I Am Curious (Yellow)
I Am Curious (Yellow)
| 10 March 1967 (USA)
I Am Curious (Yellow) Trailers

Lena, aged twenty, wants to know all she can about life and reality. She collects information on everyone and everything, storing her findings in an enormous archive. She experiments with relationships, political activism, and meditation. Meanwhile, the actors, director and crew are shown in a humorous parallel plot about the making of the film and their reactions to the story and each other. Nudity, explicit sex, and controversial politics kept this film from being shown in the US while its seizure by Customs was appealed.


Tied for the best movie I have ever seen

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Usamah Harvey

The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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Emil Bakkum

The film I am curious - yellow is made in the style of the nouvelle vague. Apparently this style was invented by the French director Jean-Luc Godard (Tout va bien, La Chinoise, Weekend). In my view the hallmark of such films is an incoherent story, with surreal incidents, and a lack of emotions. People are ruined but do not seem to notice it. This type of films was made mainly in the roaring sixties and early seventies, by innovative producers. So it is no surprise that I am curious - yellow starts as a political film. This part is almost a documentary. It describes the then Swedish society, which was very egalitarian. The socialist prime minister Olaf Palme appears in a minor role. The main character is Lena, a rather simple young woman. She wants to know if Sweden is a class society, and asks everybody. She adores Martin Luther King. The Swedish television shows how the army decides to employ non-violent resistance against the Red Army! The right to bear arms is slightly less ludicrous than the right to arm bears. Halfway the film the story becomes more personal. Lena engages in sexual experiments, hoping to develop her sexual identity. Time and again she has disappointing experiences. "To err is human", said the hedgehog, and jumped from the cactus. Or, he: "Would you like to join me for a pancake?" She: "OK, but no crumbs in bed". Finally she gets so enraged, that she abjures the ideal of King. In fact she abandons her social engagement, and destroys her archives with press cuttings. Apparently most personalities can not bear the self- sacrifice in collective action, which probably is the message of producer Sjöman. In a world without men there would be no war, just intense negotiations every 28 days. All in all the shocking naivety of the Swedish people got stuck in my mind. In addition some of the surreal moments and scenes are quite funny and surprising. This makes the film worth watching. Don't hesitate to leave a comment. I love it.

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this movie is not porn, it was not meant to be porn, and unless my uncle runs for president of the world it should never be considered porn.now that that issue was sorted out, i can say i thoroughly recommend this film, as it's issues are still widely available. it's funny, the acting is great and it raises serious(curious) questions.i can't fully understand why this film was so mistreated, probably this is why i plan to never visit the us. Lena is the true pioneer of the modern riot-grrrl movement, confusion, curiosity and wit are her main attributes, she is occasionally angry, but aren't we all?

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This is a great film - esp when compared with the sometimes wearisome earnestness of today's politically-minded filmmakers. A film that can so easily combine sex, gender relations, politics and art is a rarity these days. While the bouyant optimism of the 1960's can't be regained, I think we can at least learn a lesson from the film's breezy energy and charm. I don't know what those who label the film "boring" were watching - there's so much packed into it that it never remains the same film for more that 15 min at a time.

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Sam Sloan (samsloan)

This movie caused a great sensation in 1969 because it was considered pornographic. The movie was not allowed to be shown in America. Finally, after a highly publicized court battle, the courts allowed the movie to appear and everybody went to see the movie. The movie was banned in many countries, not only in America, because is showed a man and a woman having sexual intercourse, the first time ever in a movie. However, in the actual scene, they climb a tree in a public park and have intercourse fully clothed in the branches of the tree. It takes the reader's imagination to understand what they are really doing. The content is so mild by today's standards that the movie is largely forgotten. However, it was because of the court precedent set by "I Am Curious (Yellow)" that we are allowed to see almost everything today. Sam Sloan

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