I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave
I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave
| 04 November 2001 (USA)
I Spit on Your Corpse, I Piss on Your Grave Trailers

Sandy has stumbled onto a lair of torture and humiliation. She was abducted and brought to this pit of pain as the next intended victim. But Sandy overthrows her captor and kills him. Does she release the other prisoners? Does she call the police? No. Her mind snaps and she assumes control over the prisoners, taking them as her own playtoys. Naked bodies writhe in ecstasy as blood runs down the walls in this chilling tale of madness and revenge

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Myron Clemons

A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.

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Leoni Haney

Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.

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The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.

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One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.

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You know, if I were a less level headed, upbeat and all round peaceful kinda guy titles like this one would bug the crap out of me. During the whole film not one corpse is spat on, nor grave p!ssed on. If you're gonna have such a great descriptive name, you damn well oughta make something more of it I say. Though to be fair I Spit on Your Grave featured no grave spitting as it's actually called Day of the Woman, but if it hadn't had the name change it might never have become such a success. This one shoulda just been called Fun Times With Emily Haack or something, because that's exactly what it is. She plays Sandy, who runs afoul of a boyfriend escaped from jail and ends up going hilariously off the deep end and inflicting some pretty nasty stuff on a few luckless scumballs. She may not match the unhinged nightmare vigor of the likes of Christie Wiles but still turns in an engrossing performance and happily gets nekkid a couple of times. She looks a good deal hotter than she did in Scrapbook as well (maybe the change in hair color) and since I thought her pretty lovely in that one its a real bonus. As one might expect this isn't what one might term a "good" film, though it is interesting in its way, putting forth its notions of hereditary madness and brutality, of the incendiary eroticism of sexual violence, the catalysts that send someone over the edge, and its revelry in the idea of female as aggressor. It has been argued that the whole idea of female dominance is just a roundabout way of asserting male control in that it siphons female power into fantasy (and as a fan of femdom porn I wouldn't necessarily disagree), so its nice to see here a woman getting to be really pretty savage in a technically unarousing manner even if I did find it more amusing than shocking (I have a weird sense of humour). The film does little to actually explore any ideas but its still nice to see them there. What's not so nice is the way the film feels padded even with its trim runtime. Too much time spent with the camera woozily exploring a churchyard and its interior which could have been better spent on more depravity. Still, when things are moving they really move, with some fun grue and a number of classy eyebrow raising moments (with a broom handle put to especially good use). Although this one is held in generally lesser regard I found it a better watch than Scrapbook, faster, tighter and more engaging if not as grimly potent. 7/10 from me, though I suspect most will be far less impressed.

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This delightful movie is by Eric Stonze of Scrapbook fame. With such a lovable title you can what type of movie this is. It also stars the lovely female from Scrapbook, yes none other than Emily Haack. So the the crew who brought you Scrapbook are back with an equally glum tale of abuse. The story. Emily being the nice lassie she is has fallen in love with a ( another ?)serial killer. She meets him in a graveyard and he guides her back to his place. They get down for a bit of love, after all he has been inside. Then he leads her down to the basement where there are a number of her former pals. Her lover tells her she is next for being nasty to him. He has not reckoned on her being a nutter and she does him in. So the three guys think they we are in for a release... They could not be more wrong. Analysis You can see that is another micro budget opus. There are quite a few long drawn out shots of the church, the fields, the trees and the gravestones. Originally I thought that these were just there to put the time up but now I think that they are there for another purpose. Eric is lulling you into a false sense of security before going for the throat. In the movie we have a reverse of Emily's role in Scrapbook. Emily is the the abuser turned abuser. The music is great and it really puts you in the scene with the cast. Emily gets more and more psycho as the movie goes on. Also she gets this really maniacal gaze in her eyes. The only real problem with this movie is the rather short running time of 70 odd minutes. Extras include a commentary, An amusing dumpster tale and a behind the scenes documentary.

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Okay, to be fair, this is a video that looks like it was filmed by some aspiring film-makers who got some of their friends to act in it. I give you props for working hard, but this is a far cry from Silence of the Lambs or any other horror film for that matter. I think all the girls were picked because the guy has a thing for lots of piercings and tattoos...maybe those were the only girls he could find in his town who would do this movie...who knows.The acting was bad; laughable at some points. I also had to fast-forward through long periods where the camera would just focus on random objects or do pans with weird music in the background.There was a lot of sex and a lot of nudity and some graphic violence.The plot is pretty thin. I'm not even going to try and explain it because if you took out the sex scenes, and the prolonged camera pans of random things, you would have about a 20 minute movie.I think the worst part of it was where the girl forces one of her captives to take a crap on the floor and then rub his face in it. This was followed by a close second when she forced the same guy to urinate in his pants. The part where she violates a guy's rectum with a pole, puncturing his bowels was pretty terrible too.The sex scenes were poor attempts to make this alluring to a wider audience outside of the group of friends of those involved in making the film.There are horror movies which are bad but fun to watch...this wasn't one of them. Save yourself from losing an hour and 13 minutes of your life and read a book, go exercise, play a few games of solitaire, or even take a nap; anything you can think of would be more beneficial to you than watching this movie.

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A young man kills a young woman for no reason. The man's brother is jailed on charges that he was an accomplice, but soon escapes. Upon escaping, the seemingly innocent man kidnaps three victims and soon he ropes his girlfriend in on the plot. If this isn't bad enough, the situation quickly makes a downward spiral.This film had some good aspects and many bad ones. Its strongest aspect was lead actress Emily Haack. Setting aside the fact she's nude in a fair amount of this film, she presents herself as a decent actress and a very strong character. I see no reason she cannot take this experience and somehow turn it into a career in some way. I was convinced she was a ruthless individual.Also, the makers of this film were very bold and pulled no punches. Graphic nudity (both male and female), coprophagia, and extreme anal violence are not shied away from. I like my horror films to push the boundaries a little bit, and this one ignored them altogether, gladly skipping towards Gomorrah. Maybe it was too much, but I think they achieved what they were looking for.But now the negative aspects. First, and most noticeable, this film is very low budget and the film quality shows this. I can excuse that -- the plot was decent, the acting fine and in some scenes the lower quality film actually made the movie more disturbing (a more realistic feel). So, I won't scold them for having low-grade equipment. What I will scold them for is the use of poor choices in shots. For no reason I can ascertain (besides plumping the movie), there is a large amount of footage of a cemetery. I don't really know why, and I frankly started dozing off at this point because it was so long and pointless.I also take issue with the title. The idea here was to deceive people into thinking this film had some connection to the classic "I Spit on Your Grave". Now, there is a line that seems to imply the main character is the daughter of the woman from this other film. And the themes are very loosely the same (a woman getting revenge on men). But there is no firm connection and the reason this title was chosen was for the video store customer to think they were getting a sequel. This was deceptive and dishonest.My last major complaint is that this plot makes no real sense. Not even a little bit. A woman is killed in the beginning for no reason. A prison escapee finds time to kidnap people to torture them, for no reason (because they wronged his girlfriend?). The same man goes from good to very evil without explanation. Likewise, the female lead (Haack) turns fro ma normal person to someone who is overly cruel and sadistic, for no reason at all, and against people who for the most part were only marginally mean to her (a neighbor offering drugs for sex is wrong, but by no means worth getting tortured for).Don't let this title fool you, or the claims that the film is incredibly shocking. Yes, some scenes were shocking, but the vast majority of the film is dull and makes you want to take a nap. If you see this in the video store or on Netflix, just keep browsing. Or rent it, and we can sit around and vent about it for hours. You have been warned.

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