R | 22 January 1993 (USA)
Hexed Trailers

Lowly hotel clerk Matthew Welch stumbles unto a chance to go on a date with supermodel Hexina by pretending he is someone else. But something goes wrong on the date, she tries to kill him! Soon she kills a couple more people, and unfortunately all the evidence points to Matthew. Gloria, who has been wishing Matthew would ask her on a date, thinks he is innocent and is willing to help, but hardnosed Detective Ferguson is hot on the clues, and closing in on Matthew.


What makes it different from others?

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Excellent, Without a doubt!!

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Janae Milner

Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.

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curtis martin

I was working in downtown Fort Worth when they were filming this. I was working in a nearby office building and we could see them shooting part at the end when Gross sees Hexina's eyes in his rear view mirror, but it's really just a poster on a city bus, and then he wrecks the car (well, they were shooting the car/bus part--I assume the close ups were shot separately). They did that all day. They were still out there the next day. I was just working temp, so I took off to check out the shoot (don't worry, I didn't claim the hours). I watched them filming the ending scene, after the bus incident that wrecked the car. They wrecked the car a couple of more times, but it didn't look wrecked enough for the director, Spencer, so he had some guys smack it with a bat (I think it was a bat, maybe a hammer?). Then they filmed the last scene where the dude jumps out of the wrecked car and attacks Arye Gross. Over and over again. The actor was improving it each time, egged on by the director. Then the camera, which was on a crane, craned up to the big billboard. Once Spencer got what he wanted (or close to it, I guess) he put his hands up in the air and the crew cheered. At the time I didn't know it was the last scene of the movie. Perhaps they filmed the movie in sequence and that shot wrapped it. I remember that director Spencer seemed to be a naturally funny guy; he was kind of performing for the crew and small crowd, I think. It was a fun intro into how movies were actually made. I saw the movie during it's kind of limited theatrical release and was a bit disappointed. (maybe I saw a preview). I remember thinking at the time that watching the director make the movie was funnier than the actual movie was. But I just re-watched it and liked it a lot better. I read that the studio downgraded this movie from a major production budget and schedule to very low budget just a month before they shot it, so it's really pretty amazing Spencer got it done at all. Probably would have been really great if he'd been able to do it as planned.Is there anyone else out there who saw the shoot in FTW, or perhaps acted in the film or was an extra? What are your memories?

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Very entertaining and highly original. "Hexed" will be fondly appreciated by those who enjoy movies of questionable taste, with plenty of dark humor. This film will divide audiences in much the same way "Eating Raoul" does. Blackmail, outrageous beatings, sex, and murder, are used to great advantage in "Hexed", much the same as they are in "Eating Raoul". The character development and acting are top notch. I think this movie has to be approached, not from the standpoint of an erotic thriller spoof, but rather as something original, that can easily stand alone. So put everything else out of your mind and enjoy this fine comedy. - MERK

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I loved this movie, it ranks very high on my list of offbeat twisted b-flavor movies. I first saw it years ago, back when HBO and Showtime were actually good channels. And just recently I picked it up on DVD, it's funny to go back to something and go 'holy cow, that's the guy from Ellen, that's the girl from Babylon 5!' - though I wish there were more extras on the DVD. It's weird and it's stupid and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's kinda funny how these types of movies are made, it's so difficult to see this kind of weirdness anymore. And according to the IMDb entry, the budget for this film was slashed - and I think it probably benefits from that restriction. The cast was brilliant and I wish they'd done more movies like that back in the day. If you're a fan of movies that are twisted and funny, you need to see this flick. I have a strange taste in movies, I like when there's something that doesn't sound like it should work but then you see it and can't stop watching.

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Pepper Anne

Somewhat similar to the movie, Mystery Date, Hexed is the story of a little white lie that leads to big trouble. Ayre Gross plays a single hotel clerk. He uses, it seems, every opportunity available to pretend he is someone he's not (using his employee advantages) to pick up women at the hotel, and unsuccessfully so. This is usually thanks to his sneaky rival coworker who wants to see him fired, although it is also partly his own fault (he doesn't exactly have the charm of say, Ferris Bueller, or similar types able to easily manipulate a little white lie).When word gets to the employees that the French supermodel, Hexina (Claudia Christian), will be staying at the hotel, Ayre's character bets his rival coworker that by night's end, he will have a date with Hexina. Opportunity comes a knocking when Hexina mistakenly believes that the clerk is a blackmailing producer (which he doesn't deny) and suddenly, he suddenly finds out that Hexina is a bigger fraud than he is. And his little charades suddenly get him into huge trouble involving a psychopathic seductress, a few murders, and a town full of oblivious idiots that is going to give the clerk a hard time to set the record straight.There are amazingly funny moments, especially from R. Lee Ermey as the irritable Detective Furgeson and the witty retorts and wonderfully hilarious facial expressions of Claudia Christian as Hexina. Though the filming was rushed and done on a crunch budget, there is quite a bit here that delivers some great laughs. However, it might be for the same reason that just as much of the film is also delivered with some kind of comedic restraint. The movie never really gets off the ground until the clerk and Hexina actually meet. And some of the more subtle humor and gags tend to go unnoticed, possibly by more disinterested viewers. It's not a bad one to try out, however, if you're in the mood for something different. Although it shares a similar theme to Mystery Date, this is certainly no mild comedy (they do let the expletives fly). I imagine that probably, had there been more time and a bigger budget available, Hexed would be a bit less forgettable as a sort of murder-mystery comedy.

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