I Know Who Killed Me
I Know Who Killed Me
R | 27 July 2007 (USA)
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An idyllic small town is rocked when Aubrey Fleming, a bright and promising young woman, is abducted and tortured by a sadistic serial killer. When she manages to escape, the traumatized girl who regains consciousness in the hospital insists that she is not who they think she is and that the real Aubrey Fleming is still in mortal danger.


Very disappointing...

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Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .

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Excellent adaptation.

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what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.

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Actually if anything my soul is more alive and appreciates the small things in life and what little time we have. We should not be wasting it on horrible movies like this. And now spoiler alert. First of all to the protagonist who claims she knows who killed her. No you don't know who killed you or the movie would have gone like this:I know who killed me - Him Ok lock him up boysThe end. Second of all you are not dead so explain to me exactly how you were killed yet you are still alive.I will give one thing to you though Miss Lohan, you are good on the pole. Actually your acting in this film isn't bad either. Maybe the other actors acting is a little stiff but not yours.The worst thing about this movie:Is the plot when there is one. The rest of the time Miss Lohan is stripping, or having an awkward sex scene which if it is supposed to be a gory torture porn film then its okay. The director is obsessed with the color blue. This is not Three Colors: Blue man. The 'killer' is maybe from the Blue Man group. There are some red herrings or rather blue herrings. The prosthetics tech guy was a little suspicious. He happens to be Darneo from my name is Earl great show by the way. In the end it happens to be this random guy who frequently appears on the screen that you would think is obviously a red herring but it is him all along. The owl keeps helping our character find the crime scene. That is obviously Twin Peaks. The plot:So basically we have twins separated at birth by Damien Dark from Arrow and one gets abducted by a psycho and he amputates one of the twins. Through the supernatural phenomenon of 'Stigmata Twins' where if one twin gets injured in a particular part of her body, the other twin also gets injured in the same part of the body. 'Twin Dragons' by Jackie Chan comes to mind. Which begs the question how could you conclude that your twin sister is dead because her dying would lead to your death too? Finally the movie should be called 'I Don't Know Who Abducted and Amputated but Didn't Kill My Twin Sister'.

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I know a lot of people hated this. But I, maybe unfortunately, enjoyed it.. Let me explain. Even though Lindsey Lohan was not a good choice to be the main protagonist in this film, she did do a job at portraying the 'sexy' parts as a stripper. I think someone like Saoirse Ronan would've done a better job (it did remind me a bit of the Lovely Bones), it still portrayed what the producer wanted to potray. The problem is, in my opinion, that the writer meant to say something different. The metaphors and symbolism are more simplistic than one might think. I liked the 'red vs blue' theme and I think this film would've, (or could've) been fantastic. That is why I am giving it an 8. I should give it a 6, because other than the 'thought of it being a good plot' it sucked, but I like having an open mind.

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The dialogue in this was a bit off from the very start, and my hopes fell. A guy walks into frame with a blue rose, and the actress says: "Where did you get that blue rose?" I can see what it is, no need to tell me. The same guy asks the FBI guys for a condom, and they laugh - then he walks up to more FBI guys and the whole process is repeated.But it does settle down, especially when the lead actress goes hard chaw, and by 76 mins we've got a well paced, intriguing mystery.Sadly the final act crashes down the stairs like a barrel of bricks.At that stage I think they panicked. The plot is so preposterous that they had to use on-the-nose dialogue to tell us what the clues meant. So about twenty minutes before they show us the killer we already know who it is. Plus there's some daft symbolic stuff that turns out to be some ESP between characters. And I howled with laughter at the killer's final gesture.Don't think they could have saved this. Obviously big problems with the plot and screenplay, reinforced by the complete disappearance of the elaborate FBI set up and the total absence of motivation for the killings. The directing didn't help either.I liked the actress a lot - smokey voice and ability to switch from ice to warmth. She did the pole dance stuff erotically, but white girls still can't dance.

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Pity the poor film school graduated writer, director or producer who really liked watching those surrealistic foreign films but just has to make it in the Hollywood movie world.They believe that there just must be a way to make a done-by-committee Hollywood film that encompasses all the great bizarreness of a Fellini or Almodovar film and still be understood by the legion of common folks going to movies and also be commercial success.Well here's another example that this cannot be done or, if done, will be a failure.This terrible endeavor got it's well-deserved razzie, worst film of the year.

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