Forever Evil
Forever Evil
| 06 October 1987 (USA)
Forever Evil Trailers

The sole survivor of a backwoods massacre investigates the incident with the help of a photographer and a police officer. Soon, it becomes clear that they're up against nothing less than an ancient god!


Truly Dreadful Film

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How sad is this?

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a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Freeman Williams and cast were all part of the Texas Renaissance Festival many years ago (I was a wench), and Freeman told me late one night after too much mead about his desire to film this movie - a remake, no less, of another really cheesy horror film - and... oh, boy!I loved it! But then... I know the inside jokes... and I just about wet my pants laughing each time another schlock death occurred...This is a popcorn film, folks, don't take it seriously, take it for what it was written for - Freeman wanted it to appear on USA latenight with - gad, what was her name, the vampy looking woman with the wild black wig? Elvira? And that's really where it belonged! This was great!

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LOL! Man, I recently bought this movie, because I saw some old promos for USA's Saturday Nightmares, and this movie was in one of the intros. I vaguely remembered it, and after viewing it again I can see why.While the movie itself, is forgettable, the effects and acting are hilarious. It's one of those, great, cheesy ass horror films from the middle, to late 1980's that is, unintenionally funny. Forever Evil, is like a cheap, rip off of "The Evil Dead", with horrible effects. I'd only suggest this film to those who, truly enjoy a cheesy horror films from the 1980's. Younger viewers and people looking for a good horror film, don't waste your time, but if you love awesomely bad 'B' horror films from the 1980's this is right up your alley

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My dear Aunt Lucille, may she rest in peace, always told me that if I don't have something nice to say, then I'd best say nothing at all. With those wise words in mind, I will retain a humble silence while you enter your neighborhood movie rental store and approach the counter with this pissant excuse for a supernatural horror film. That's right. I'm not going to say a single word while you shake your head in disbelief as a girl gets dragged into the night by A SINGLE FLIMSY STICK. Nope. I'll hold my tongue throughout the scenes of a rubber-mask-zombie wreaking very minor havoc upon characters you wish would die in pain and fear.I'll politely refrain from commenting on how the folks who made this seem to have read someplace that THE EVIL DEAD was a virtual no-budget project, and, being aware of the considerable buzz which that film generated, decided to utilize a 3-day weekend to concoct this pallid "homage". And when the "surprise ending" comes around, don't expect my opinion to be forthcoming...I'll just sit quietly and listen as you hurl expletives at the video box. 2.5/10. But I'm not saying a damn thing.

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The box of this film proudly claims "WARNING:Not for the squeamish!Explicit violence and gore.Don't see it alone!".I think that it should be "Don't see it alone,because it is so incredibly awful!".Everything here:the acting,direction,and production design look straight out of a gradeschool play.There's bad music,bad effects and some of the most moronic dialogue I have ever heard.Lots of cheesy gore(especially the birth scene-I'm sure that this is a doll!)to satisfy the most undemanding gore-freaks.The first thirty minutes is a total rip-off of "The Evil Dead"(1982).Avoid this one like the plague-it's really an utter trash!

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