R | 10 November 1989 (USA)
Hawks Trailers

Two terminally ill patients in a hospital yearn for relief from their predicament. With little or no friends, they form an uneasy alliance and plot an escape for one last wild time.


Save your money for something good and enjoyable

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Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.

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All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.

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Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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If you looking for a feel good movie of the year, well of 1988 that is, heh heh, then look no further than Hawks. This movie is inspired by a true story. The movie has all the important components required for a good story, the actors too have done a commendable job and there is this elevating drama but the audience may hardly feel anything great about the film.It seems the directors have missed out on something to leave viewer feel good in spite of so many good factors of the movie.The story is all about (as the name suggests) by a couple a Hawks!, which are played by Timothy Dalton (Bancroft) and Anthony Edwards (Decker). Janet McTeer (Hazel) is a columnist writing about the Hawks in their natural environment and she dedicates her column to Bancroft and Decker and builds a rapport with them. Bancroft shoots up to fame and glory with Hazel's write-up. And due to Bancroft's mental ailment Hazel is de-motivated to write further. But Bancroft continues to soar high in the sky.The mental sickness of Bancroft is depicted rather unconvincingly and probably the director was not quite sure of portraying this aspect in a rationale way. Bancroft's character is fluctuating and promiscuous but you may wonder how a good drama can be successful with such a loose element and this leads to a point when even Hazel's patience level is tested.It is difficult to criticise the performance by Dalton who is portrayed to be jittery, perturbed and most likely he seems to be a schizophrenic. Dalton surely expected an award-winning performance but he is badly let down by the director and the screenwriter of the film and they fail to make a serious and sensitive film on Hawks and their environment. The movie has lost track in between these two aspects.Still its quite a good watch.

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Hawks was the first movie I saw with Timothy Dalton and I have loved it ever since. It is in my top five favorites.Two professional men at the height of their careers meet in a terminal ward in London. One is an American(Anthony Edwards)a football player on tour who has just been diagnosed and is put into a room with another patient(Timothy Dalton), an English attorney who want to go out swinging! The young men have a period of remission coming up and decide to escape to have a last hurrah! (The Bucket List must have been inspired by Hawks). On their way to Holland, they meet two very quirky women who have a mission of their own. The humor of these characters is delightful as well as their odd adventures. Hawks has no bits of any tired generic story lines, for which I'm always grateful! The uplifting music and dead on lyrics are beautiful. They were written by Barry Gibbs and are little known gems. Hawks is an excellent "feel-good" piece of art. It is rated,"R" and this rating should be taken seriously.

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a simple story of life......this is one of the most sensitive and funny films i have ever ever seen, to meet and realise your mortality is something we never do until its too late, Hawks well with superb acting from Messrs Dalton and Edwards makes you (well made me) realise how fragile and how little we live our lives, whilst going through a situation with a friend at the moment i have re-watched this film, to realise one that Mortality is not something to be afraid of, but also to realise that in my darkest times - A big red nose will always make me smile.so join the order of the HAWKS - I guarantee you wont regret it !!!

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I could understand what the main characters were going through. When I saw the movie, I was 5 years free of Terminal ill Stage4 Hodgkin's Cancer. I was told I would not make it to my 30th birthday. I am now 42. I had many the same feelings and attitude of the main characters in the movie. I think it is an excellent movie.

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