Ki & Ka
Ki & Ka
| 01 April 2016 (USA)
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An unconventional woman, gains immense success in her professional life but things take a turn when she meets a guy, who wants to be a house husband.

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Really Surprised!

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one of my absolute favorites!

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This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.

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Alistair Olson

After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Film released on 1st April by Balki named Ki and Ka was a unique work .the writer and director of film Balki tried to touch a new issue showing that a woman named Kia is a goal oriented working woman who married to a man who is more interested in putting his efforts in useful ways rather than just be in a race of success. Movie proceeds with a slight touch of love, compassion and friendship between the two husband and wife . One of the best part of movie was the mother being such a supportive mother-in-law and so the respect given by Kabir . Another dilemma of society is being manifested about the love relations of 21st century. Most of them are more based on status,position,name and family's background rather than what does a man or woman actually worth as mentioned by Ki's mother. The way both of them managed to pursue their dreams was commendable. Yet I think movie went to the side of extremism, showing that man could sit at home and can be a support for a successful woman . Man can be a support by working out because what is important is motivation rather than management of house. Movie would have been more appealing if the writer would have shown that man can work at home,at his office and can support his wife all at same time as he is a man (multi tasked). If the point was to show how hard working women are at home than why Ka failed to manage his house while he became a famous speaker because that's what today's woman can do , manage both. The house of Ka was decorated exquisitely by Ka showing that he was actually an artist. The symbolic role of Ka's mother was a true inspiration showing that people working at house are not 'doing nothing '. Taking her as a role model was a good move . As the writer and director of the film is the same person so he didn't want to cut out any of his dialogue because of which movie became a Little bit out of pace showing same scenario in quite a detail added with songs.apart from all ,the biggest flaw in the movie was the climax which they tired that exists by saying again and again'I am having acidity due to curiosity ' by actually movie failed to cause any acidity to was a sweet piece to watch showing the husband wife cooperation , although cuddling scenes were more than needed but overall it was a one time watch . The last message given by mother was block Baster line indication of the fact that problem lies with the earning soul whoever that is. He or she gets use to fame and the person living at home gets ignored that was really the line to applause and instead of Ka and Ki controversial issue , it should be extracted.In the nutshell such movie with different issues should be made but a need of more refined focus is needed. And lastly thumbs up for the stunning looks and acting of Karena and Arjun Kapoor.The guest appearance of Amitab Batchan and Jia Bachan was a source of audience attention which was furtive by the message of Jia for Ki.Couples need to give it a try.

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Frankly if you reverse the role of Kareena and Arjun the film would be termed misogynist.... So y isn't this termed misandry? We are all for working women and blah blah..but blatant derision of Arjun Kapoor and his meek responses just reinforces the negative stereotypes about home makers ( be of either gender) that they are supposed to be doormats..that they are there to be abused and then be apologised at.. And to top this cherry tries to brainwash that women are not our equals but our superiors.. How do they do that? Just see If a man is a breadwinner and woman is the home maker then its more pati parmeshwar ideology...which is fine.. But if a woman is the bread winner and a man is a househusband then the woman is braver than the man because being the (earning) wife of a house husband is more brave than being the earning husband of a house if the man is earning and woman is handling a house then she is doing a tougher job..but if a woman is earning and man a house husband..its still a woman who is doing a tougher job??

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A love story about the reversal of gender roles. It was really a new and amazing experience to watch a new story. Thanks the writer of the movie R. Balki for his direction and story.Kareena Kapoor is really struggling hard to come back in Bollywood. Arjun as always his acting is really nice and clean.There is so much to be said about changing roles in today's Asia, and films would do well to reflect on this great churn. The Music lacks the energy that most of people expect from a new-age romance drama. High Heels remains to be the best song from the album while Ji Huzoori and Most Wanted Munda seem average. I am going with a 2.5/5 for the Music album of Ki and Ka.Overall Nice movie. Watch, Enjoy your weekend

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Rawal Afzal

It is not about man or woman, it is about who the bread-winner of the family, who kind of the head of the family is, or at least feels that way being the bread-winner, that carries that ego and pride. In this case, it was a woman, and hence it was her who developed all those feelings and thoughts in her mind. This was sort of the moral of the story, and a one which I really liked. The speech by Kia's mother there at the end underlined this beautifully.There were a thousand things here and there that looked a bit odd or were debatable, but it being a film pretty short in length meant that nothing was stretched beyond tolerable limits and remained for me overall a good film. I am not sure it really deserved the hatred that it is getting in reviews. It wasn't the worst film ever, really.What I really liked was the play of words in "ki" and "ka", taken from their names, Kia and Kabir, and extended to the use in language.

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