How to Seduce Your Teacher
How to Seduce Your Teacher
| 09 August 1979 (USA)
How to Seduce Your Teacher Trailers

There's a new girl in school, Angela, the Headmaster's neice. Every male will try to seduce her, even her uncle. Meanwhile she will drive the philosophy's teacher mad and her best friend Irma will have a good time with the classmates. Will they get the grades?


The greatest movie ever!

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Surprisingly incoherent and boring

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In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.

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I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.

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This is the last of a series of Italian sex comedies where Gloria Guida portrayed an increasing long-in-the-tooth "liceale" or high school co-ed. This time her character, the ironically named "Angela", is sent away to attend a school where her uncle (Lino Banfi) is principal. As usual she drives all the adolescent and adult males (including blood relatives) into paroxysms of lust before eventually setting her sights on her handsome history teacher. While sex between teachers and under-age students is not quite the hilarious knee-slapper today that it once was, it should be said the Guida never was believable as an actual "liceale" when she started this series four years earlier and she certainly wasn't here when she was pushing 25. The real problem with this movie is that there aren't nearly enough scenes of Guida showering, stripping, etc., and WAY too many scenes of unfunny funny-men Lino Banfi and Alvaro Vitali (who co-starred with GG in all these films) cross-dressing or sitting on the toilet. At least here, they finally gave up trying to pass the practically middle-age Vitali off as a student and made him a music teacher instead (although why any school would hire this incompetent and annoying idiot to teach anything really beggars belief).Lorraine DeSalle also shows up here in an early role. She would go to become a minor cult celebrity after appearing in some of the more appalling Italian cannibal and WIP films directed by the likes of Umberto Lenzi and Bruno Mattei. This is probably her best film (and she has even more nude scenes than Guida), but don't necessarily take that as a recommendation.

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Gloria Guida was probably the finest looking woman in the Italian sexy comedies of the Seventies and she is really the only reason to watch this scholastic comedy, full of the usual insipid gags, almost always with the same cast. Alvaro Vitali is strangely a music professor, not the student, as it is more usual. Banfi is in the same role of the repressed latin male, searching for sex with women far more beautiful than he deserves, but it is still fun to watch, as he was already a very good actor, even if he has reached fame and more decent roles only later in his career

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