Going Highbrow
Going Highbrow
NR | 23 August 1935 (USA)
Going Highbrow Trailers

A ditzy wife yearns to join "high society" when she and her husband become suddenly wealthy. Comedy.


Instant Favorite.

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Neive Bellamy

Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.

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Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin

The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.

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Guy Kibbee and Zasu Pitts are a social climbing middle aged couple on Long Island, who having made their fortune, now want to be a part of New York's upper crust. Kibbee convinces a young waitress (June Martel) to pose as their daughter so they can throw a coming out party for her in order to enter society. They are assisted by Edward Everett Horton and Nella Walker in their quest, while a young singer (Ross Alexander) takes a shine to Martel after accidentally breaking the heel off her shoe which has gotten stuck in a 5th Avenue sewer cap (and later in the backyard of Kibbee's Long Island mansion). Martel's past comes back to haunt her, threatening to blow Kibbee's and Pitt's dream out of the social register. But then the script looses interest in Kibbee and Pitts, and focuses more on how to get Martel and Alexander together. The result---everything that happens in the first 3/4 ends up pointless and the film finishes on a disappointing note.Warner Brothers during the 1930's could either be socially edgy or groundbreaking and technical. Where it wasn't successful was doing society comedy like Paramount, RKO and MGM did, even if they did have a top drawer art department. Prior to the production code, WB could churn out acceptable society comedies as long as they were utilizing things the code forced them to get rid of. In the case of "Going Highbrow", the results of this poor script that remains amazingly unfunny in spite of its comic leads are mediocre. June Martel made only a few more films at Warner Brothers before moving onto the poverty row studios and disappeared altogether. She's alright here, but nothing amazing considering the slew of leading ladies they already had at Warners.

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This film is a wonderful example of a rotten plot yet wonderful characters. It appeared as if the film were actually written by two people--one for the plot and one who strictly designed the characters and wrote the dialog. As for the plot itself, it's easy to sum up with one word--"stupid". Instead of trying to describe it, just let it go with that! But as for the characters, I have always been a sucker for colorful character actors and this one has Edward Everett Horton, Guy Kibbee and Zasu Pitts (in a rather restrained performance, thank goodness). And the writers infused these characters with wonderful personalities that were very much in line with their normal screen personas. Kibbee was a not overly bright but decent "normal guy", Zasu played a bumpkin of sorts who wanted "class" and Horton played a rich but decent schemer. Together, they helped to infuse the film with enough warmth and humanity that I was able to overlook the films MANY deficiencies and just enjoy it. While this is certainly NOT a film you should rush to see, it's a very amiable time-passer and a good example of a quality B-movie.

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"All in all, "Going Highbrow" (1935) is a pretty good post production code comedy although its rather fragmented structure works against efforts to make it a unified story.Cora (Zasu Pitts) and Matt (Guy Kilbee) Upshaw are hicks from Wellington, Kansas who accidentally made big money at the start of the stock market crash. Matt's broker misunderstood Matt's instructions and invested all his money in put (sell) options for a single stock, the total opposite of Matt's intentions. After the price declined no one exercised their options to buy and Matt got to keep all the proceeds. Matt is still simple and unpretentious but Cora is determined to crash New York's "Society 400" list. The "nouveau riche" Upshaws enlist the old money (but none left) Marsh family to introduce Cora to the proper people. Part of the scheme involves hiring struggling actress Sandy Long (June Martel) to play Cora's daughter. This sets up an extremely lame romance between Martel and Ross Alexander, who plays the Marsh son. Edward Everett Horton plays Augie Winterspoon, the Marsh's financial adviser. He tries valiantly to link the story elements together. The soon to be famous singer, yodeler, cowgirl Judy Canova does a nice job in a small supporting part as Sandy's coworker."Going Highbrow" is a must see for fans of Zasu Pitts as she dominates the first half of the film with a somewhat different variation on her airhead character. Instead of her usual scatterbrain adventures she plays a self-absorbed social climber, but still manages to infuse the role with her usual comic touches. Pitts was one of the few comedians whose gift for dialogue and expression was effectively complemented by a talent for physical comedy. Because her technique has never gone out of style, her films (including this one) do not seem nearly as dated as other productions from the same time period. Credit Una Merkel, Gloria Grahame, Goldie Hawn, and Brittany Murphy with keeping the Pitts' style alive down though the years.Horton is almost young looking in this film but has already developed most of the comedic touches he would apply to countless character roles during his long career. He really has too much screen time and during the second half you keep wishing for more of Pitts who effectively disappears from the second half of the film. Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.

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I was really full of anticipation before i viewed this film.What a great cast,full of great comedy actors from the 30s.I was about to uncover a forgotten masterpiece.How wrong i was.This was an extremely lame comedy,of the sort spawned by production requirements that one film a week be shipped out to the theatres.It just goes to show that you can have great talents but if you do not have a good script there is no likelihood that you will have a good film.Guy Kibee as usual plays a business man flirting with a younger woman,Zasu Pitts as so often plays the fretful wife and Edward Everett Horton plays Edward Everett Horton.Ross Alexander sings,if that is his own voice,a rather pleasant song.So the best that you can say about this film is that at 66 minutes it doesn't linger around too long.

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