Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
... View MoreClose shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
... View MoreThe joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
... View MoreThe movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
... View MoreThe ultimate in sleazeploitation, walks familiar lines to Christiane F, yet this is more sleazy and shocking. Some of the in your face 'of all the nerve' scenes will upset some, as our young teen, Hanna D, the girl from Vondell Park, injects, and spreads her legs for dirty old men on trains, her place of business, as shown in the first scene. The next boarding is a depraved middle aged couple, where Hanna, sitting up straight, all dressed up, scholarly, beret and all, is stroking a doll. How sick can this movie get? This is only appetizers. Hanna's pimp, well played, is doing her mother. Hanna ends up doing him, and moving house, where he gets her working in pornographic movies. Then our lovely hapless Hanna falls in love. Trouble yes. Figure the remaining storyline out. Hanna D is nothing more than a dubbed sexploitation skin flick, if you will, with audacious scenes of tasty nudity and sex, while others shock (especially the injecting). That's what this film is out to do, shock, if be more, slutty, sleazy, shocking than Christiane F. On that level, it succeeds, but does not constitute a good movie.
... View MoreThis is beyond a shadow of a doubt one of the most ridiculous (yet ridiculously-entertaining) B-movies ever lensed. SEE- the female star blow-dry her hair after removing her shower cap! SEE- the female star lock her mom's boyfriend INSIDE her bedroom! SEE- her vomit on every single item of furniture in a room, including its small dorm-size refrigerator! SEE- two curly-haired guys beat the crap out of a third curly-haired guy! SEE- a dope-sick junkie suck on a prison sink faucet! SEE- a container of heroin removed from a smugglerette's hairy European rectum (no CGI here, unfortunately)! HEAR- priceless lines such as "She's under the bridge-up to her eyes in dope and syphilis-good luck!" I wish every 90 minutes of my life were this much fun.
... View MoreI think the only way this film could be more exploitive would be to have a rip roaring gun fight, and while that doesn't happen this is still manages to be one really sleaze exploitation film.This is the story of Hanna. Her parents have split, her mother is a drunk with a younger boyfriend (who would much rather sleep with Hanna). Many of her friends are junkies and worse. Hanna gets money by letting people see her naked. Eventually her home life goes from dysfunctional to destructive (a short hop) and Hanna needs to escape. She begins to use heroine and eventually takes up with a guy who pimps her out. As her life begins to slide she meets a nice young man who falls in love with her and she tries to get clean. However her old life is still lurking out there.This is a very sleazy film. Its a walk on the wild side. I have no idea if its true or not but the picture it paints isn't particularly pleasant. As an exploitation film its an okay time killer. The lead is good looking both in and out of her clothes. The gory details of the life of our heroine is suitably unpleasant. The problem is that after a while the film simply becomes very talky and repetitive. How many times will people shooting up shock? How many sex for money encounters where the girl secretly cries do we have to see before it stops effecting us? It all wears thin after a while and we become desensitized to anything by the second half (although the retrieval of the drugs in the rehab center is an exploitation classic) If you want a sleazy exploitation film, and don't mind it repeating itself in the second half then see this movie. If you want anything else stay away.
... View says the blurb on the Australian video cover of this film. Hanna D appears to be some sort of homage to the former, much more superior German film. Set in Amsterdam, this Italian film was dubbed into English for its release in English speaking countries. It is about a girl named Hanna, borne of a troubled, uncaring and womanising alcoholic mother (the mother gives an appalling, extreme performance). We have to make the presumption that the virginal Hanna starts to sell her body thanks to the troubles she has had endured due to her parents' separation some years earlier. A man who eventually takes her virginity, becomes her pimp, and introduces her to heroin saves Hanna from some rampaging prostitutes, angry with her after they believe her to be encroaching upon their territory. Hanna eventually meets another straight-laced man, with both characters literally falling instantly in love. You see them about 1 minute later ca-noodling in the streets of Amsterdam, having just met on a ferry! Eventually, this 'troubled' relationship results in some strange (illogical, actually) dramas with the pimp. Indeed, there is no logic to the story's progression, and the acting... it's REAL bad, sadly not even bad enough to be considered 'good'.The Italians often take old ideas and re-jig them into something else - with a tendency to make things more explicit or extreme. This has been seen in various Giallo productions, and it can be seen here. Everything that was largely implied in Christiane F is made explicit. There is a copious amount of full-frontal nudity, and what appears to be close up shots of real drug injecting. We discover new ways of injecting drugs - under the tongue, in the scalp, and even under the eyelid. As was the case with scenes in Christiane F, you even see Hanna experiencing a drug withdrawal, complete with chunky vomit and some pretty ridiculous acting. And there is an unforgettable scene of a woman retrieving a small vial of drugs from her jail mate's anus - these are scenes that stay with you, but for all the wrong reasons.To be fair, it is not unreasonable to expect an Italian 'remake' to be pretty over the top. Hanna D sure is over the top! On the one hand it is amusing and silly, and on the other you might think 'why did they even bother'.This film did not appear to have had a wide release back in the 80s, and it is not hard to see why. It was released in Australia back in the mid-80's some time, and has had some exposure in parts of Europe and North America. This film is to soon receive a DVD release.
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