Killer: A Journal of Murder
Killer: A Journal of Murder
R | 06 September 1996 (USA)
Killer: A Journal of Murder Trailers

Carl Panzram is sent to Leavenworth Prison for burglary. While there, he is brutally beaten by a guard. Neophyte guard Henry Lesser feels sympathy for Panzram, befriends him, and gets him to write his life story. Lesser learns that Panzram's past is much more violent than he thought, but also that he's capable of being a much better person than the rest of the prison staff believes - or so Lesser thinks.


the leading man is my tpye

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From my favorite movies..

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This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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If you are into the genre, as I am, this is a perfectly acceptable film, Woods is fine in it, I feel people either love this guy, or hate him. Should not distract from the story and he is pretty good in it, I am in the love James woods camp. (Videodrome is awesome- all hail the new flesh-) But its not just Woods in this, all the supporting cast are good, it was filmed on a modest budget, but still retains that polished 90's edge to it, does not come across as cheap though. Give this ago if you have not seen it but do not be expecting something along the lines of silence or seven, you will be disappointed.I give it an 8, for the cast, the story and the time it was made in. And I will watch it again in another five years. On a side note, people should judge films a little better, rankings on this site are getting stupid, this is better than a lot of films getting a 9. And there are some film greats that are genre breaking that rank in below an 8, sort it out a little bit please, my fellow community.

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Firstly , I would say James Woods was totally mis-cast in this movie . I always enjoy Mr Woods in movies but this was not his to own . He couldn't pull it off in the aggressive , madman scenes that required the actor to lose it . Carl Panzram was unique , maybe an unknown actor with nothing to lose would have been better suited . I was never afraid of Woods ! Not at any moment , I don't think the guards were either . In fact , he was kind of an o.k guy , Carl on the other hand would have made you feel very " uneasy " . The director humanized Carl too much , we never really felt his anger , isolation , resentment or his selfishness . We just saw mr woods trying to be a rebel without a cause . To tell this story , every morning Mr Woods should have stripped bare and let the cast throw their "do do " at him and shout " action " .

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Tim Metcalfe's 'Killer: A Journal of Murder', which is based on the life of serial killer Carl Panzram, and uses passages of his biography, works because of one particular reason: James Woods. He plays Panzram, with terrific understanding & amazing ease. Woods, undoubtedly, was the Marlon Brando of the 1990's. 'Killer: A Journal of Murder' explores the journey Panzram. Panzram was a multi-faced person, he was unpredictable, unforgivable & very different, if I may say so. 'Killer: A Journal of Murder', though, not the most efficient take on a person so multi-faced, it at least tries to explore his vision. However, this film isn't as no-holds-barred as I thought it should have been. I thought there was a lack of emotional connect. Though it makes up for a viewing, thanks to Woods's terrific act, but as a whole of a motion-picture, it doesn't reach the level it could've. I was engaged at times, but Woods, well his performance left me thinking about what Panzram must've been thinking before he was hanged. Woods is a genius actor and 'Killer: A Journal of Murder' proves that fact right.

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This movie seems more relevant today than ever. Prison conditions may have improved since the early part of the century, but prison populations are increasing exponentially and there seems to be no end in sight. Does punishment really prevent crime? Can harden criminals be rehabilitated? Is society to blame? Whatever your opinion, this is a short but must-see film.

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