Her Aim Is True
Her Aim Is True
| 01 May 2013 (USA)
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Journey behind the lens of unlikely rock and roll photographer, Jini Dellaccio who visualized punk before it had a name and embodied indie before it was cool. In tracing Jini’s courageous and convention-defying pursuit of creativity, discover a riveting story of an artistic legacy lost and found.

Bea Swanson

This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.

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Orla Zuniga

It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review

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Billie Morin

This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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11/6/17. I truly felt fortunate to be able to catch this biopic of a woman photographer who was at the top of her game for decades! A talented photographer who was basically self-taught and had that special eye for catching the essence of her subjects. She was always much older than those she photographed but that never stopped her from producing the finest photos of her time. Worth catching!

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Samuel W Connelly (SamTheWriter)

'Her Aim is True' is an artistically crafted voyage into Rock-n-Roll's past. It's a tantalizing taste of an all-but-forgotten time in America's history, told through the life of a real legend and pioneer. Jini Dellaccio was a woman years before her time, her story, 'Her Aim Is True', directed by Karen Whitehead, brings that incredible story to the screen in a truly satisfying fashion. To be honest, I was surprised at how quickly I was drawn into this film. I found myself captured within the first five minutes, and it only got better from there. With the sounds of so many iconic bands like; Neil Young, Ian Whitcomb, Mitch Ryder, The Who, The Wailers, The Sonics, Merrilee Rush & The Turnabouts, The Daily Flash, The Bard's, The Bootmen, and Paul Revere & The Raiders; and the setting, being, the magical and beautiful Pacific Northwest, 'Her Aim Is True' in perfumed with nostalgia. This is a story about American culture. It's a story about an important time in Rock-n-roll history. It's a story about an incredible woman- a stubbornly independent woman. It's a love story. It's a story about a revolutionary, an artist, an activist, and about a true dreamer. 'Her Aim Is True', is a film that is not just about Jini Dellaccio, but it's about all of us. Filled with rich tastes of a very potent time in America's history, director Karen Whitehead captures and serves up so many beautiful moments and landmark times of change in our culture. Rock-n-roll is an essential element in the evolutionary process of American history and the history of the world. To forget those who helped mold and shape the foundations of our artistic and musical history would be a true tragedy. It's a beautiful and necessary legacy Karen Whitehead has reminded us of through the story of a true American queen, rock-n-roll photography pioneer, and independent soul. Karen, the incredibly creative and talented director took this already amazing story and laid it all out in 90 minutes in such way that gives Dellaccio's story true justice. I'm just as impressed with Karen Whitehead's artistic structure of 'Her Aim Is True,' as I am with the story itself. Whitehead, an independent spirit herself isn't new to filmmaking, and her work shines through in 'Her Aim Is True'. Karen, a filmmaker from London, UK., is also a journalist. She's a former director/producer at the BBC and also did the current affairs output for the Independent Television network in the UK. In the US, Karen has made several documentary-style videos for non-profit organizations and advocacy filming for Autism. She also produced a film on the history of the Berlin Wall for the Newseum, which is currently on exhibit in Washington DC. She's a recipient of a CINE Golden Eagle Award for the short film, Woodlawn Redux she directed in 2008.In a time that we are seeing an awakening of independent documentaries, special issues films, and biopics, 'Her Aim Is True', is exactly what the independent spirit's about. This film has a largely universal appeal. I think that everyone should see it. Through the eyes and words of the 93 year old artist, yesterday's rock is experienced with new life and freshness. Adding the impeccable storytelling skills of Karen Whitehead, 'Her Aim is True', has easily landed in my top 10 independent documentary films of all time.

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This isn't just another story of a woman excelling in a male dominated field. This is the story of a woman who just did what she wanted to do and did it her way. It is the story of a life well lived. Whitehead does an excellent job of introducing us to the woman but an even better job of making us fall in love with her. Needless to say in any good doc you learn a few things along the way. but unlike many docs, you want to share this experience with all your friends. After seeing this film you'll not only have profound admiration for this barrier busting woman but will have developed a love for the imagery of the period. I just wanted to see more and more.

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Roger Jackson

Loved this film, saw it at Hot Springs doc film festival. In 1964, middle-aged suburban housewife, Jini Dellaccio, began hanging with bands like The Sonics, shooting startling images and innovative album covers. Soon she was grabbing unprecedented portraits of Neil Young and early performances by bands like The Who, Rolling Stones, and Mamas & Papas. The film is super-compelling, it's beautifully shot, great music and Jini's life story is exciting and awe- inspiring. Docs like this can easily become dull and repetitive, but "Her Aim is True" starts strong and just gets better and better. Jini is now in her 90's, still shooting great pics of up and coming bands in the Pacific North-West, still rockin' out, no plans to retire. Big thumbs up!

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