Hunting & Gathering
Hunting & Gathering
| 21 April 2007 (USA)
Hunting & Gathering Trailers

When Camille falls ill, she is forced to live with Philibert and Franck.


The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Aiden Melton

The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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It was a summary of the book with more than one wrong dialogs and made the whole case feel somehow unimportant. After reading the book I burst into tears, after the film though I felt absolutely nothing. Don't watch it if you have read it for those who haven't read it could be a quite nice little film but actually it has nothing to do with the book's perfection. While in the book you get the feeling of warmth and affection between all the four characters and get the anger and dislike of Frank and Camille transforming to love gradually and in an interesting way the film doesn't offer you any of that,plus it doesn't contain many interesting details concerning the former lives of all the characters. Their feelings are changed and their characteristics are not that similar. I'd say that someone who hasn't read it may find it interesting but I found it rather disappointing.

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From beginning to end, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Every member of the cast was excellent but I particularly loved Guillaume Canet. I first saw him in Jeux d'enfants and fell in love with him (who wouldn't?). As for Audrey Tautou, I finally saw what all the fuss was about. I have seen Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, but I didn't care for it at all.I only wish that this film had been longer so that we could have been better acquainted with Philibert since he was such an interesting character.I also loved Françoise Bertin's performance as it was very touching. I identified with the struggle that many of us face in trying to care for someone and trying to earn a living.All in all, a very commendable film.

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I liked the film. Though it differs from the novel by Anna Gavalda. I imagined a bit another Franck, but Guillaume Canet is so charming, and I must admit that he perfectly fits his part. Audrey Tautou isn't the best Camille... but I'm used to her being the "prima ballerina" of the French cinema... I reckon that are Philibert (Laurent Stocker) and Franck (Guillaume Canet) who make the whole film worth watching. And of course I must admit Tautou's good acting. All the actors beautified the film. It's no use retelling the plot. It's not a detective story with millions of turns up. This film speaks about life. And you know, read the book first. That's my advice. The film isn't as good as its original. But nothing's perfect! And if you want to form your own opinion (not the director's one) about Camille, Franck, Philibert, Paulette...... both read and watch.

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I have just seen the movie in Sydney and enjoyed it very much. My last movie was "conversation with a gardener" which I enjoyed equally. I was French for 27 years and movies that can bring me back to what I missed the most are indeed pleasing. Not that I could really identify with any of the characters but simply their actions and the settings in which they happened brought back vivid memories. One can philosophy as much as one wishes to. But I feel actors very heart of their vocation is to make the audience enjoy the reality of their acting. And this reality will affect any normal sophisticated or unsophisticated person if that person is not too busy playing the critic or demanding a particular agenda. Our life experience is something we can't deny, no matter whom we may be. So these 3 then 4 characters are just doing that following their dreams in a too human way, and the only way they know how to do it. I'm not too well versed in directors trends or particular project, I just manage to retain some actors'name, Tatou is now one of them, yet it's her characters that interests me. I'm simply feeling good, bad or indifferent with movies. Just like wine, I don't drink label, but hope to enjoy the taste. Why "Hunting and Gathering"? I certainly understand better "Ensemble, C'est tout". Am I missing something here? Just the same I'll have to agree - togetherness, even if a pain at times, is yet preferable to loneliness.

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