Frankenstein Reborn
Frankenstein Reborn
NR | 28 August 2005 (USA)
Frankenstein Reborn Trailers

The latest psychiatrist assigned to assess whether inmate Victor Frank is mentally fit to stand trial for murder gives up in frustration and so the asylum head Dr Robert Walton steps in to do the job. Frank tells Walton his story. He was a scientist experimenting in the field of nanotechnology. Using nanobots that were capable of rebuilding the human body, Frank and his team had great success in helping the crippled, wheelchair-ridden Bryce Daniels regain use of his faculties. But then Bryce started to become unstable...

Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.

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The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.

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This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.

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Let me start by saying this: If you get the chance, check out the movie.The writer/Director, Leigh Scott, seems to catch a lot of flack, particularly here on IMDb, and after seeing a good portion of his work now, it's unwarranted.It struck me about half way through that there are a LOT less cuts in it, than you normally see in a movie, but here's the thing, I'm not sure this is bad Directing/lack of planning. I think it's got more to do with the turn-around time that Asylum sets, rather than "poor Directing".The acting was above average, I'm a BIG Rhett Giles fan, after this. The man has charisma. You have gorgeous women, the majority of which are good/great actresses, too. And can any red-blooded man REALLY complain about decent amounts of nudity? It's a bonus.I liked the monster make-up, and the sfx blood/gore was about on par with movies of this budget.My one complaint was that it was nearly impossible to hear Rhett in the interrogation scenes, due to audio. I had to turn the TV up all the way. Still wasn't enough to take me out of it, though.That's mostly due to an excellent script, and a lead actor that could carry it. As I said, watch the movie if you get the chance. Don't assume it's terrible based on peoples' unwarranted Leigh Scott hate, or Asylum mockbuster tales. Is it perfect? No. Is it better than a LOT of other low-budget horror flicks? Absolutely.

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I was expecting little from Frankenstein Reborn, considering The Asylum's reputation. But while it is far from a good movie, as far as Asylum movies go it is not that bad. The monster is actually very menacing in disturbing in look, the opening scene is gory and really promises much and Thomas Downey, Joel Hebner and especially Rhett Giles, finally in a role that gives him something worthwhile to do, are remarkably good in their roles. Sadly, what the opening scene promises is not matched with the rest of the movie. Visually, Frankenstein Reborn is very amateurish, the settings look as though they are somebody's basement, the camera work is rushed-looking and tries to do too much that you don't feel any connection with anything you see and the effects are very cheaply rendered. The music is overbearing, poorly utilised and is not fitting with the rest of the film at all. As a consequence, the scares and tension are further severely diluted. The script has very little of interest, it is very talky and a lot of it reads of aimless exposition. It is cringe-worthy in a cheesy sense also. I knew that Frankenstein Reborn was not going to be faithful to Mary Shelley's story, Asylum movie adaptations never have been, so that wasn't an issue. However, the predictable way the story is told, the many sluggish and needless scenes and the unoriginal and non-scary killings really let the side down. The gore is not so bad visuals-wise, but does little to enhance the atmosphere, which generally just wasn't there. The characters are ones I found myself indifferent to, other than the monster, Victor and Robert they are annoying. The rest of the acting is very bland and passionless. Overall, not a good movie but not a really bad one either, it promised much and does try hard but with largely disappointing results. 4/10 Bethany Cox

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when i see a movie review with such polarized opinion, i want to give it a chance. i bought this as a previously viewed DVD from a national video rental chain and only paid $5. not worth the $5. all the bad has been said already.the acting is about on the par of a softcore film on cinemax. bleh. the only thing i liked about it (maybe didn't dislike is more appropriate) is that the actresses in this movie are pleasing to look at.i didn't think i would be getting a great movie here and biy was i right. the worst movie i have seen a quite sometime.this one's going in the garage sale pile.

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This would have been a nice low-budget horror movie. I enjoyed Rhett Giles rendition of the good doctor. Only thing that bothered me was during the dialog, the score would annoyingly drown it out. I kept having to turn the sound up and down and I still couldn't catch all of what was said. Movie makers take note, please add English subtitles so we can read the dialog if we can't hear it over the crappy score. Whoever did the sound for that movie should never be allowed to mix again! Other than the lousy sound, the actors did fine and were believable enough (except for that part with the little girl not being scared!) for a horror movie. The violence and gore were over the top, the way I like it and the monster looked just great! I wish more of the Frankensteins looked as good as he did. Please, if you otherwise have an OK movie, don't ruin it with bad sound and do add subtitles.

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