Home of the Brave
Home of the Brave
| 27 April 1986 (USA)
Home of the Brave Trailers

A concert film directed by and featuring the music of Laurie Anderson, filmed at the Park Theater in Union City, New Jersey, during the summer of 1985.


The Age of Commercialism

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Simply Perfect

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Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.

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Jonah Abbott

There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.

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Michael Neumann

21st century raconteur-troubadour Laurie Anderson shames the entire notion of the 'music video' with this filmed performance from her Mr. Heartbreak Tour. Perhaps the biggest surprise about the movie is that it wasn't made earlier: Anderson's audio/visual exhibitionism depends as much (if not more) on sight as it does on sound, and her recordings alone give little indication of the imagination and humor of her stage act. Employing a dazzling array of electronic effects and state-of-the-art musical instruments (for example a functioning keyboard necktie), she dances, sings, tells peculiar stories, jerks around like a marionette, and in general puts on a show that's as much fun to watch as it must have been to perform, with none of the pretensions normally associated with mass media performance art.

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It's possible that, in an era of digital magic, the originality of Laurie Anderson's use of technology in the 1980's has been diminished, but one thing that time hasn't affected is her originality. The existence of this concert film/performance art piece is a testament to the unique presence Laurie created out of herself in the 80's and her appeal to a truly appreciative audience of the time.Assembled loosely into small "bytes," the performances in Laurie's concert range from simple statements of fact to speculation, to obtuse poetry, to accessible pop music to challenging political statements, to beyond-surreal vignettes about nothing whatsoever. The overall tone comes off as stream of consciousness, the language filled with dream imagery and non-sequiturs. Hypnotic back-projection accompanies most of the on-stage action, including an eerie, "OZ"-like moment where Laurie's giant, disembodied head floats above the proceedings, glancing around non-committally.At times the whole thing seems to unravel only to come back around to a unified center again--that center always being Ms. Anderson, the ringmaster, who is by turns sexy, cute, scary, androgynous and almost always remote...but with a warm twinkle in her eye and dry sense of humor never far away. That what looks like chaos must indeed be very well choreographed is astounding, and could only have been wrangled with the help of the brilliant musicians Ms. Anderson assembled for this concert. It's also well--if conservatively--filmed.Of course, this was made with college kids in mind and I imagine it was popular with the stoner crowd. However, it works as its own sort of drug, by turns seductive, beguiling, off-putting, obnoxious, bewildering and immensely entertaining. It reminds me somewhat of David Lynch's Industrial Symphony no. 1 but is far lighter in tone and moves a bit quicker. I doubt it's possible to get this anymore and will eventually be forgotten; I'm glad I have it and pull it out now and then when I'm in the mood to sit back and be transported to Laurie's odd 80's world for 90 minutes.

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Performance art and music at it's best. This is an amazing concert with some extras as well that I saw years ago and long to see again.Her band and supporting cast are all top notch. Adrian Belew, an absolute brilliant musician and member of the outstanding King Crimson, who IMO are the best jam-session type band ever, performs with Ms. Anderson in this film. There is some very cool spoken word and onstage skits and costumes are incredible. This may well be my fave recording of a musical performance ever.Actually, it is so well done and so unique I am really shocked it isn't more popular and it deserves at LEAST an 8 or more in the ratings. I give it 9/10 and I pretty much NEVER give out 10's!!!

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It's hard to imagine anyone else writing, directing and visualizing a film quite like this. Essentially a record of Laurie Anderson's "Mister Heartbreak" tour, this concert film is mostly comprised of songs and music with a smattering of spoken word pieces thrown in for good measure. Her more recent concerts have been a bit more subdued, so this is a good chance to see her with all the bells and whistles (so to speak).As for the performances, Anderson is radiant and off-the-wall as usual, and her back-up band is top-notch, including such talented players as Adrian Belew, David Van Tieghem and Joy Askew (with whom Anderson shares an amusing phone call in the middle of the show). And William S. Burroughs even waltzes through from time to time.Recommended for Laurie Anderson fans, and -- along with her "Collected Videos" -- could make her some new ones.

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