had the school rivalry as the under-currents, in Lahore we have the political rivalry between India and Pakistan. Call it twist of fate, and the younger brother attempts to redeem himself by taking on the unfinished business. By the way, did I mention "Apne"? Yes because that had uncanny similar plot too. But the original still remains sacrosanct, a masterpiece from Mansoor Khan (who sadly taken a long sabbatical).☻ Sushant Singh:: As elder brother Dheeru he has put in extra effort to the character. His chemistry with Shraddha Nigam was just about right. ☻ Aanaahad:: Very strong debut. A striking personality. Has what is takes and deliver well. The romance bit with Shraddha Das was not fleshed out convincingly. ☻ Mukesh Rishi:: Good choice to play the role of Noor Mohammed who has his own demons to battle against. ☻ Farooq Sheikh:: As usual he is impeccable ensuring you will remember the diction of Mr. Rao. Shares a good chemistry with Saurabh Shukla.☻ Nafisa Ali:: Quite adequate.The rest of star-cast were OK (Sabyasachi Chakraborty, Jeeva, Pramod Moutho, Ashish Vidyarthi & Nirmal Pandey).The director balances the sensibilities of both Indian and Pakistan viewers ensuring nobody cries foul. The DOP deserves a special mention for the lighting he has used ensuring it get the international feel. The fight sequences are executed quite well. The background absorbs the viewer into the storyline. Every character has depth and the director has managed to bring out layers. The ending was quite apt (though I feel the apology part should have been edited out - some things are better left untold). Way to go Mr. Sanjay Puransingh Chauhan!

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I too like many who watched this movie, read the "internationally acclaimed reviews", but I was disappointed not only by the cliché unoriginal plot (which copies itself from movies such as Best of the Best, KickBoxer, and ever fight movie from the 80s) but also disappointed with the propaganda in the movie. India and Pakistan have the largest militarized border in the world, fought three wars, and have one of the world's most intense rivalries...I know. But I also know that everywhere in the world OUTSIDE of the South Asian continent Indians and Pakistanis are above all friends. We share a common heritage, culture, and language that transcends the pride we hold. This movie was touted as a fair movie and "tolerant" but it is far from it. Its only accomplishment is to further deepen the rift through inaccurate and racist portrayals. Shame on the movie makers. As for the movies content the fight scenes were far from mediocre, the actors do NOT look like kickboxers, and the plot was very predictable. Being Pakistani I caught myself feeling anger and resentment towards my Indian brothers, and I know had an Indian person watched this they would feel the same towards a Pakistani. Why? As Ghandi (may he rest in peace) said "We must become the change we want to see."Mahatma Gandhi quote

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Lahore is the movie which promises you a lot with its heart in right place but at times it's so plain and dumb that is hard to digest.Story is nothing really new to offer except the theme this time being Kick boxing sport. About the characters; Aanaahad is a let down, his dialog delivery is poor and face expression are hardly convincing apart from few scenes.Sushant Singh gives a decent performance as there was not very much scope for him to show this true potential.Nafisa Ali uttering about a couple of dialogs of doting caring typical Indian mother could not have any value to movie.Mukhesh Rishi again does good as a bad guy but his character look way too idiot as if the word logic and organ brain is missing for him.Shraddha's face is so much under the layers of makeup that you wish some should remind her that use of face wash does not hurt anybody.Farooq Shaikh is the who steals the show with his hyderabadi style accent.His Pakistani counterpart Sabyasachi Chakraborty is awesome and convinces you to hate him like anything. Over all a decent one time but could have been better if editing have been more crispier and story told in a much better manner.

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